Organized Conferences
Conferences and Colloquium Talks
- Binghamton University, SUNY, Colloquium, December 9, 2016
- University at Buffalo, SUNY, Colloquium, November 29, 2016
- University at Buffalo, SUNY, Colloquium, April 14, 2016
- Auburn University, 2016 Southern Regional Algebra Conference, March 18 - 20, 2016
- West Virginia University, Colloquium, March 15, 2016
- AIMS South Africa, CIMPA-South Africa Research School: Algebraic Representation Theory and Its Applications, July 19 - 31, 2015
- Kent State University, Colloquium, April 28, 2015
- Oberwolfach Workshop Representations of Finite Groups, April 5 - 11, 2015 (Invitation only)
- Universitat Bielefeld, Norddeutsches Gruppentheorie - Kolloquium, July 11 - 12, 2014
- Leibniz Universitat Hannover, Representation Theory Afternoon, February 10, 2014
- University of Manchester, Brauer's Problems
- 50 years on, Celebrating Geoffrey Robinson's 60th birthday,
Manchester, UK, September 2 - 6, 2013
- University of St Andrews, Groups St Andrews 2013, Scotland, August 3 - 11, 2013
- Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University,
Joint Congress of the South African and American Mathematical
Societies, Port Elizabeth, November 29 - December 3,
- University of KwaZulu-Natal, Colloquium, Westville, September 14, 2010
Seminar Talks
- Binghamton University, Algebra seminar, March 28, September 12, October 24, 2017
- Kent State University, Algebra seminar, February, 14, 21, 28, 2017
- Kent State University, Algebra seminar, Decomber 6, 2016
- University of Akron, Algebra seminar, March 11, 2016
- University of Pretoria, Discrete Mathematics, Algebra and Logic seminar series, May 8, 2015
- University of Akron, Algebra seminar, May 1, 2015
- Technische Universitat Kaiserslautern, Oberseminar Gruppen und Darstellungen, June 5, 2014
- Universitat Bielefeld, Oberseminar Gruppen und Geometrie series, March 19, 2014
- Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China, November 7, 2013
- University of Birmingham, Birmingham Algebra Seminar, April 2009
Conferences Attended
- New
Perspectives in Representation Theory of Finite Groups workshop at
Banff International Research Station for Mathematical Innovation and
Discovery, October 15 - 20, 2017 (Invitation only)
- Finite
simple groups: Thirty years of the Atlas and beyond, Celebrating the
Atlases and Honoring John Conway, November 2 - 5, 2015, Princeton
- Simple
groups, representations and related topics, a conference in honour of
Martin Liebeck and Jan Saxl, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom,
July 13 - 15, 2015
- Nikolaus Conference 2014, Lehrstuhl D fur Mathematik (RWTH Aachen), December 5 - 6, 2014
- Birthday Colloquium for Gernot Stroth, University of Halle, October 10 - 11, 2014
- Algebra, Geometry and Computation, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherland, July 2 - 4, 2014
- Permutation
Groups workshop at Banff International Research Station for
Mathematical Innovation and Discovery, July 21 - 26, 2013 (Invitation only)
- South African Mathematical Society, 53rd Annual Congress, University of Pretoria, November 3 - 5, 2010
- Conference on Algebraic Topology, Group Theory and Representation Theory, Isle of Skye, Scotland, June 9 - 15, 2009
- Group
Theory, Geometry and Representation Theory: Abel Prize 2008, Isaac
Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK, May 27
- 29, 2009
- Instructional
Workshop on Algebraic Lie Theory, Isaac Newton Institute for
Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, UK, January 12 - 23, 2009
- Representations of finite groups of Lie type and their subgroups, Birmingham, December 15 - 17, 2008
- LMS/EPSRC instructional short course on Algebraic groups and related topics, Birmingham September 15 - 19, 2008
- Summer School on Finite Groups and related Geometrical Structures, Venice, September 2- 12, 2008
- NATO Advanced Study Institute: New challenges in digital communications, Vlora, Albania, April 28 - May 9, 2008
- LMS Groups and Representations triangle meeting, Birmingham, November 14, 2007
- Kent Regional Algebra Weekend, Kent State University, Ohio, November 18 - 19, 2006
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