Homework Assignments

Math 304-04: Linear Algebra: Fall 2018
Tom Zaslavsky

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Instructions for written homework:

  1. Write neatly and legibly, or type. Do not hand in a solution with much crossed out; that is your scrap work.
  2. Give complete explanations of what you do.
  3. Do not consult any reference source, especially not the Internet. If you do, you will be losing the chance to learn. If you can't answer the question, say so on your paper.
  4. Do not copy the solution from anyone or any place.
  5. I encourage you to discuss the problems with other students, but you must write your solution in your own words.
  6. The homework is due at the beginning of class. If you're late – oh, oh – give me the homework as soon as you arrive and see me after class.

Secret code:   § = section,   ¶ = paragraph.   Doubling the symbol means plural.

Date Reading & Study Topics Hand in on Notes
F 8/31 Ch. 1
and the Preface.
Matrices; linear transformations. None.
W 9/5 § 1.6 (all). Linear transformations. HW 1, W 9/5:
Exer. (7) 1-2; (10) 1, 3, 6, 7.
W 9/12 §§ 2.1–2.3. Matrix algebra.
F 9/14 §§ 2.4-2.6. Matrices & linear transformations. HW 2, F 9/14:
Exer. (12) 2; S1-18, S1-20.
Remember: Stapled, and no stubs.
F 9/21 §§ 2.7.1, 2.8. Square matrices, Powers;
HW 3, F 9/21:
Exer. (18) 1; (20) 1(b,c), 2; (21) 1, 5.
Midterm test 1: W 9/26, 8:30-10:00 p.m., in LH-1.
M 10/1 §§ 1.6.1, 2.7–2.9. Inverse function;
Inverse matrix;
Rules of matrix algebra.
F 10/5 §§ 3.1-3.3. Vector geometry;
Types of linear transf. in R2;
Vector subspaces; Span.
Recommended reading for 4-dimensional space: "—And He Built a Crooked House" by Robert A. Heinlein.
M 10/8 § 3.4. Linear independence et al. HW 4, M 10/8:
Exer. (22) 2–4; (25) 1(c); (35) 1.
W 10/10 § 3.5-6. Bases; Coordinates.
M 10/15 §§ 3.6 (finish), 4.1. Bases; Coordinates. HW 5, M 10/15:
Exer. (36) 1, 3; (39) 1, 2.
W 10/17 §§ 4.2-4. All the same for general vector spaces. HW 6, W 10/17:
Exer. (40) 1, 2.
F 10/19,
M 10/22
§§ 4.5-6. Isomorphisms;
The coordinate transformation.
Study coordinates and the coordinate function V → Rn (§§ 3.5.2, 4.6).
M 10/22 Finish Ch. 4. Transf. CLB and matrix for L: V → W;
Transition matrix (change of basis) for Rn with bases B, C.
F 11/9 §§ 5.1-3. Determinants;
Eigenvalues & eigenvectors.
Know the list of properties of determinants.
M 11/12 § 5.3. Eigens. HW 7, M 11/12: (59) 1, 2;
(60) 1(a,c,f), 2; (61) 1(a,c,f).
This is the heart of linear algebra.
F 11/16 [snow day] § 5.3. Eigens. Study this carefully. Notice how we use techniques from all during the semester.
M 11/19 § 5.3. Eigens. HW 8, M 11/19: (62) 1(a,c,f); (63) 1. This material is one of the main goals of the course.
M 11/26 § 6.1. Inner product, orthogonality. HW 9, M 11/26:
(65) 2, 3, 4, 5; § 5.5 # S5.5(a).
W 11/28 Review for Exam 3 Exam 3 this evening: 8:30-10:00 p.m. in LH-1.
M 12/3 § 6.2.1-4. Orthogonal bases,
HW 10, M 12/3: (66).
W 12/5 § 6.2.6. Orthogonal matrices. HW 11, W 12/5: (67); (68); (69). We are omitting § 6.2.5.
F 12/7 Review
Sunday 12/9 Review sessions Me (for our section): 12:30-2:00 in WH-100E.
Tutors (all sections): 2:00-5:00 in LH-9.
Tuesday 12/11 Final Exam 10:25-12:25 in GW-69EX Comprehensive: it covers everything in the course. There may be slightly more emphasis on Ch. 6.

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