An Introduction to Measure Theory
by Michael Fochler,
Department of Mathematical Sciences,
Binghamton University
April 14, 2015
Measure theory is a branch of mathematics that provides a general
framework for integration the same way that linear algebra provides
a general framework for linear mappings between vector spaces
and set topology provides a general framework for continuous functions.
Examples of measures are length, area and volume, probabilities and
integrals ∫ab f(x) dx when considered as
functions of the domain of integration [a,b].
This talk will start with the most basic concepts of measure theory:
σ-algebras, measurable functions, measures.
Probabilistic interpretations will be given, such as the
σ-algebra generated by a random variable X as the collection of
all stochastically relevant information for X.
Abstract integrals ∫ f d μ will be defined. The definition
of the Lebesgue integral will be compared to that of the Riemann integral
and the expected value of a random variable X will be defined as
an abstract integral ∫ X d P.
In the last part of the talk we shall examine conditioning
with respect to sub-σ-algebras. We shall first deal with
sub-σ-algebras generated by a countable measurable partition,
examine the connection with conditional expectations and then
give the general definition.
We shall conclude the talk with the definition of
martingales, the definition of the one-dimensional
Wiener process and the (trivial) proof that the Wiener process is
a martingale.