Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland

Citizenship: U.S., Irish

Address: Department of Mathematical Sciences, State University of New York (Binghamton University), Binghamton, NY 13902-6000, USA

Phone: (607) 777-2399


Gonzaga College, Dublin; University College Dublin; Cornell University.


B.Sc. - 1963 - University College Dublin (National University of Ireland)

M.Sc. - 1964 - University College Dublin

Assistant 1965-66 - University College Dublin

Ph.D. - 1970 - Cornell University


Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, 1970-72.

State University of New York at Binghamton, Assistant Professor 1972-75, Associate Professor 1975-1984, Professor 1984-2011, Bartle Professor 2011-2015, Research Professor 2015-present, Department Chair 2016-2018.

Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Georgia, 1974-75.

Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 1978-79.

Visitor, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques, Paris (Bures-sur-Yvette), 1985-86.

Visitor, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, Spring semester 1989.

Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, Fall semester 1993

Visitor, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, Fall semester 2007.

SHORT TERM VISITS (three weeks or more):

Centro de Investigacion del Instituto Politecnico Nacional, Mexico City, Summer 1973 (two months)

National Academy of Sciences Exchange Visitor to Poland and Yugoslavia, May-June 1979 (five weeks)

Centre de Recerca Matematica, Institut d'Estudis Catalans, Universitat Autonoma, Barcelona, Spain, September-October 1992 (six weeks)

University of Frankfurt, Germany, Spring 1994 (four weeks)

EidgenÖssische Technische Hochschule (ETH), ZÜrich, Autumn 1997 (three weeks)

University of Melbourne, Summer 1999 (three weeks)

Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques, Paris (Bures-sur-Yvette) Autumn 2000 (one month)

Max-Planck-Institut fÜr Mathematik, Bonn Winter 2001 (one month)

École Normale Superieur de Lyon, Winter 2001 (two months)


Special session on Topological Methods in Group Theory at the October 2004 meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Nashville TN organized by Michael Mihalik and Mark Sapir in honor of Ross Geoghegan’s sixtieth birthday. Proceedings volume, with dedication: Topological and Asymptotic Aspects of Group Theory, Contemporary Mathematics, volume 394, American Mathematical Society, Providence RI.


Conference on Topological Methods in Group Theory, in honor of Ross Geoghegan's 70th birthday, held at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, June 16-20, 2014.


l. The Ph.D. thesis of Michael Mihalik was completed in May 1979. Title: Ends of groups in shape and proper homotopy. A paper based on the thesis has appeared: Pacific J. Math 90 (1980) 431-458. Dr. Mihalik was an instructor at the University of Utah, 1979-82. He has been at Vanderbilt University since 1982, where he is now Professor and former Department Chair. He has published numerous research papers.

2. The Ph.D. thesis of Gary O'Brien was completed in May 1981. Title: The missing boundary problem in dimensions greater than five. A paper based on the thesis has appeared: Topology and its Applications, 16 (1983) 303-324. Dr.O'Brien was an instructor at the University of Texas, Austin, TX 1981-84 and an assistant professor at George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, 1984-88. In recent years he has worked in image processing and computer vision, first for the Army's Night Vision Lab, and currently SAIC Corporation.

3. The Ph.D. thesis of Donco Dimovski was completed in May 1983. Title: Non-simply connected Casson handles. A paper based on the thesis has appeared: Topology and its Applications 21 (1985) 147-157. Dr. Dimovski is Professor at the University of Skopje, Macedonia. He has been elected to the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts. He has published numerous research papers.

4. The Ph.D. thesis of Michael Kelly was completed in May 1985. Title: Minimizing the number of fixed points for self-maps of compact surfaces. A paper based on the thesis has appeared: Pacific J. Math., 126 (1987) 81-123. Dr. Kelly was an instructor at the University of California at Los Angeles, 1985-87. He currently is Distinguished Professor at Loyola University, New Orleans, LA. He has published numerous research papers.

5. The Ph.D. thesis of Mile Krajcevski was completed in December 1994, having been jointly directed by Ross Geoghegan and the late Craig Squier. Title: Tilings of the plane and hyperbolic groups. A revised version of the thesis has appeared a Memoir of the American Mathematical Society (Number 733) . Dr.Krajcevski is Associate Professor at the University of South Florida.

6. The Ph.D. thesis of Francisco Fernandez Lasheras was completed in December 1996.Title:Cohomology of fundamental groups of special fake surfaces. Two papers based on the thesis have appeared: Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 128 (2000), 893-902, and J. Pure and Applied Algebra 151 (2000). 163-172. He has published a number of subsequent papers. Dr. Fernandez Lasheras is (the equivalent of) Associate Professor at the University of Seville, Spain.

7. The Ph.D. thesis of Thomas Plavchak was completed in January 1998. Title: One parameter fixed point theory on polyhedra. A paper based on the thesis has appeared: Pacific J. Math. 178 (1997), 127-145.

8. The Ph.D. thesis of Daniel Farley was completed May 2000. Title: Finiteness properties and CAT(0) properties of diagram groups. A paper based on the thesis has appeared in Topology 42 (2003), 1065-1082. Dr. Farley is Associate Professor at Miami University, Ohio. He has published numerous research papers.

9. The Ph.D. thesis of Dirk Schütz was completed in May 2001. Title: Torsion properties of the Novikov complex. Papers based on the thesis have appeared in Forum Mathematicum 14 (2002) 509-537 and in K-Theory 25 (2002) 59-97. Dr. Schütz is Professor in the Mathematics Department of Durham University, England. He has published numerous research papers.

10. The Ph.D. thesis of Nicholas Koban was completed in May 2004.Title: Controlled Topology Invariants of Translation Actions. A paper based on the thesis has appeared in Topology and its Applications, 153 (12), 2006, 1975-1993. He has published several subsequent papers. Dr. Koban is Professor of Mathematics at University of Maine at Farmington.

11. The Ph.D. thesis of Tom Klein was completed in May 2007.Title: Filtered ends of pairs of groups. A paper based on the thesis has appeared in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 208 (2)2007, 727-732. Dr. Klein was a Postdoctoral Fellow at McMaster University. He has published several subsequent papers.

12. The Ph.D. thesis of Risto Atanasov was completed in July 2007.Title: Groups of geometric dimension two. A paper based on the thesis has appeared in Groups, Geometry and Dynamics. Dr. Atanasov is Professor of Mathematics at Western Carolina University. He has published numerous research papers.

13. The Ph.D. thesis of Keith Jones was completed in May 2010.Title: Controlled connectivity for cocompact isometric actions on simplicial trees . A paper based on the thesis has appeared in Pacific Journal of Mathematics 255 (1) 2012 143-154. Dr. Jones was Harold L. Dorwart Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics at Trinity College CT. He is now Associate Professor at State University of New York, Oneonta. He has published several subsequent papers.

14. The Ph.D. thesis of Ulysses Alvarez was completed in May 2022.Title: On the Topology of Corank 1 Tropical Phased Matroids . A paper based on the thesis has been submitted. Dr. Alvarez is Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa


Topological Methods in Group Theory was published in 2008 by Springer in the series Graduate Texts in Mathematics, Volume 243. Reviewed in Bull. Amer. Math. Soc

The Art of Proof
is an undergraduate textbook, written with Matthias Beck, published in the Springer series Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics. It is intended for a one-semester course for undergraduates who are learning to read, write and do mathematics at a professioinal level. Usually, the course is taken after calculus and before analysis and abstract algebra. For the book's home page click here.


See Home Page for Download Information

l. Topological and simplicial properties of function spaces, and a stability theorem for spaces of homeomorphisms and embeddings, Doctoral Dissertation, Cornell University, 1970. Available from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, MI., Accession Number AAG7024034, 85pp.

2. On spaces of homeomorphisms, embeddings and functions I, Topology 11 (1972) 159-177

3. Stable function spaces (with D. W. Henderson) Amer. J. Math. 95 (1973) 461-470.

4. Manifolds of piecewise linear maps and a related normed linear space, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 77 (1971), 629-632.

5. On spaces of homeomorphisms, embeddings and functions II, Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. (3) 27 (1973), 463-483.

6. Concerning the shapes of finite-dimensional compacta (with R.R. Summerhill) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 179 (1973), 28l-292.

6a. Russian translation of #6, Published as an appendix to the Russian translation of Theory of Shape by K. Borsuk.

7. Infinite-dimensional methods in finite-dimensional geometric topology (with R. R. Summerhill) Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 78 (1972), 1009-1014.

8. Pseudo-boundaries and pseudo-interiors in euclidean spaces and topological manifolds (with R. R. Summerhill) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 194 (1974), 141-165.

9. Finite-dimensional spaces having many of the topological properties of separable Hilbert space (with R. R. Summerhill) Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. 22 (1974), 949-954.

10. Compacta weak shape equivalent to ANR's (with D. A. Edwards) Fund. Math. 90 (1976) 115-124.

11. On integral currents and the Dold-Thom construction, included in Algebraic and Geometrical Methods in Topology, Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol. 428, Springer-Verlag, Berlin 1974, 241-280.

12. Hilbert Cube manifolds of maps, General Topology and its Applications 6 (1976) 27-36.

13. Compacta with the shape of finite complexes (with R. C. Lacher), Fund. Math. 92 (1976) 25-27.

14. The stability problem in shape and a Whitehead Theorem in pro-homotopy (with D. A. Edwards) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 214 (1975) 261-277.

15. (An announcement of 14 with the same title) Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 81 (1975), 438-440.

16. Shape of complexes, ends of manifolds, homotopy limits and the Wall obstruction (with D. A. Edwards) Annals of Mathematics 101 (1975) 521-535. With a correction 104 (1976) 389.

17. The Wall obstruction in shape and pro-homotopy, with applications (with D. A. Edwards), Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 81(1975) 919-920.

18. On the space of piecewise linear homeomorphisms of a manifold (with W. E. Haver) Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 55 (1976) 145-151.

19. Infinite-dimensional Whitehead and Vietoris theorems in shape and pro-homotopy, (with D. A. Edwards) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 219 (1976) 351-360.

20. Stability theorems in shape and pro-homotopy (with D. A. Edwards) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 222 (1976) 389-403.

21. Elementary proofs of stability theorems in shape and pro-homotopy, General Topology and Its Applications, 8 (1978) 265-281.

22. Compacta with the homotopy type of finite complexes, in Geometric Topology, J. C. Cantrell ed., Academic Press, New York 1979, 603-608.

23. Fibered stable compacta have finite homotopy type, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 71 (1978) 123-129.

24. A note on the vanishing of lim^1, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 17 (1980) 505-508, correction 18 (1980) 231.

25. The problem of pointed versus unpointed domination in shape theory, Topology Proceedings 3 (1978), 95-107.

26. The inverse limit of homotopy equivalences between towers of fibrations is a homotopy equivalence -- a simple proof, Topology Proceedings 4 (1979) 99-101.

27. Compacta in Geometric Topology and Homotopy, Proceedings of International Conference on Geometric Topology, PWN Warsaw 1980, 141-143.

28. Open Problems in infinite-dimensional topology, edited by Ross Geoghegan. Topology Proceedings 4 (1979) 287-338. [The previous edition (1975) of this problem set was edited by R. D. Anderson and others, and appears as an appendix to Lectures on Hilbert Cube Manifolds, by T. A. Chapman, American Mathematical Society, Providence, 1976. Earlier editions appeared as Mathematisch Centrum Report ZW 1/71 and Mathematical Centre Tract 52(1974) 141-175, Amsterdam. An update, edited by J. West, appeared in 1990.]

29. The homomorphism on fundamental group induced by a homotopy idempotent having essential fixed points, Pacific J. Math 95 (1981) 85-93.

30. Splitting homotopy idempotents which have essential fixed points, Pacific J. Math. 95 (1981) 95-103.

31. The behavior on fundamental group of a free pro-homotopy equivalence (with J. Dydak). Topology and its Applications 13 (1982) 239-253.

32. Fixed points in finitely dominated compacta - the geometric meaning of a conjecture of H. Bass, in "Shape Theory and Geometric Topology", Procedings of Dubrovnik Conference (1981), Lecture Notes in Mathematics, Volume 870, 6-22, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.

33. FP_infinity groups and HNN extensions (with K. S. Brown) Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (NS) 9 (1983) 227-230.

34. An infinite-dimensional torsion free FP infinity group (with K. S. Brown), Inventiones Math. 77 (1984) 367-381.

35. Cohomology with free coefficients of the fundamental group of a graph of groups (with K.S. Brown), Comm. Math. Helv. 60 (1985) 31-45.

36. Free abelian cohomology of groups and ends of universal covers (with M. L. Mihalik), Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 36 (1985), 123-137.

37. The behavior on fundamental group of a free pro-homotopy equivalence II (with J. Dydak) Topology and its Applications, 22 (1986) 297-299.

38. Detecting homotopy equivalences in base-point-free homotopy (with J. Dydak) Topology and its Applications, 22 (1986) 289-296.

39. The shape of a group - connections between shape theory and the homology of groups,Geometric and Algebraic Topology, Banach Center Publications, Volume 18 PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers, Warsaw 1986, 271-280. (Published 1988) [This is the Proceedings of a 1984 semester in algebraic and geometric topology]

40. A note on the vanishing of H^n(G, ZG) (with M.L. Mihalik), J. Pure & Applied Algebra, 39 (1986), 301-304.

41. The singular cohomology of the inverse limit of a Postnikov tower is representable, (with J. Dydak),Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 98 (1986) 649-654. With correction 103 (1988) 334.

42. One-parameter fixed-point theory, (with D. Dimovski) Forum Mathematicum, 2 (1990) 125-154.

43. Empty components in strong shape theory, (with J. Krasinkiewicz) Topology and its Applications 41 (1991) 213-233.

44. Parametrized Lefschetz-Nielsen fixed point theory and Hochschild homology traces, (with A. Nicas) Amer. J. Math. 116 (1994), 397-446.

45. Lefschetz trace formulae, zeta functions and torsion in dynamics, (with A. Nicas) Proceedings of Joint Summer Research Conference on Nielsen Theory and Dynamical Systems, Contemporary Mathematics 152 (1993), 141-157.

46. Trace and torsion in the theory of flows (with A. Nicas), Topology 33 (1994) 683-719.

47. The first order Euler characteristic (with A. Nicas) in volume in honor of Peter Hilton's seventieth birthday, CRM Proceedings and Lecture Notes 6 (1994) 37-59.

48. The fundamental group at infinity (with M. L. Mihalik) Topology 35 (1996) 655-669.

49. Higher Euler characteristics I, (with A. Nicas), L'Enseignement MathÉmatique, 41 (1995) 3-62.

50. Higher Lefschetz traces and spherical Euler characteristics (with A. Nicas and J. Oprea) Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 348 (1996) 2039-2062.

51. Homotopy periodicity and coherence, (with A. Nicas), Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 124 (1996) 2889-2895.

52. Kernels of actions on non-positively curved spaces (with R. Bieri), in "Geometry and cohomology in group theory" (P.H. Kropholler, G. A. Niblo and R. Stoehr ed.) LMS Lecture Notes Series, vol. 252, Cambridge University Press, 1998, pp. 24-38.

53. A Hochschild homology Euler characteristic for circle actions, (with A. Nicas) K-Theory 18 (1999) 99-135.

54. Threading Homotopies and DC Operating Points in Nonlinear Circuits, (joint with J.C. Lagarias and R.C. Melville) Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) Journal on Optimization, 9 (1999) 159-178. download information

55. Fixed point theory and the K-theoretic trace, (with A. Nicas), "Nielsen Theory and Reidemeister Torsion", Jerzy Jezierski ed., Banach Center Publications, Warsaw, 1999, pp. 137-149 PostScript file (559KB), dvi file (65KB). 1999.

56. Nielsen Fixed Point Theory, a chapter of "Handbook of Geometric Topology" edited by R. J. Daverman and R. B. Sher, Elsevier, 2003 pp. 499-521.

57. Connectivity properties of group actions on non-positively curved spaces (with R. Bieri), Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Volume 161 (Number 765) 2003. (xii + 83pages)

58. Obstructions to homotopy invariance in parametrized fixed point theory, (with A. Nicas and D. Schütz), Geometry and Topology: Aarhus, Contemp. Math. Vol 258, (2000) 351--369.PostScript file (415KB). dvi file (115KB).

59. Ascending HNN extensions of finitely generated free groups are Hopfian. (with M. L. Mihalik, M. Sapir and D. Wise), Bull. London Math. Soc. 33 (2001) 292-298

60. Topological properties of SL_2 actions on the hyperbolic plane, (with R. Bieri) Geometriae Dedicata 99 (2003) 137-166.

61. Controlled topology and group actions (with R. Bieri), in Groups, Combinatorial and Arithmetic Aspects, T. Muller (ed.) London Math. Soc. Lecture Notes Series, vol 311, 2004Postscript file (472KB) , dvi file (82KB).

62. Boundaries of proper cocompact CAT(0) spaces, (with P. Ontaneda). Topology, 46 (2007) 129-137. Postscript file (279KB).

63. Associativity and Thompson's Group, (with F. Guzmán). Contemporary Mathematics, 394 (2006) 113-135. Postscript file (438KB)

64. The fundamental group at infinity, In “Guido’s Book of Conjectures”(Indira Chatterji, ed.). Monographie de L'Enseignement Mathématique 40 (2008) 97-99.

65. Sigma Invariants of Direct Products of Groups (with Robert Bieri) Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, 4 (2010), 251-261; available at

66. The Sigma Invariants of Thompson's Group F (with Robert Bieri and Dessislava Kochloukova) Groups, Geometry and Dynamics, 4 (2010), 263-273; available at

67. Closed 1-forms in Topology and Geometric Group Theory (with M. Farber and D. Schütz). (Russian) Uspekhi Mat. Nauk 65 (2010), no. 1(391), 145--176; translation in Russian Math. Surveys 65 (2010), no. 1, 143--172; available at

68. Topological properties of spaces admitting free group actions (with Craig Guilbault). J Topology 5 (2) 2012, 249-275 doi: 10.1112/jtopol/jts002 Also available at

69. Limit sets for modules over groups acting on non-positively curved spaces - from the Euclidean to the hyperbolic (with Robert Bieri) Proc. Lond. Math.Soc. 112 (6) 2016, 1059-1102

70. On Thompson's group T and algebraic K-theory (with Marco Varisco) "Geometric and Cohomological Group Theory", P. Kropholler, C. Martinez-Perez, B. Nucinkis, ed. LMS Lecture Notes volume 444, 2017; pages 35-44. Available at

71. Limit sets for modules over groups acting on a CAT(0) space (with Robert Bieri) "Topological Methods in Group Theory", N. Broaddus, M. Davis, J.-F. Lafont, I. Ortiz, ed. LMS Lecture Notes volume 451, 2018; pages 38-45.

72. Curvature and Group Theory Contributions of Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts Section of Natural, Mathematical and Biotechnical Sciences, 38 No. 2 (2017) 147-152.

73. Topological properties of spaces admitting a coaxial homeomorphism (with Craig Guilbault and Michael L. Mihalik) Algebraic and Geometric Topology 20 (2020), no. 2, 601-642.

74. On semistability of CAT(0) groups (with Eric Swenson) Groups, Geometry and Dynamics 13 (2019), no. 2, 695-705. Available at

75. Higher Horospherical Limit Sets for G-modules over CAT(0)-spaces (with Robert Bieri) Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. (2021) 133-163 Available at /

76. Non-cocompact group actions and π1-semistability at infinity (with Craig Guilbault and Michael L. Mihalik) Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 72(5), (2020) 1275-1303. Available at /

77. Topological Posets and Tropical Phased Matroids (with Ulysses Alvarez) Discrete and Computational Geometry, (2024)72: 1199-2031. Available at /


Review of book Shape Theory by S. Mardesic and J. Segal, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (NS) 10 (1984) 340-346.


Seminar on cohomology of groups and applications, organized at Bar-Ilan University, Israel, by Beno Eckmann, ETH, Zurich. April-May 1985. (hour talk)

Conference on Topological Methods in Group Theory, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach, Germany, June 1986.

Session on fixed point theory organized by R. Brown at the International Congress of Mathematicians, Berkeley 1986. (30 minute talk).

Post-graduate course, Shape Theory and Geometric Topology, held at the Inter-University Centre of Post-graduate Studies, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, October, 1986, (two 60 minute talks).

Special session on Geometric Methods in Group Theory, organized by Roger Alperin at the January 1987 Annual Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, San Antonio, TX (20 minute talk).

Special session on Geometric Methods in Group Theory, organized by Kenneth S. Brown at the August 1987 Summer Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Salt Lake City, UT (20 minute talk).

"Fall Foliage" Topology Conference, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, October 1987 (hour talk).

Conference on Topological Methods in Group Theory, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, Germany, October 1989 (hour talk).

Special session on Low Dimensional Topology, organized by Mark Feighn, Ulrich Ortel and Lee Mosher at the October 1989 Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Hoboken, NJ (20 minute talk)

Special session on Geometric Methods in Group Theory, organized by Roger Alperin and Karen Vogtmann at the November 1989 Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Los Angeles, (20 minute talk).

Special session on geometric topology, organized by F. T. Farrell at the April 1990 Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, University Park PA (20 minute talk).

Conference on finiteness property of groups and arithmetic groups, Bielefeld, Germany, August 1990 (hour talk).

Conference on Nielsen fixed point theory, Honolulu, August 1990 (45 minute talk).

"After-dinner mathematics lecture" at the April 1991 Seaway Section meeting of the Mathematical Association of America.

Special session on geometric topology, organized by F. X. Connolly at the March 1991 Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, South Bend, IN (20 minute talk).

Conference on geometric methods in group theory, University of Sussex, England, July 1991 (30 minute talk).

Special session on Geometric Topology in dimension greater than three, organized by V. Liem and B. Trace at the March 1992 meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Tuscaloosa, AL (20 minute talk).

Conference on Topological Methods in Group Theory, Matematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, Germany, March 1992, (hour talk).

Conference on Dynamics, Union College, Schenectady, NY, April 1992 (hour talk)

AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Nielsen Theory and Dynamical Systems, Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley MA, June 1992 (hour talk).

Conference on Algebraic Homotopy, Max-Planck Institut fÜr Mathematik Bonn, (held in Schloss Ringberg) Germany, April 1993 (hour talk)

Conference in honor of Peter Hilton, Centre de Recherches MathÉmatiques, UniversitÉ de Montreal, May 1993 (30 minute talk)

Special session on Algebraic Topology and Dynamical Systems, organized by R.F. Brown, C. McCord and K. Mischaikow at the January 1994 meeting of the American Mathematical Society in Cincinnati, OH (20 minute talk)

Conference on geometric methods in group theory, Vanderbilt University, April 1994 (40 minute talk).

Frankfurt-Bochum conference on Group Theory, May 1994 (hour talk).

London Mathematical Society Symposium on Geometry and Cohomology in Group Theory, Durham, England, July 1994 (50 minute talk).

Upstate New York Topology Conference, Syracuse University, September 1994 (hour talk).

Topology and Group Theory Conference, SUNY Albany, October 1994, (hour talk).

Special session on Geometric Group Theory organized by M. Feighn and M. Handel at the October 1995 meeting of the American Mathematical Society in Greensboro, NC (20 minute talk).

Special Session on Fixed Point Theory and Dynamical Systems organized by M. Kelly at the April 1996 meeting of the American Mathematical Society in Baton Rouge, LA (20 minute talk).

Special session on Geometric Group Theory organized by S. Brick at the April 1996 meeting of the American Mathematical Society in Baton Rouge, LA (20 minute talk).

Frankfurt-Bochum conference on Group Theory, May 1996, (hour talk).

Conference on Dynamical Zeta Functions, Nielsen Theory and Reidemeister Torsion, Banach Center, Warsaw, June 1996, (45 minute talk).

Albany Group Theory Conference, October 1996, (20 minute talk).

Workshop on homological group theory, ETH, Zurich, October 1997 (hour talk).

Gulf Geometric Group Theory meeting, University of South Alabama, March 1998 (20 minute talk).

International Conference on non-positive curvature in geometry, topology and group theory, Vanderbilt University, May 1998, (20 minute talk).

Frankfurt-Bochum conference on Group Theory, June 1998, (hour talk).

Aarhus Topology Conference, Aarhus University, Denmark, August 1998, (45 minute talk).

Special session on geometric topology organized by A. N. Dranishnikov and J. E. Keesling at the March 1999 meeting of the American Mathematical Society held at the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, (20 minute talk).

Gehman Lecture, Sectional meeting of the Mathematical Association of America for Western New York and Ontario, at Syracuse University, April 1999, (50 minute talk).

Workshop on geometric group theory and low dimensional topology, University of Melbourne, Australia, July 1999 (two hour talks).

Special session on geometric group theory organized by W. Neumann and G. Swarup at the July 1999 joint meeting of the American Mathematical Society and the Australian Mathematical Society held at the University of Melbourne, Australia (20 minute talk).

Cornell Topology Festival, Cornell University, May 2000 ( hour talk).

Conference on Geometric Groups and Bounded Topology at the SFB, University of Muenster, May 2000 (hour talk).

Frankfurt-Bochum conference on Group Theory, June 2000, (hour talk).

Conference on Geometric and Combinatorial Group theory, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, June 2000 (30 minute talk).

Conference on Geometric Topology and Geometric Group Theory, University of Florida, March 2002 (30 minute talk).

London Mathematical Society Symposium on Geometry and Cohomology in Group Theory, Durham, England, July 2003.

Workshop "Thompson's Group at 40 years", American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto CA January 2004 (20 minute talk)

Conference on Geometric Group Theory, Bedlewo, Poland (sponsored by University of Wroclaw), April 2004 (35 minute talk)

Conference on Non-Positive Curvature in Group Theory, Rensselaerville NY (sponsored by CBMS and SUNY Albany), August 2004 (45 minute talk)

Special session on Combinatorial and Geometric Group Theory organized by D. Wise and I. Bumagin at the December 2004 meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society in Montreal (25 minute talk)

Frankfurt-Bochum conference on Group Theory, January 2005, (hour talk).

Conference in honor of Robert Bieri's 60th birthday, University of Frankfurt, May 2005 (hour talk).

Workshop "Boundaries of Groups", American Institute of Mathematics, Palo Alto CA June 2005.

Special session on Geometric Group Theory, organized by S. Cleary and J. Taback at the October 2005 meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY (20 minute talk).

Conference on Geometric and Homological Group Theory, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, Germany, April 2006.

North British Geometric Group Theory Seminar, held at University of Newcastle upon Tyne, July 2006 (hour talk).

XVII Coloquio Latinoamericano de Algebra, held in Medellin, Colombia July 2007 (plenary talk and mini course)

The Lafayette/Lehigh Geometry and Topology Seminar, Easton PA, March 2008 (hour talk)

Conference on Thompson’s Group, Luminy, France, June 2008 (two talks - 45 and 30 minutes)

Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, Gainesville, FL, March 2009 (45- minute semi-plenary talk)

Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, Starkville, MS, March 2010 (20- minute talk)

Approaches to Group Theory: a conference in honor of Ken Brown, Cornell University, October 2010. (hour talk)

Conference on Topology, Embeddings, and Attractors, University of Warwick at their Centre in Venice, Italy, June 2011. (hour talk)

Special session on Geometric Group Theory, organized by E. Freidan and E. Swenson at the October 2011 meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Salt Lake City UT (20 minute talk).

Special session on Geometric Invariants of Groups, and Related Topics, organized by Nic Koban and Peter Wong at the January 2012 meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Boston, MA (20 minute talk).

Geometry and Topology in Samos: Conference in honor of Tom Farrell, University of the Aegean, Samos, Greece, June 2012. (hour talk)

Conference "Tripode", Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Lyon, France. June 2012 (hour talk)

Geometry, Topology and Group Theory, Conference in honor of Valentin Poenaru, Autrans, France. July 2012 (hour talk)

Groups in Action, Conference organized by University of Goettingen, Germany: held in Vercors, France. August 2012 (two hour talks)

London Mathematical Society - EPSRC Symposium on Geometric and Cohomological Group Theory, Durham UK, August 2013 (hour talk).

Workshop on the Extended Family of R. Thompson's Groups, St. Andrews University, Scotland, May 2014 (hour talk).

Topological Methods in Group Theory, a five-day conference in honor of Ross Geoghegan's 70th birthday, The Ohio State University, Columbus OH, June 2014.

49th Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference 2015, Bowling Green State University, May 14--16, 2015, Special Session on Geometric Topology (20 minute talk).

30th Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications 23-26 June 2015, Galway, Ireland (one-hour keynote talk).

Conference on Finiteness Conditions in Topology and Algebra, Belfast, Northern Ireland, August 31-September 3, 2015. (hour talk)

Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, Jersey City NJ, March 2017 (20-minute talk)

Special Session on Infinite Groups and Geometric Structures: A Session in Honor of the Sixtieth Birthday of Andrew Nicas, organized by Hans Boden and David Rosenthal at the September 2017 meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Buffalo NY (50 minute talk).

33rd Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications, 17-20 July 2018, Bowling Green KY. (20 minute talk).

21st Brazilian Topology Meeting, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niteroi-Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 12-18 August 2018. Plenary talk.

Special Session on Group Actions on Manifolds and Related Spaces, organized by Thomas Koberda, Yash Lodha and Matt Zaremsky at the October 2019 meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Binghamton NY (20 minute talk).

Special Session on Ends and Boundaries of Groups: on the occasion of Mike Mihalik's 70th Birthday, organized by Craig R. Guilbault and Kim Ruane at the April 2023 meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Cincinnati, OH (20 minute talk).

``Groups of Thompson and their relatives", Conference, 18 - 22 Sept. 2023 Magdeburg, Germany (1 hour talk)


IHES, Paris: two lectures October 1985.

University of Lille, France: January 1986.

University of London (Queen Mary College): four lectures February 1986

University of London (University College): All-London Algebra Colloquium, February 1986.

Oxford University: February 1986.

University College Cardiff, Wales: April 1986.

University College Bangor, Wales: April 1986.

Liverpool University: April 1986.

Trinity College, Dublin: April 1986.

University of Heidelberg: June 1986.

CUNY Graduate Center: November 1986.

Universitat Autonoma, Barcelona, Spain, July 1988

UCLA, March 1989.

MSRI, Berkeley, March 1989.

University of Seville, Spain, January 1990 (a week of lectures)

Cornell University, May 1990.

Cornell University, April 1991.

University of Heidelberg, June 1991.

University of Frankfurt, July 1991.

ETH, Zurich, July 1991.

CUNY Graduate Center (Baumslag Seminar), November 1993.

Institute for Advanced Study (Members' Seminar), November 1993.

Princeton University (Casson Seminar), December 1993.

Rutgers University (Newark) colloquium, December 1993.

Calvin College, Michigan, April, 1994.

Hope College, Michigan, April 1994.

University of Frankfurt (Bieri Seminar), May 1994 (two lectures)

University of Siegen, Germany (colloquium), May 1994.

University of Heidelberg, Germany (Dold seminar), May 1994.

University of Mainz, Germany (Luecke Seminar), January 1995.

Hope College (lecture series for REU students) July 1995.

Cornell University (seminar and colloquium), October 1995.

CUNY Graduate Center (Baumslag seminar), March 1996.

Syracuse University, featured lecturer, Graduate Student Conference, March 1996.

University of Frankfurt (colloquium), July 1996.

Princeton/Rutgers Group Theory Seminar, Princeton, April 1997.

Cornell University, series of three lectures, April 1997.

University of Giessen, Germany, seminar talk, June 1997.

SUNY Potsdam, special lecture for REU students, July 1997.

University of Grenoble, France, seminar talk, October 1997.

University of Frankfurt, Germany (Bieri seminar), November 1997.

McMaster University, Canada, October 1998.

University of Frankfurt, Germany (Bieri seminar), June 1999.

Oxford University (Topology Seminar), June 1999.

University of Melbourne, Australia (Group Theory Seminar) July 1999

Lafayette-Lehigh Geometry Seminar, November 1999.

University of Geneva (Topology seminar), June 2000.

Southampton University, (Seminar) October 2000

Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, (All-London Algebra Seminar) October 2000

Edinburgh University (Topology Seminar), October 2000

University of Paris, Orsay (Topology Seminar), November 2000.

Max Planck Institut fÜr Mathematik, Bonn (Topology Seminar), January 2001.

University of Bonn, Germany (Topology Seminar), January 2001.

University of Marseille I , March 2001.

University of Grenoble, March 2001.

École Normale SupÉrieure de Lyon, March 2001.

University of Frankfurt, January 2002

University of Illinois (Urbana-Champaign) April 2002

University of Frankfurt, January 2004

Cornell University, March 2004

CUNY Graduate Center (Complex Analysis Seminar) March 2004

SUNY Buffalo, September 2005

Cornell University, October 2005

University of Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2006

University of Durham, England, July 2006

San Francisco State University, September 2007

Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, CA, September 2007

CUNY Graduate Center (Baumslag Seminar) February 2008

Bates College, Lewiston, ME, Colloquium, March 2008

Miami University, Oxford OH, Colloquium, April 2008

Université de Lausanne, Switzerland, Seminar talk, May 2008

University College, Dublin, Ireland, Seminar talk, May 2008

Université de Toulouse, France, Seminar talk, May 2008

University Frankfurt, Germany; Seminar talk, January 2009

Cornell University, Seminar talk, February 2009

University of Goettingen, Germany, Colloquium June 2010

Cornell University, Colloquium, March 2011

University of Goettingen, Germany, Seminar talk June 2011

Rutgers University, Seminar talk October 2012

Miami University, Oxford OH, Colloquium, April 2013

McGill University, Montreal, Seminar talk, October 2013

Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN, Colloquium, November 2013

SUNY at Albany, Albany NY, Colloquium, October 2017

University of Washington, Topology Seminar talk, January 2019

Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, Seminar talk, May 2019

University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Topology Seminar talk, March 2021


Special session on Geometric Methods in Group Theory, at the April 1988 meeting of the American Mathematical Society, College Park, MD. Seventeen speakers.

Special session on Geometric Group Theory (co-organized with Zlil Sela) at the October 2003 meeting of the American Mathematical Society, Binghamton, NY. Eighteen speakers

Special session on Geometric Topology and Geometric Group Theory (co-organized with Ivonne Ortiz and Kim Ruane) at Spring Topology and Dynamics Conference, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, March 2008. Twenty Four speakers

Special session on Geometric Group Theory (co-organized with Noel Brady and Kim Ruane) at Spring Topology and Dynamic Conference, Tyler, TX. March 2010. Twenty Four speakers


American Mathematical Society

Mathematical Association of America

Irish Mathematical Society


Foreign Member of the Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts


Member of the Editorial Boards of Expositiones Mathematicae , Tbilisi Mathematical Journal , Topology Proceedings


Research partially supported by National Science Foundation 1973-78, 1981-88, 1990-91, 1995-99 and 1999-2001.

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