Exploring Careers Panel Series: Financial Mathematics
Date: Tuesday, February 24
Time: 7:30 - 8:30
Location: Chenango Champlain Collegiate Center (C4)
Multipurpose Room C
Have you considered working in the lucrative world of finance
while using your quantitative skills? What does it take to become a quant?
How much math do you need to learn? What other options you may have?
What is the life like being a quant?
What is the relation between math, statistics and finance?
Do you need a PhD or master degree?
Three experienced faculty members from Mathematical Sciences
will join the host of the panel,
Dr. Xingye Qiao, Assistant Professor in Math and Faculty in Residence
in Newing College, to discuss career opportunities
in Financial Mathematics.
Each panelist has some unique experience in related fields
that he can share with you. The three panelists are,
Dr. Dikran Karagueuzian, Associate Professor.
Teaching Financial Mathematics.
Dr. Kevin Klonoff, Visiting Assistant Professor.
Teaching Introduction to Financial Mathematics and Calculus.
Dr. Michael Fochler, Adjunct Lecturer.
Teaching Calculus in Business and Statistics.
All majors (esp. math, econ, management, CS and engineering) are welcome, including major-undecided students. If you are interested, come with your prepared questions. Pizza and drink will be provided.