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The letter grades are only to give you an idea of how well you're doing. I don't add letter grades. I add up your scores to get the total of test points.
A | B | C | D | F |
72-100 | 58-71 | 40-57 | 30-39 | 0-29 |
A | B | C | D | F |
76-100 | 58-75 | 40-57 | 30-39 | 0-29 |
A | B | C | D | F |
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LaTeX is a way to type ordinary characters and get attractive mathematics. (You can use it for plain text, too; I type letters with LaTeX.) You need a LaTeX compiler, which turns your typing into the result (usually a PDF). There's an online compiler called Overleaf, but I prefer to download a free compiler from the TeX User's Group. The simplest download page is (I like Texshop, which is contained in the TeXLive distribution, but there are other options.)
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LaTeX: Mathematical Typesetting
Corrections to the Textbook
Additions to the Textbook
Definitions and Notation
Also, P(n) := P(n, n).
In particular, (n)0 := 1, since the product of no factors is defined as 1.
Each (n)k is a polynomial of degree k; so why n can be anything that can go into a polynomial, such as a negative number or a variable.
This is the book's first definition in Eq. (3.2.1), but it is different from the book's second definition. In the second definition you cannot put any value for n other than a nonnegative integer and you can't put any value for k other than an integer in the range from 0 to n.
Examples: (1) Z with operation +. (2) R \ 0 with operation ×. (3) R with operation +. (4) All nonsingular n × n real matrices with operation ×. (Not) Z \ 0 with operation × (why not?). (Also not) R with operation × (why not?).
The purpose of this notation is to compare the rates of growth of f and g as x → ∞.
For example, 5x2 = O(x2 - 18) (take c = 6, for example). Also, x2 = o(x3) (and therefore x2 = O(x3)), but x2 ≠ O(x2/log x).
Use Brualdi's notation for problems in his book and use Cameron's notation for every other problem.
(In ordinary English "unique" basically means "unlike all others", which is similar to the mathematical meaning. However, it is often abused, as in "unique user" which really means "distinct user". A truly unique user is the only user.)
Theorems and Other Results
|A1 ∪ A2 ∪ ··· ∪ An| = ∑i=1n |Ai| − ∑{i,j}⊆[n] |Ai ∩ Aj| + ∑{i,j,k}⊆[n] |Ai ∩ Aj ∩ Ak| − ···
= ∑r=1n (−1)r ∑I⊆[n],|I|=r |∩i∈I Ai|.
The difference from (5.1.1) is that we omit |X| and the signs are reversed.
Supplements, Explanations, Hints
Selection is ... Ordered Unordered Unlabeled balls No repetition (n)k (permutations of length k)
n!/(n−k)! if k ≤ nAlso: injective functions [k] → [n] C(n, k) (k-combination) 1 if k ≤ n
0 if k > nRepetition allowed nk (sequences of length k) Also: all functions [k] → [n] C(n+k−1, k−1)
= C(n+k−1, n)Also: # of solutions to
∑1k ni = n; all ni ≥ 0Same as above Repetition allowed
and must use every
ball at least oncen! S(k, n); 0 if k < n Also: surjective functions [k] → [n] S(k, n); 0 if k < n 0 if k < n
1 if k ≥ n