Publications of Anton Schick

Research Articles:


A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Uniform convergence of convolution estimators for the response density in nonparametric regression.
Bernoulli 19 (2013), 2250--2276.
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O. Y. Savchuk and A. Schick.
Density estimation for power transformations.
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 25 (2013), 545--559.

H. Peng and A. Schick.
Empirical likelihood approach to goodness of fit testing.
Bernoulli 19 (2013), 954-981.
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U. U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Non-standard behavior of density estimators for functions of independent observations.
Communications in Statistics, Theory and Methods 42 (2013), 2291-2300.
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U. U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Variance bounds for estimators in autoregressive models with constraints.
Statistics, 47 (2013), 477-493.
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A. Schick.
Weighted least squares estimation with missing responses: An empirical likelihood approach.
Electronic Journal of Statistics, 7 (2013), 932-945.


H. L. Koul, U. U. Müller and A. Schick.
The transfer principle: a tool for complete case analysis.
Annals of Statistics, 60 (2012), 3031-3047.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Convergence in weighted $L_1$-norms of convolution estimators for the response density in nonparametric regression.
Journal of the Indian Statistical Association. 50 (2012) 241-261.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
On efficient estimation of densities for sums of squared observations.
Statistics & Probability Letters 82 (2012) 1637-1640.
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U. U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Estimating the error distribution function in semiparametric additive regression models.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 142 (2012) 552--566.
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U. U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Optimal plug-in estimators for multivariate distributions with conditionally independent components.
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 23 (2011) 1031-1050.
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A. Schick, Y. Wang and W. Wefelmeyer
Tests for normality based on density estimators of convolutions.
Statistics & Probability Letters, 81 (2011), 337-343.
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P. E. Greenwood, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Estimating the inter-arrival time density in Markov renewal processes under structural assumptions on the transition distribution.
Statistics & Probability Letters, 81 (2011), 277-282.
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A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Non-standard behavior of density estimators for sums of squared observations.
Statistics & Decisions, 27 (2009), 55-73.
Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich/Germany .

H. Peng and A. Schick.
Improving efficient marginal estimators in bivariate models with parametric marginals.
Statistics & Probability Letters, 79 (2009), 2437-2442.
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A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Improved density estimators for invertible linear processes.
Communications in Statistics -- Theory and Methods, 38 (2009), 3123-3147.
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A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Plug-in estimators for higher-order transition densities in autoregression.
ESAIM: Probability & Statistics, 13 (2009), 135-151.
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U. U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Estimating the error distribution function in nonparametric regression with multivariate covariates.
Statistics & Probability Letters, 79 (2009), 957-964.
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J. Du and A. Schick.
A covariate-matched estimator of the error variance in nonparametric regression.
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 21 (2009), 263-285.
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U. U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Estimating the innovation distribution in nonparametric autoregression.
Probability Theory and Related Fields, 144 (2009), 53-77.
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A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Convergence rates of density estimators for sums of powers of observations.
Metrika, 69 (2009), 249-264.
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U. U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Estimators for alternating nonlinear autoregression.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 100 (2009), 266-277.
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A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Some developments in semiparametric models.
Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 2 (2008), 475-491.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Root-n consistency in weighted L1-spaces for density estimators of invertible linear processes.
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 11 (2008), 281-310.

U. U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Estimators For Partially Observed Markov Chains.
September 2006. Revised December 2006.
In: Statistical Models and Methods for Biomedical and Technical Systems (F. Vonta, M. Nikulin, N. Limnios and C. Huber, eds.), (2008), 419-433, Birkhäuser, Boston 2008.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Convergence rates in weighted L1 spaces of kernel density estimators for linear processes.
ALEA, 4 (2008) 117-129.

U. U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Optimality of estimators for misspecified semi-Markov models.
Stochastics, 80 (2008) 181-196.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Prediction in moving average processes.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138 (2008) 694-707.


J. Du and A. Schick.
Root-n consistency and functional central limit theorems for estimators of derivatives of convolutions of densities.
International Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, 2 (2007) 67-87.

U. U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Inference for alternating time series.
In: Recent Advances in Stochastic Modeling and Data Analysis (C. H. Skiadas, ed.), 589-596, World Scientific, Singapore 2007.

U. U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer
Estimating the error distribution function in semiparametric regression.
Statistics & Decisions, 25 (2007), 1-18.
Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag, Munich/Germany

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Uniformly root-n consistent density estimators for weakly dependent invertible linear processes.
Annals of Statistics, 35 (2007), 815-843.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Prediction in invertible linear processes.
Statistics & Probability Letters 77 (2007), 1322-1331.
Science Direct

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Root-n consistent density estimators of convolutions in weighted L1-norms.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137 (2007) 1765-1774.


U. U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer
Efficient prediction for linear and nonlinear autoregressive models.
Annals of Statistics, 34 (2006), 2496-2533.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Pointwise convergence rates and central limit theorems for kernel density estimators in linear processes.
Statistics & Probability Letters 76 (2006), 1756-1760.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Efficient estimators for time series.
In: Frontiers in Statistics (J. Fan and H. L. Koul, eds.), 45-62, Imperial College Press, London 2006.

U.U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Imputing responses that are not missing.
In Probability, Statistics and Modelling in Public Health (M. Nikulin, D. Commenges and C. Huber, eds.), 350-363. Springer, New York 2006.


H. Peng and A. Schick.
Efficient estimation of linear functionals of a bivariate distribution with equal, but unknown, marginals: The least squares approach.
Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 95 (2005), 385-409.

U.U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Weighted residual-based density estimators for nonlinear autoregressive models.
Statistica Sinica, 15 (2005), 177-195.


H. Peng and A. Schick.
Efficient estimation of linear functionals of a bivariate distribution with equal, but unknown, marginals: The minimum chi-square approach.
Statistics & Decisions, 22 (2004), 301-318.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Root n consistent density estimators for sums of independent random variables.
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics , 16 (2004), 925-935.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Functional convergence and optimality of plug-in estimators for stationary densities of moving average processes.
Bernoulli, 10 (2004), 889-917.

H. Peng and A. Schick. Estimation of linear functionals of bivariate distributions with parametric marginals.
Statistics & Decisions, 22 (2004), 61-77.

U.U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Estimating functionals of the error distribution in parametric and nonparametric regression.
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 16 (2004), 525-548.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Estimating invariant laws of linear processes by U-statistics.
Annals of Statistics, 32 (2004), 603-632.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Root-n consistent and optimal density estimators for moving average processes.
Scand. J. Statist., 31 (2004), 63-78.

S. Penev, H. Peng, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Efficient estimators for functionals of Markov chains with parametric marginals.
Statistics & Probability Letters, 66 (2004), 335-345.

U.U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Estimating linear functionals of the error distribution in nonparametric regression.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 119 (2004), 75-93.


H.L. Koul and A. Schick.
Testing for superiority among two regression curves.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 117 (2003), 15-33.

A. Schick.
Efficient estimation in a semiparametric heteroscedastic autoregressive model.
In: Crossing Boundaries: Statistical Essays in Honor of Jack Hall. (J. E. Kolassa and D. Oakes, eds).
IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, 43 (2003), 69-86, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Beachwood, Ohio.

J. Forrester, W. Hooper, H. Peng and A. Schick.
On the construction of efficient estimators in semiparametric models.
Statistics & Decisions, 21 (2003), 109-138.

U.U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Estimating the error variance in nonparametric regression by a covariate-matched U-statistic.
Statistics, 37 (2003), 179-188.


A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Efficient estimation in invertible linear processes.
Mathematical Methods of Statistics, 11 (2002), 358-379.

H. Peng and A. Schick.
On efficient estimation of linear functionals of a bivariate distribution with known marginals.
Statistics and Probability Letters, 59 (2002), 83-91.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Estimating the innovation distribution in nonlinear autoregressive models.
Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 54 (2002), 245-260.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Estimating joint distributions of Markov chains.
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 5 (2002), 1-22.


P.E. Greenwood, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Inference for semiparametric models: Some questions and an answer - Comments.
Statistica Sinica, 11 (2001), 892-906.

U.U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Plug-in estimators in semiparametric stochastic process models.
Selected Proceedings of the Symposium on Inference in Stochastic Processes (I.V. Basawa, C.C. Heyde and R.L. Taylor, eds).
IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series, 37 (2001), 213-234, Institute of Mathematical Statistics, Hayward, California.

U.U. Müller, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Improved estimators for constrained Markov chain models.
Statistics and Probability Letters, 54 (2001), 427-435.

M. Kessler, A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
The information in the marginal law of a Markov chain.
Bernoulli, 7 (2001), 243-266.

A. Schick.
Sample splitting with Markov chains.
Bernoulli, 7 (2001), 33-61.

A. Schick.
On asymptotic differentiability of averages.
Statistics and Probability Letters, 51 (2001), 15-23.


A. Schick and Q. Yu.
Consistency of the GMLE with mixed case interval-censored data.
Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 27 (2000), 45-55.


A. Schick.
Efficient estimation in a semiparametric additive autoregressive model.
Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes, 2 (1999), 69-98.

A. Schick and W. Wefelmeyer.
Efficient estimation of invariant distributions of some semiparametric Markov chain models.
Mathematical Methods of Statistics, 8 (1999), 426-440.

H.L. Koul and A. Schick.
Inference about the ratio of scale parameters in a two-sample setting with current status data.
Statistics and Probability Letters, 45 (1999), 359-369.

T.C. Lin, M. Pourahmadi and A. Schick.
Regression models with time series errors.
Journal of Time Series Analysis, 20 (1999), 425-433.

A. Schick.
Efficient estimation in a semiparametric additive regression model with ARMA errors.
In: Asymptotics, Nonparametrics, and Time Series, S. Ghosh ed. (1999), 395-425. Marcel Dekker, New York.

A. Schick.
Improving weighted least squares estimates in heteroscedastic linear regression when the variance is a function of the mean response.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 76 (1999), 127-144.

A. Schick
Efficient estimation of a shift in nonparametric regression.
Statistics & Probability Letters, 41 (1999), 287-301.


Q. Yu, A. Schick, L. Li and G.Y.C. Wong.
Asymptotic properties of the GMLE in the case 1 interval-censorship model with discrete inspection times.
Canadian Journal of Statistics, 26 (1998), 619-627.

A. Schick.
An adaptive estimator of the autocorrelation coefficient in regression models with autoregressive errors.
Journal of Time Series Analysis, 15 (1998), 575-589.

A. Schick.
Estimating a shift in nonparametric regression via U-statistics.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 67 (1998), 259-271.

Q. Yu, A. Schick, L. Li and G.Y.C. Wong.
Asymptotic properties of the GMLE with case 2 interval-censored data.
Statistics & Probability Letters, 37 (1998), 223-228.


H.L. Koul and A. Schick.
Testing for the equality of two nonparametric regression curves.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 65 (1997), 293-314.

H.L. Koul and A. Schick.
Efficient estimation in nonlinear autoregressive time series models.
Bernoulli, 3 (1997), 247-277.

A. Schick.
On U-statistics with random kernels.
Statistics & Probability Letters, 34 (1997), 275-284.

A. Schick.
Efficient estimates in linear and nonlinear regression with heteroscedastic errors.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 58 (1997), 371-387.


A. Schick.
Root-n consistent estimation in a random coefficient autoregressive model.
The Australian Journal of Statistics, 38 (1996), 155-160.

H.L. Koul and A. Schick.
Adaptive estimation in a random coefficient autoregressive model.
Annals of Statistics, 24 (1996), 1025-1052.

A. Schick.
Root-n consistent and efficient estimation in semiparametric additive regression models.
Statistics and Probability Letters, 30 (1996), 45-51.

A. Schick.
Efficient estimation in a semiparametric additive regression model with autoregressive errors.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 61 (1996), 339-361.

A. Schick.
Root-n consistent estimation in partly linear regression models.
Statistics and Probability Letters, 28 (1996), 353-358.

S. Choi, W.J. Hall and A. Schick.
Asymptotically uniformly most powerful tests in parametric and semiparametric models.
Annals of Statistics, 24 (1996), 841-861.

A. Schick.
Weighted least squares estimates in partly linear regression models.
Statistics and Probability Letters, 27 (1996), 281-287.


A. Schick.
Estimation of the autocorrelation coefficient in the presence of a regression trend.
Statistics and Probability Letters, 21 (1994), 371-380.

A. Schick.
Efficient estimation in regression models with unknown scale functions.
Mathematical Methods of Statistics, 3 (1994), 171-212.


A. Schick.
On efficient estimation in regression models.
Annals of Statistics, 21 (1993), 1486-1521. Correction and Addendum 23 (1995),1862-1863.


R.A. Johnson, C.H. Morrell and A. Schick.
Two sample nonparametric estimation and confidence intervals under truncation.
Biometrics, 48 (1992), 1043-56.


K.G. Mehrotra, A. Schick and P. Jackson.
On choosing an optimally trimmed mean.
Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 20 (1991), 73-80.


A. Schick and V. Susarla.
Inference with paired data and partial control.
Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 19 (1990), 3901-3913.

A. Schick and V. Susarla.
An infinite dimensional convolution theorem with applications to random censoring and missing data models.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 24 (1990), 13-23.

K.G. Mehrotra, A. Schick and V. Susarla.
Estimation in two sample type II censoring models.
Statistics and Probability Letters, 8 (1990), 13-22.


A. Schick, V. Susarla and H.L. Koul.
Efficient estimation of functionals with censored data.
Statistics and Decisions , 6 (1988), 349-360.

A. Schick.
On estimation in LAMN families when there are nuisance parameters present.
Sankhya, 50 (1988), Series A, 249-268.

A. Schick and V. Susarla.
Efficient estimation in some missing data problems.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 19 (1988), 217-228.


A. Schick and V. Susarla.
A k-sample problem with censored data.
In Mathematical Statistics and Probability Theory, Volume B, Statistical Inference and Methods. P. Bauer, F. Konecny and W. Wertz, eds., (1987) 215-230. Reidel, Dordrecht.

A. Schick.
A note on the construction of asymptotically linear estimators.
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 16 (1987), 89-105. Correction (1989), 22, 269-270.


A. Schick.
On asymptotically efficient estimation in semiparametric models.
Annals of Statistics, 14 (1986), 1139-1151.

Book Reviews:

A. Schick.
A Review of ``Efficient and Adaptive Estimation for Semiparametric Models''.
Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89 (1994), 1565-1566.

Homepage of Anton Schick
Preprints of Anton Schick
Last updated December 31, 2010