Thomas Zaslavsky
Office: OW-216
Email: zaslav@math.binghamton.edu
Link to my (old) home page.
Office hours
M, W, F: 2:30 ? 3:15.
Other hours by arrangement: make an appointment.
James Stewart, Multivariable Calculus, 7th edition, Chapters 12?16.
Schedule of topics and assignments (separate page).
Grading System
There will be four tests, including the final exam. There will
also be frequent quizzes. Your grade will be based on the tests,
quizzes, and class participation.
Link to the quizzes and solutions.
I expect everyone to read the book carefully before the lecture and
to do all the assigned problems. If not, you may miss some important
Hand-in homework should be neatly written (or typed), not squeezed into a small space, and stapled (paper clips and paper folds don't work). Also, please
remove all stubs if you tear out pages from a spiral binder.
Test dates
Final exam policy
The final is comprehensive and mandatory. There will be no make-up for the final exam except for extraordinary
circumstances. Implicit in your registration for this course is your
agreement to be present to take the final exam at the above time and
Test grading guidelines (posted after the test is graded).
Classroom behavior
Always turn your cell phone to silent before entering the
classroom. No chatting, emailing, surfing, texting, etc. If you do, I
may confiscate your device for the rest of the class.
Academic Dishonesty
Any instance of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Harpur
College Academic Honesty Committee. Academic honesty violations can
result in suspension from the University for multiple semesters.
To my old home page.