Publications of Qiqing Yu
Research Articles:
Accepted or under revision
The Maximum Likelihood Estimator under the Linear Regression with Uniform Distribution.
(Huang, Z.F. and Yu, Q.Q. (2023))
A Proper Selection Among Multiple Buckley-James Estimates.
{Metrika} (accepted).
(Yu, Q.Q.)
Interval Estimation Under The Uniform Distribution U(a,b).
{WSEAS Transactions on Mathematics} 21, 68-70.
(Yu, Q.Q.)
The Generalized MLE With Truncated Interval-Censored Data.
{J. Nonparametr. Statist.} 35 (2) 266-282.
(Yu, Q.Q.)
Consistency Of The Semi-parametric MLE Under The Lehmann Model With Right-Censored Data.
{Journal of Econometrics and Statistics} 2 (2) 137-147.
(Yu, Q.Q.)
The MLE of The Uniform Distribution With Right-censored Data
{ Lifetime Data Analysis} 27 (4), 662-678.
(Yu, Q.Q.)
The Necessary And Sufficient Condition For Consistency Of The MLE
{WSEAS Transactions on Systems} 20, 124-132.
(Yu, Q.Q.)
Consistency Of The Modified Semi-parametric MLE
Under The Linear Regression Model With Right-Censored Data.
{Journal of Statistics: Advances in Theory and Applications}, 25 (2), 83-108.
(Yu, Q.Q.)
The maximum likelihood estimator under the exponential distribution with right- censored linear regression data.
Statistics and Probability Letters
DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2020.1728316
(Yu, Q.Q.)
Consistency of the Semi-parametric MLE under the Cox model
with right-censored data.
The Open Mathematics, Statistics and Probability Journal
10 21-27.
DOI: 10.2174/2666148902010010021
(Yu, Q.Q.)
A Consistent Test OF Independence And Goodness-of-fit In Linear Regression Models
Comm. Statist. — Comput. Simul.
DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2020.1728316
(Yu, Q.Q. and Liu, R.Q.)
Consistency of the Semi-parametric MLE under the Cox model
with linearly time-dependent covariates and interval-censored data.
Journal of Advanced Statistics
4 (1)
(Yu, Q.Q. and Diao, Q.G.)
Consistency of the MMGLE under The Piecewise
Hazards Models with interval-censored data.
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
Vol. 3, No. 4, 58-70.
(Yu, Q.Q. and Diao, Q.G.)
Marginal Distribution Test for Checking Proportional Hazards Model
Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
201 58-70.
(Dong, J.Y. and Yu, Q.Q)
The Proportional Hazards Model
with linearly time-dependent covariates and interval-censored data.
Journal of Advanced Statistics
Vol. 3, No. 4, 58-70.
(Yu, Q.Q. and Diao, Q.G.)
Piecewise Proportional Hazards Models With Interval-Censored Data
{Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation} 88 140-155.
(Yu, Q.Q. and Diao, Q.G.)
Marginal Distribution Plots for Proportional
Hazards Models With Time-dependent Covariates or Time-varying Regression
{Open Journal of Statistics} 7 92-111.
(Yu, Q.Q., Dong, J.Y. and Wong, G.Y.C.)
The Piece-wise Cox Model with Right-Censored Data.
{Comm. Statist. --- Comput. Simul. } 46 7894-7908.
(Wong, G.Y.C., Osborne, M.P.,
Diao, Q.G. and Yu, Q.Q.)
Asymptotic Normality Of The Product-Limit-Estimator
Under Dependent Right Censoring
{J. Nonparametr. Statist.}, 4 802-812.
(Yu, Q.Q. and Hsu, Y.T.)
A consistent NPMLE
of the joint distribution function with
competing risks data under the dependent right-censoring
and masking model.
{ Lifetime Data Analysis} 22 63-99.
(Li, J.H. and Yu, Q.Q.)
Equivalence between the dependent right censorship model
and the independent right censorship model.
{ Open Journal of Statistics} 209-219.
(Yu, Q.Q. and Yu, K.)
Generation of Pseudo Random Numbers and Estimation
Under Cox Models With Time-dependent Covariates.
{Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation} (to appear).
(Yu, Q.Q. and Dong, J.Y.)
The Lehmann Model
With Time-dependent Covariates.
{ Comm. Statist. A---Theory methods} 20 4380-4395.
(Yu, Q.Q., Wong, G.Y.C., Osborne, M.P., Hsu, Y.T.
and Ai, X.S.)
A necessary and suficient condition for justifying non-parametric
likelihood with censored data.
Metrika 8
(Yu, Q.Q., Hsu, Y.T. and Yu, K.)
Asymptotic Properties Of The Product-Limit-Estimator
With Dependent Right Censoring
{International Journal of Statistics and Management Systems }
7 84-104.
(Yu, Q.Q., Ai, X.S. and Yu, K.)
The NPMLE Of The Joint Distribution Function
With Right-Censored And Masked Competing Risks Data.
{\it J. Nonparametr. Statist.}
24 753-764.
(with Li, J.H.)
Estimation under the Lehmann regression model with interval-censored data.
{\it Comm. Statist. --- Comput. Simul. }
41 1489-1500.
(with Wong, G.Y.C )
The Random Partition Masking Model For Interval-Censored And Masked
Competing Risks Data.
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
82 981-1002.
(with Wang, J.P. and Wong, G.Y.C.)
Consistency Of The Generalized MLE With Interval Censored And Masked
Competing Risks Data.
(with Wong, J.P.)
Comm. Statist. A---Theory methods
41 4360-4377.
Random Partition Masking Model For Censored And Masked Competing Risks Data.
(with Wong, G.Y.C., Qin, H. and Wang, J.P.)
Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 64 1 69-85.
Identifiability And Consistency In Masking Models
For Competing Risks Data.
(with Jiahui Li)
International Journal of Statistics and Management Systems
6 85-105
Is each NPMLE of a continuous bivariate disbtribution function with
singly right-censored data really inconsistent ?
Chingfu Sen,
Jinlong Huang and Chinsan Lee)
Comm. Statist. A---Theory methods 5 844-862.
The GMLE based Buckley-James estimator with modified case cohort data.
(with Chen, C.X. and Wong, G.Y.C.)
Metrika 72 3 433-464
About The Conditional Masking Probability Models.
(with Jiaping Wang and Hao Qin).
Statistics and Probability Letters
80 1174-1179.
An algorithm for Buckley-James estimator with interval-censored
(with Wong, G.Y.C.)
J. Stat. Comput. Simul.
Volume: 79 Issue: 11 Pages: 1341-1353
A generalized log-rank test for interval-censored failure time data
via multiple imputation. (with J.L. Huang, C.S. Lee)
Statistics in Medicine. 3217-3226
Relationship between the Cox, Lehmann, Weibull and
Accelerated lifetime models
(with R. Chappell, G.Y.C Wong, Y.T. Hsu, M. Mazur)
Comm. Statist. A---Theory methods 37 1458-1470
Estimation with modified case cohort data under linear regression models.
(with M.G. Yu)
Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 49-70
Buckley-James-type estimators under the classical case cohort design.
(with G.Y.C. Wong and M.G. Yu)
Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 59 675-695.
Asymptotic distributions of the Buckley-James estimator under non-standard
conditions. (With FH Kong).
Statistica Sinica, Vol 17 341-360
A bivariate interval censorship model for partnership formation.
(With L.Y. Wong).
Journal of Multivariate Analysis
Vol. 98 2 370-383.
A note on the proportional hazards
model with discrete data.
Statistics and Probability Letters
77 735-739
Buckley-James-type estimators in classical case-cohort studies.
(with M.G. Yu)
International Journal of Statistics and Management Systems
Consistency of the semi-parametric MLE in linear regression models
with interval-censored data.
(With G.Y.C. Wong and F.H. Kong).
Scan. J. Statist. 33 367-378.
Consistency of the generalized MLE with multivariate mixed case
interval-censored data.
(With Yu, S.H. and G.Y.C. Wong).
Journal of Multivariate Analysis 97 720-732
Unbiasedness of the Theil-Sen estimator. (With Wang, X.Q.).
Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 685-695
A modified semi-parametric MLE in linear regression analysis with
complete data or right-censored data.
(With G.Y.C. Wong).
Technometrics 47 34-42
A sufficient condition for admissibility of
the Wilcoxon test in the classical two-sample problem.
Statistics, 38 295-306
The semi-parametric MLE in linear regression with right-censored data.
(With G.Y.C. Wong).
Journal of Statistical computation and simulation, 73 833-848.
Asymptotic properties of the generalized semi-parametric MLE in linear regression.
(With G.Y.C. Wong).
Statistica Sinica 13 311-326
Semi-parametric MLE in simple linear regression
with interval-censored data.
(With G.Y.C. Wong).
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation
32 147-164.
How to find all Buckley-James estimates instead of just one ?
(With G.Y.C. Wong).
Journal of Statistical computation and simulation.
72, 451-460.
A minimum distance estimation approach to the two-sample location-scale
(With Z.Y. Zhang).
Lifetime Data Analysis. 8, 289-305.
Asymptotic properties of a
modified semi-parametric MLE in linear regression analysis with
right-censored data.
(With G.Y.C. Wong).
Acta Mathematica Sinica
18 405-416.
Asymptotic properties of the GMLE of self-consistent estimators with
doubly-censored data. (With L. Li)
Acta Math. Sinica . 17, 581-594.
Asymptotic properties of self-consistent estimators with mixed
interval-censored data. (With G.Y.C. Wong and L. Li)
Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. . 53, 469-486.
Estimation of a joint dictribution fucntion with multivariate
interval-censored data when the nonparametric MLE is not unique.
(With G.Y.C. Wong and Q.M. He)
Biometrical Journal. 42, 747-763.
Inadmissibility and admissibility of randomized
Wilcoxon tests in discrete two-sample problems.
Statistics & Decisions. 18, 35-48.
Consistency of the GMLE with mixed case interval-censored data.
(With A. Schick)
Scan. J. of Statist. Vol. 27. 45-55.
On consistency of
the self-consistent estimator of survival functions with interval
censored data.
(With L. Li and G.Y.C. Wong)
Scan. J.
of Statist. Vol. 27, 35-44.
Generalized MLE Of a joint distribution function with multivariate
interval-censored data. (With G.Y.C. Wong). {J. of Multi. Anal.}
J. of Multi. Anal. 69, 155-166.
Asymptotic properties of the GMLE in the case 1 interval-censorship model
with discrete inspection times.
(With A. Schick, L. Li and G. Y. C. Wong).
Canadian Journal of Statistics Vol. 26, No. 4, 619-627.
Asymptotic variance of the GMLE
of a survival function with interval-censored data.
(With L. Li and G.Y.C. Wong) Sankhya,. 60, 184-197.
Asymptotic properties of the GMLE with case 2 interval-censored data.
(With A. Schick, L. Li and G. Y. C. Wong).
Statistics & Probability Letters, 223-228. .
Admissibility of the best invariant estimators of a discrete
distribution function.
Statistica Sinica, 8. 377-392.
Consistency of self-consistent estimators of a discrete distribution
function with bivariate right-censored data.
(With G.Y.C. Wong).
Commun. Statist. 27, 1461-1476.
An EM algorithm for smoothing the self-consistent estimator
of survival functions with interval-censored data.
(With L. Li and T. Watkins)
Scan. J.
of Statist. 24, 531-542
- Self-consistent estimators of survival functions with
doubly-censored data.
(With L. Li).
Commun. Statist., 2609-2623
Comparing estimates of the effects of air pollution on human
obtained using different regression methodologies.
L. A. Baxter, S. J. Finch and W. L. Fredrick)
Risk analysis
Analysis and prediction of hydrogen bonding of protein-DNA complexes
on parallel processors. (With G. Campbell, Y. Deng, J. Glimm, Y.
Wang, M. Eisenberg and A. Grollman.)
J. of Comput. Chem., 17. 1712-1725.
On minimax estimation of a survival function under the right
censorship model. (With E. G. Phadia)
Statistics & Decisions, 14, 73-96.
An analogy between nonparametric problems of estimating a distribution
function and their parametric versions. (With L. Kuo)
Sankhya A., 57. 472-485.
Admissibility and minimaxity of the UMVU estimator of P(X is less than Y).
(With Z. Govindarajulu)
Annals of Satistics 23. 598-607.
On the strong consistency of the product limit estimator. (With L.
Sankhya A., 56. 416-430.
of the best invariant estimator of a distribution function under
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Loss. (With E. G. Phadia)
Commun. Statist., 22(8). 2103-2124.
Global minimization for problems with multiple local minima.
(With Y. Deng, J. Glimm and M. Eisenberg)
Appl. Math. Let., 6, No. 2. 89-90.
Admissibility of the empirical distribution function
in discrete nonparametric invariant problems.
Statistics & Probability Letters, 18. 337-343.
Genomic mapping by single copy
landmark detection: a predictive model with a discrete
mathematical approach. (With T. Marr and X. Yan)
Mammalian Genome, 3. 644-649.
of the best invariant estimator of a distribution function under
the Kolmogorov-Smirnov Loss. (With E. G. Phadia)
Annals of Statistics, 20, 2192-2195.
Minimaxity of the empirical distribution
function in discrete invariant estimation of a distribution
Statistics & Decisions, 10. 25-38.
A General method
of finding a minimax estimator
of a distribution function when no equalizer rule is available.
Canadian Journal of Statistics 20, No. 3. 281-290.
Minimax invariant estimator of a
continuous distribution function.
Ann. Inst. Statist. Math. 44, 729-735.
Inadmissibility of the best invariant estimator
of a distribution function. Sankhya A., 54. 74-79.
Minimaxity and admissibility of the product
limit estimator. (Wtih E. G. Phadia) Ann. Inst. Statist.
Math. 43, No. 3. 579-596.
Minimaxity of the empirical
distribution function in invariant estimation. (With M. S. Chow)
Ann. Statist. 19, 935-951.
Admissibility of linear estimators in the fisheries census.
Metrika 37, 245-252.
Methodology for the invariant estimation of
a continuous distribution function.
Ann. Inst. Statist.
Math. 41, 503-520.
Admissibility of the best invariant estimator
of a distribution function. Statistics & Decisions
7, 1-14.
Admissibility of the empirical distribution
function in the invariant problem.
Statistics $\&$ Decisions 7, 4. 383-398.
Inadmissibility of the empirical distribution
function in continuous invariant problems.
Ann. Statist. 17, 1347-1359.
Last updated 6/6/02