Salaries Data Set

The data contains information on faculty salaries for 1161 American colleges and universities. Faculty salary data are for the 1993-94 school year.

The data has been taken from the StatLib-Datasets Archive. It is the data set named colleges . The StatLib is at the Department of Statistics at Carnegie Mellon University.


Fixed column format with two data lines per school

1 FICE (Federal ID number)

2 College name

3 State (postal code)

4 Type (I, IIA, or IIB)

5 Average salary - full professors

6 Average salary - associate professors

7 Average salary - assistant professors

8 Average salary - all ranks

9 Average compensation - full professors

10 Average compensation - associate professors

11 Average compensation - assistant professors

12 Average compensation - all ranks

13 Number of full professors

14 Number of associate professors

15 Number of assistant professors

16 Number of instructors

18 Number of faculty - all ranks

All salary and compensation figures are yearly in $'s.