To promote better communication between the Department of
Sciences and its alumni, we are developing this newsletter. It will
news about our current and retired faculty, and news about our
While we certainly know who graduated in each year, it is not so easy
to get
current information, so if you are one of our alumni, please get in
and tell us about yourself. We'd like to know where you work now, what
position is, and we would like to make a link to your webpages if you
a website. Just to start the ball rolling, here is some current news
about our faculty and alumni.
Prof. Omar Saldarriaga, who earned his Ph.D. in 2004 under the direction of Alex Feingold, has been an Assistant Professor at William Patterson University in Wayne, NJ. He wrote a paper based on his thesis which was recently accepted for publication in the Journal of Algebra. Omar and his wife, Diana, have one son, Sebastian. He has recently moved back to Colombia, South America.
Michael Weiner earned his Ph.D. in 1994 under the direction of Alex Feingold. He is currently a tenured associate professor at the Altoona campus of Pennsylvania State University. Mike and his wife, Roberta, have one son, Joshua. In March, 2004, Mike received the George W. Atherton Award for Excellence in Teaching. The Atherton Award is a university-wide teaching award that is universally recognized as the highest honor available for excellence in teaching at Penn State University. Mike Weiner joined award winner Doug Brown as the second member of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Penn State Altoona to win this prestigious teaching award.
Also tenured associate professors at the Altoona campus of Pennsylvania State University, are Victor Brunsden (Ph.D. 1995 under the direction of Thomas Farrell)) and Karl Lorensen ( Ph.D. 1997 under the direction of Peter Hilton).
Xiaodong (Sheldon) Wang earned his Ph.D. in 1997 under the direction of Shelemyahu Zacks. He is currently working as a statistician for Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Clinical Affairs Department, Raritan, NJ/. He and his wife, Huiling Li, have two children, Emily and Kevin.
Hanxiang Peng (Ph.D. 2001 under the direction of Anton Schick) has received tenure and promotion to Associate Professor at the University of Mississippi to be effective this fall. He will be visiting Prof. Schick for two weeks this summer to work on some ongoing projects.
Jeff Forrester (Ph.D. 2001 under the direction of Anton Schick) spent several years at Vanderbilt University as a research assistant. Last year he joined the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA, as a visiting faculty member. Starting this fall he will continue his employment there in a tenure-track position. Dickinson College is a small liberal arts school located in south central Pennsylvania (about 2½ hours from Binghamton) with a full time faculty of 6 mathematics and 4 computer science professors.
Natasha Jonoska (PhD 1993 under the direction of Tom Head) has the title Professor of Mathematics at the University of South Florida. The international community for research in DNA-Computing initiated in 2000 an annual award, the Yellow Tulip Award, for contributions to DNA computing. Natasha was presented with this award for the year 2007. In addition to writing numerous papers in dynamical systems, formal language theory, and wet lab technology of DNA, she has co-edited two distinguished volumes: Nanotechnology: Science and Computation, Springer-Verlag (2006) and Aspects of Molecular Computing, Springer LNCS (2004). She was also an organizer for Knotting Mathematics and Art: A Conference in Low Dimensional Topology and Mathematical Art, University of South Florida, Tampa, Nov. 1-4, 2007. Natasha will present a talk on ``RNA-Guided DNA Rearrangements and Virtual Knots" at a conference on Algorithmic Bioprocesses, Dec. 3-7, 2007, in the Lorentz Center, Leiden University. Her former advisor, Tom Head, will also give a talk on ``Aqueous Computing: Out of the Water and into the Light".
John Harrison (PhD 1993 under the direction of Tom Head) has the title Associate Professor of Mathematics & Computer Science at Wilkes University. John served as Associate Dean of the College of Arts, Sciences, and Professional Studies from 2000-2004. He continues to contribute to the undergraduate and graduate programs in Mathematics, Computer Science, and Computer Information Sciences. He continues his research activities and has has published several papers in formal language theory.
Arthur Weinberger (PhD 1998 under the direction of Tom Head) now has an advanced position at Google in California. PhD thesis, Reducing Fuzzy Algebra to Classical Algebra, was published in its entirety as the first research paper in the inaugural issue of the new journal: New Mathematics and Natural Computing, Vol.1 No.1 (2005). Since completing his PhD he has worked in aspects of industrial, computational, and statistical mathematics.
6-16-2008: Elizabeth (Laun) Goode (PhD 1999 under the co-direction of Tom Head and Dennis Pixton) is a tenured Associate Professor of Mathematics at Towson University. She continues to contribute to the undergraduate and graduate programs in Mathematics. She continues to be active in research in formal languages & DNA and has initiated students into publications via joint activities.
Dan Clouse (PhD 2002 under the direction of Fernando Guzman) has been working for the Department of Defense at Ft. Meade, MD. He is married to Rebecca Clouse, who is a PhD candidate at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. They live in Annapolis, MD. Dan sometimes visits Prof. Guzman to pursue some research topics.
Jichang Du (PhD, Fall 2007 under the direction of Anton Schick) has taken a position as Senior Biostatistician with the pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline in the Philadelphia area.
Hanxiang Peng (PhD 2001 under the direction of Anton Schick) has been awarded an NSF Grant for his proposal entitled "Theil-Sen Estimators in Semiparametric Mixed Models".
William J. Hopper (PhD 2001 under the direction of Anton Schick) is working as a Statistician in the Research and Development Department of Church & Dwight Co., Inc. in Princeton, New Jersey.
Xueqin Wang (PhD 2003 under the direction of Qiqing Yu) is a full professor in the school of mathematics and computational science, Sun Yat-Sen University, P. R. China. He holds a joint position as a full professor of Bioinformatics in the Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-Sen University. He is also the principal investigator of the Lab of Statistical Genetics. Before joining the faculty of Sun Yat-Sen University, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the Collaborative Center for Statistics in Science, Yale University School of Medicine. Thanks to Prof. Hanxiang Peng (Email: for sending us this news.
Jennifer (Every) Sassano, Mathematics Coordinator, Dominican College, 470 Western Highway, Orangeburg, NY 10962, (Email:, was a graduate student in our department in 1989-91. She left to relocate and ended up finishing her doctorate at Teachers College, Columbia University. She has been a full-time faculty member at Dominican College in Rockland County, NY, for the past 16 years and she is now the Coordinator Of Mathematics.
Bronlyn Wassink defended her Ph.D. thesis, written under the direction of Matt Brin, on April 11, 2008. Next year she will have a tenure-track position as an assistant professor at Utica College in Utica, NY.
Silvia Millan-Vossler, who came to Binghamton in Fall 2001 with a BA in 1994 from University Puebla, Mexico, defended her Ph.D. thesis in Spring 2008, written under the direction of Thomas Farrell. Her dissertation was entitled ``The Whitehead Group and the Lower Algebraic K-Theory of Braid Groups on S2 and RP2.
6-16-2008: Aaron Pixton is not really an alumnus, although he took a number of graduate math courses at Binghamton when he was in high school. Aaron just completed his undergraduate math degree at Princeton, with highest honors. While at Princeton he was a Putnam Fellow three times; he also wrote five research papers (one published, two accepted, two submitted). Aaron has been awarded a Churchill Scholarship to spend one year of graduate study at Cambridge. After that he will enter the graduate program at Princeton.
August 6: 2008: During the summer of 2008, a number of graduate students completed and defended their Ph.D. theses. Congratulations to these students and their advisers:
12-8-2008: Elizabeth A. Lamprecht, PhD, Professor and Chair, Adrian College Mathematics Department, Adrian, Michigan, completed her PhD in December 1994 under the direction of Shelemyahu Zacks. She is presently a Professor and Chair of the Mathematics Department at Adrian College in southeastern Michigan. Adrian is a liberal arts college of about 1400 students. In fall 2007, she oversaw the renovation and dedication of the Cynthia T. Bosio Mathematics Lab. This lab is named in honor of her colleague who lost her battle with cancer in January 2007. She is presently studying the life and contributions of George Polya and will give a presentation on this topic in the Adrian College Faculty Lecture Series in February 2009. She can be reached at
1-27-2009: On January 6, 2009, Aaron Pixton Received the 2009 AMS-MAA-SIAM Morgan Prize for outstanding research in Mathematics by an undergraduate student. The Frank and Brennie Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research in Mathematics by an Undergraduate Student recognizes and encourages outstanding mathematical research by undergraduate students. It was endowed by Mrs. Frank Morgan of Allentown, Pennsylvania. The citation for the award is as follows.
Aaron Pixton is the winner of the 2009 Morgan Prize for Outstanding Research by an Undergraduate Student. The award is based on five impressive papers in addition to his Princeton senior thesis. One of Pixton's papers has already appeared in the Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, two others have been accepted by Forum Mathematicum and the International Journal of Number Theory, and two others have been submitted. In addition to being creative, Pixton's work spans a remarkable range of topics, including combinatorial number theory, modular forms, algebraic topology, and Gromov-Witten invariants. Pixton participated in Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) programs at Cornell University, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and the University of Minnesota Duluth, and wrote interesting papers at all three. One of his mentors described his ``ability to digest current research papers, to formulate interesting questions ..., and within a week's time, to start solving [them]" as ``simply astonishing" and considers his work as ``probably stronger than many Ph.D. dissertations." Another mentor describes the ``depth and breadth" of his papers as ``amazing."
Biographical Note: Aaron Pixton was born in Binghamton, New York, and has lived in nearby Vestal, New York, all his life. He was interested in mathematics from an early age, when he enjoyed reading recreational math books. His formal study of mathematics began when he took various math classes from Binghamton University during high school. Pixton spent the past four years studying mathematics at Princeton University, from which he graduated in June 2008. During this time period, Pixton took advantage of opportunities to work on original research both at Princeton during the school year and at REUs during the summers. Pixton is currently at the University of Cambridge doing Part III of the Mathematical Tripos. Next fall, he will be returning to Princeton to enter the Ph.D. program there, where he plans to study some combination of number theory and algebraic geometry. Pixton's nonmathematical diversions include playing chess, reading fantasy books, and watching his seven cats.
Darryl Daugherty got a teaching position at Lycoming College in Williamsport, PA.
Elizabeth Wilcox got a visiting position at Colgate University after graduating from our department.
Jamil Ferreira, who was in our graduate program for four years, and worked with Alex Feingold, sends some news about his current situation in Brazil. His work is at the Department of Mathematics of the Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto (Federal Univ. of Ouro Preto). There are several nice pictures of Ouro Preto in the internet. This town has been named as a cultural patrimonial of the humanity by UNESCO.
He has written (in Portugese) and published a book on the rigorous construction of various number systems. You could see some more information at Jamil's Book Information and then click on "A Construcão dos Números". The publisher is the Brazilian Math Society (Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática - SBM).
He is studying function fields and some applications to cryptography, but his main activity is still teaching algebra and analysis for math undergraduate students in the math major. Jamil is very happy to say that his has completed his Ph.D. in 2013.
His children: Iara (9) and Maíra (almost 7). They dance ballet, study music and practice swimming, besides regular school and lots of playing.
Collin Bleak, a student of Matt Brin, has taken a position as Lecturer at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.
Xiao Xiao, a student of Adrian Vasiu, graduated in May, 2011, and has taken a position as Assistant Professor at Utica College starting in Fall 2011. Xiao Xiao and his wife had their first child, son Sean, born on April 16, 2011.
5-18-2012: James Laurence Short was born at 12:59 pm on May 15th, 2012. Candace and Matt Short are incredibly excited, of course, and wish to share his smiles with our friends and family in our home department. Pictures are available upon request.
6-16-2012: Viji Thomas got married on Feb. 4, 2012 in Baroda. It was a traditional Indian Christian wedding with about 850 guests. His wife's name is Brittany Serafini (now Brittany Zachariah, as his church name is Zachariah). They got married at a second ceremony in Dushore, PA, on April 21, 2012. His wife will join him in India in Oct, 2012.
Viji has been a post-doc at the Tata Institute of Fundamental Research since September 2010. He will be there until September 2012. After that he will be going to the Kerala School of Mathematics, where his collaborator from Spain will join him for a year, and they will be working together on a problem. Even though The Kerala School is a new research institute, it is historical. It is historical because at this location, mathematicians had done work in Calculus about 2 centuries before it was done in Europe. So a lot of Calculus was done by this school in Kerala. This institute is supposed to be built at the same location where this historic school was located centuries ago. You can read about this historic school here : Keraia School of Astronomy and Mathematics
Viji and his wife, Brittany, are proud to announce the birth of their daughter, Evelyn Grace
Zachariah, on January 18, 2014. A picture of all three of them is here:
Viji is currently an Assistant Professor at the Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Thiruvananthapuram (IISER TVM). Thiruvananthapuram is the capital of the South indian state Kerala. Kerala figures in the national geographic's list of top 10 tourist places in the world. In the last 5 years, the Indian government started up 5 institutes of national importance in 5 cities of India, and IISER TVM is one of them.
7-30-2012: Quincy Loney, a student of Alex Feingold, defended his dissertation on July 30, 2012. He taught in the Mathematics Department at SUNY Cortland from Fall 2011 to Spring 2013, but since Fall 2013 he has been teaching at a tutorial center at Cornell University.
Keith Jones (Binghamton PhD 2010, student of Ross Geoghegan), after two postdoctoral years at Trinity College CT, has been appointed Assistant Professor at SUNY Oneonta.
Nic Koban (Binghamton PhD 2004, student of Ross Geoghegan), recently received tenure and was promoted to Associate Professor at University of Maine, Farmington.
Dirk Schuetz (Binghamton PhD 2001, student of Ross Geoghegan), has been promoted to the rank of Reader at University of Durham, England.
Donco Dimovski, (Binghamton PhD 1983, student of Ross Geoghegan), professor at the University of Sts. Cyril and Methodius in Skopje, Macedonia, has been elected to the Macedonian Academy of Sciences.
7-15-2012: Prof. Natasha Jonoska (Ph.D. in Mathematics, B.U., 1993, supervised by Tom Head) held an NSF funded Workshop, "Discrete and Topological Models in Molecular Biology", at her home institution, March 12-14, 2012, U. South Florida, Tampa. Her co-hosts were Alessandra Carbone, U. Paris P. & M. Curie, and Reidun Twarock, U. of York, U.K. The same three scientists also held a special session with the same title at the 1079th AMS Meeting in Tampa, March 10-11, 2012.
4-24-2013: Christopher Mauriello, a student of Alex Feingold, defended his dissertation on April 24, 2013, and was granted his degree at the Commencement ceremony in May 2013.
Rigoberto Florez, who came to Binghamton in Fall 2000 with a MA from Universidad Nacional, Colombia, in 1998. His BA was from Universidad de Antioquia in 1995. Adviser: Professor Thomas Zaslavsky. Dissertation (2005): Four Studies in the Geometry of Biased Graphs. Placements: Assistant Professor, Univ. of South Carolina, Sumter, 2005-2011. Associate Professor, Univ. of South Carolina, Sumter, 2011-2012. Assistant Professor, The Citadel, Charleston, South Carolina, 2012-Present. He received the Outstanding Faculty Scholarship Award 2010-11. Awarded by University of South Carolina Sumter and the Sumter Partnership of the USC Educational Foundation. See his webpage: Rigoberto Florez Website
5-5-2014: Prof. Natasha Jonoska (Ph.D. in Mathematics, B.U., 1993, supervised by Tom Head) has edited a new Springer volume entitled "Discrete and Topological Models in Molecular Biology" (2014), 524p.
11-25-2014: Natasha Jonoska (PhD 1993 under the direction of Tom Head) Professor of Mathematics at the University of South Florida (USF), has been named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Election as an AAAS Fellow is an honor bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers. Dr. Natasha Jonoska is being honored as part of the Mathematics section for her distinguished contributions to theoretical analysis and experimental verifications in nanoscience, particularly for advancements in understanding information processing in molecular self-assembly. Jonoska is a professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics and has been at USF since 1993. Her research interests are in theoretical and computational models of bio-molecular processes and molecular self-assembly. For over 10 years her research has relied on close collaborations with experimentalists in molecular biology and structural DNA nano technology. She holds Bachelor of Science degrees in both mathematics and computer science from the Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Macedonia and a Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences from Binghamton University, the State University of New York. She was been awarded the Tulip Award in DNA Computing and Molecular Programming by the International Society for Nanoscale Science and Computing in 2007, and has been named a Pascal Professor at Leiden University in the Netherlands for 2015.
6-30-2016: Joshua Palmatier (Ph.D. 2005 under the direction of Fernando Guzman), Professor of Mathematics at SUNY Oneonta, was recently featured in an article in our local newspaper, The Press and Sun-Bulletin. A copy of the article can be viewed using the following link: Palmatier news article.
8-24-2017: Xiaolei Wu (Ph.D. 2014 under the direction of F. Thomas Farrell), did his first postdoc at the Free University of Berlin for 15 months, and then went to the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn until the end of summer 2017. Next he will be a postdoc at University of Bonn for another two years. He has enjoyed his stay at Germany. Mathematically, he learned a lot of new mathematics and wrote some nice papers on the Farrell-Jones Conjecture, homology stablity and finiteness of classifying spaces. Personal news: He got married in 2014, 3 months after graduating from Binghamton. His daughter, Chloe, was born in April 2017. So it has been a quite fruitful three-year period for him. You can find more information about what he did in Mathematics on his homepage: Homepage of Xiaolei Wu.
9-3-2017: Matt Chartan (BS 82, MA 84 - Pure Mathematics) recently reconnected with Prof. Alex Feingold while dropping his daughter off at Binghamton for the start of her sophomore year. Prof. Feingold taught the Linear Algebra (Math 142 back then) class that Matt took in 1979. After graduation, Matt moved back to Long Island, and has been teaching high school math ever since. Matt has spent most of his career teaching AP Calculus at Cold Spring Harbor High School. In addition to his regular teaching responsibilities, Matt was Chairman of the Math Department for 3 years and President of the Teacher's Union for 10 years.
Ross Geoghegan, Bartle Professor of Mathematics, gave a one-hour Seminar talk at the Univeristy of Goettingen, Germany, June 2011. He also gave a one-hour talk at the Conference on Topology, Embeddings, and Attractors, University of Warwick at their Centre in Venice, Italy, June 2011.
Alex Feingold was a co-organizer along with Antun Milas (SUNY-Albany), of the Special Session ``Kac-Moody Lie Algebras, Vertex Algebras, and Related Topics", at the Fall 2011 Sectional meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Cornell University, Sept. 10-11, 2011.
Ross Geoghegan, Bartle Professor of Mathematics, gave a 20-minute talk at the Special session on Geometric Group Theory, organized by E. Freidan and E. Swenson at the October 2011 meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Salt Lake City UT.
A conference honoring the mathematical contribution of our colleague F. T. Farrell, on the occasion of his 70th birthday, will take place June 11-15, 2012 in Samos, Greece. More information about this conference can be found at the following website: Geometry and Topology in Samos. Further information about the research of Prof. Farrell can be found on the following website: Farrell-Jones Conjecture.
Alex Feingold attended a conference, ``Perspectives in Representation Theory", in celebration of the 60th birthday of Igor Frenkel, May 12-15, 2012, at Yale University.
Alex Feingold has an exhibition of some of his mathematical sculptures at the Broome County Public Library, Court Street, Binghamton, NY, during June and July, 2012.
Alex Feingold has been invited to present a talk at the workshop, "Infinite dimensional Lie theory: algebra, geometry and combinatorics", August 21-24, 2012, at the Centre de recherches mathematiques (CRM), Montreal, Canada.
Alex Feingold has been invited to attend and present a talk at the conference, ``Symmetries, Unification and the Search for Quantum Gravity", A conference on the occasion of Hermann Nicolai's 60th birthday, Sept. 6-8, 2012, at the Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert Einstein Institute), Potsdam, Germany.
Ross Geoghegan, Bartle Professor of Mathematics, gave one-hour talks at the following conferences: Geometry and Topology in Samos: Conference in honor of Tom Farrell, University of the Aegean, Samos, Greece, June 2012; Conference "Tripode", Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Lyon, France. June 2012; Geometry, Topology and Group Theory, Conference in honor of Valentin Poenaru, Autrans, France. July 2012; Groups in Action, Conference organized by University of Goettingen, Germany: held in Vercors, France. August 2012 (three hour talks).
A celebration in honor of the 80th birthday of Shelemyahu Zacks took place on October 15, 2012, in the Anderson Reading Room. A picture of those attending is below.
Alex Feingold was an invited visitor at the IHES (near Paris), May 19-31, 2013, at the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI, near Potsdam, Germany) June 1-20, 2013, and the conference on Representation Theory in Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 21-28, 2013. Alex has been invited back to IHES, and plans to be there May 17-31, 2014, followed by a visit to AEI, June 1-15, 2014.
Alex Feingold was an invited visitor at the IHES (near Paris), May 18-31, 2014, and at the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI, near Potsdam, Germany) June 1-22, 2014. He was an invited visitor at the University of Prague during part of the first week of June, and gave a talk at the Edouard Cech Institute. He was also an invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians 2014 Satellite Conference on "Representation Theory and Related Topics" at the Exco convention center, Daegu, South Korea, Aug 6-9, 2014.
5-12-2014: A conference in honor of the 70th birthday of Ross Geoghegan will took place at Ohio State University, June 16-20, 2014. See the following link for details of the conference: Ross Geoghegan Conference
Alex Feingold was an invited visitor at the IHES (near Paris), May 18-31, 2015, and at the Albert Einstein Institute (AEI, near Potsdam, Germany) June 1-16, 2015. He was an invited speaker at the conference on ``Generalizations of Symmetric Spaces", June 17-24, at the Nasholim Sea Resort, near Haifa, Israel. He was an invited visitor at the University of Köln, June 25-26, and at the the Max-Planck Institute for Mathematics in Bonn, Germany, June 27-28, for part of the Arbeitstagung. He will attend the conference in honor of the 70th birthdays of Jim Lepowsky and Robert Wilson at Notre Dame University, South Bend, Indiana, August 14-18, 2015.
Luise-Charlotte Kappe attended the conference Loops 2015 at Lake Ohrid in Macedonia, July 1-4, 2015. The picture below shows Luise with a reunion of Binghamton graduate students and some of their relatives. From left to right: Ilir Snopce, LCK, Zoran Sunic, wife of Donjo Dimovski (Natalie or Popeska?) and her grandson, Slobodan Tanusevski and Donco Dimovski. She also attended the Zassenhaus Conference 2015 which took place at Binghamton University, May 22-24, 2015. It was attended by over 50 people, including many of our former graduate students. A group picture of the participants is also shown below.
Wenyu Du, Ph.D. completed Spring 2015 under the direction of Aleksey Polunchenko, went on to become a Data Scientist at in Seattle, WA.
August, 2015: News Announcements from the Chairman, Anton Schick:
Retirements This Year: Tom Farrell, Betsy Perry, Kevin Klonoff, Mort Goldberg.
New Regular Faculty: This fall three new faculty members will join us. Vladislav Kargin is a probabilist whom we hired the year before and who elected to delay his arrival by a year. Zuofeng Shang is a statistician who was hired under our HSTAE line. Michael Dobbins is a combinatorialist. Our third hire, Jonathan Williams, has delayed his arrival to Fall 2016. He will be on a one-year postdoc position at the University of Texas for the AY 2015-2016.
Rileys: Joseph Brennan and Dan Vallieres have finished their three years as Rileys. Joe will be joining the University of Kansas in a capacity similar to the one Bill Kazmierczak is having with us. Dan Vallieres will be joining the University of Maine for a two-year postdoc position. The new Rileys are Jaiung Jun and Russell Ricks. Russell is a student of Ralf Spazier, this year's Peter Hilton Memorial Lecturer. Jaiung works in algebraic geometry and is a student of Caterina Consani (Johns Hopkins).
More On Postdocs: We have created a new teaching postdoc position to replace Kevin Klonoff, named after the late Allen Ziebur. This position is funded by the Provost's Office. The first Allen Ziebur Visiting Assistant Professor is Wiktor Mogilski, a grandchild of our department. Wiktor's advisor is Boris Okun (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee), a graduate from our department.
Other Visitors: We were also able to hire a runner-up for the Ziebur postdoc position for a one-year term. His name is Mathew Wolak, a graduate from Tufts University under Fulton Gonzalez. Matt works in topological groups and Lie groups. In addition, we have three visiting scholars from China.
Graduate Students: Seventeen new supported graduate students will join us this fall. Five of those come with masters degrees.
10-23-2015: Ross Geoghegan, Research Professor of Mathematics and Department Chair Designate, has been elected a Foreign Member of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences. He will give his inaugural lecture in Skopje some time in the Spring 2016 semester. This recognizes a long association between the Binghamton Department of Mathematical Sciences and Macedonia initiated by Professor Geoghegan. Seven of Binghamton's PhDs in mathematics have come from Macedonia.
11-21-2015: Adrian Vasiu, Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences, has received the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities. He was honored at the Excellence Awards Dinner on October 22, 2016 with a medal, a plaque and a check. Vice President for Research Bahgat Sammakia introduced Adrian at this event with the following words. "Known for bringing the highest level of scholarship and innovation to his profession, Adrian Vasiu is an international leader in arithmetic algebraic geometry, also called number theory, whose breakthroughs have helped define the discipline. Continuing high-level research with a focus on a long-standing conjecture of the Italian geometer C. Traverso, and with international collaborators, he proved that Traverso's estimate is not correct in general and then proved the correct substitute, with their results published in the prestigious Annals of Mathematics. The methods he developed to solve this conjecture are far reaching. It is an honor to award Adrian Vasiu the Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities."
For older faculty news from 2006 through 2010, follow the following
link to older faculty news.