Math 386: Combinatorics Homework Assignments

Fall 2004

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General Advice
on homework problems

Besides finding the answer, always try to explain, as well as you can, how you know you have the correct answer.

When solving problems, a systematic solution is better than guesswork. You often may find a solution by intelligent guessing, but then you should look for a way of showing that your solution is correct. This part needs to be systematic if it is to be completely convincing. (This will be clearer after a few days of class!)

Allow 15 minutes per problem (minimum) before you give up, even if you feel you're getting nowhere. These problems need time for thought. If you're still stuck, go on to another problem. Return to the sticky problem later (say, the next day). Often, it then looks easier because you tried hard the first time and then gave your mind time to grind it up – I mean, to come up with ideas. To get the advantage of this method, you have to start the problems well ahead of time. Last-minute effort will not work well in this class.

Rules for hand-in homework.

  1. Hand in a final draft: neat work that is well organized and not cramped. Use as much space as you need. Please also leave some extra space between problems for my comments.
  2. You may discuss hand-in HW with other people, but you must write it up in your own words.
  3. No little stubbies from tearing a page out of your binder. Remove them neatly, please!
  4. Fasten the pages securely. Staples are best. Folding the paper over and/or tearing it is no good (not secure); paper clips don't hold well.


Due Wed., 9/1:
Read Sect. 1.1.
Do (for class discussion) Ch. 1, ## 1-3.

Due Thurs., 9/2:
Read Sect. 1.2.
Do Ch. 1, ## 4(a), 8, 26.

Hand in Thurs. 9/2: Ch. 1, ## 5, 9, 10.


Due Fri., 9/3:
Read Sects. 1.3, 1.5.
Do ## 7, 11, 12, 15, 19, 22-24.

Hand in Wed., 9/8: Ch. 1, ## 13, 16, 25, 27


Read Sects. 3.1-3.3.

Do for discussion on
Fri., 9/10: Ch. 3, ## 1-8, 10, 13.
Mon., 9/13: Ch. 3, ## 9, 11, 12, 14, 16.

Hand in Wed. 9/15: Ch. 3, ## 4(c), 5(b), 13, 15.


Read for Mon., 9/20: Sects. 3.4-3.5.

Do for discussion on
Wed., 9/22: Ch. 3, ## 17, 18, 20, 27, 31.
Thurs., 9/23: Ch. 3, ## 29, 30, 36, 38, 43, 45(a).

Hand in Mon., 9/27: Ch. 3, ## 19, 26, 33, 39, 42, 44, 45(b,c).


Read for Mon., 9/27: Sects. 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3 to the top of p. 136.

Do for discussion on
Wed., 9/29: Ch. 5, ## 1-4, 7, 15, 16, 19.
Thurs., 9/30: Ch. 5, ## 5, 8, 17, 20, 23, and A1.

Hand in Fri., 10/1 (date corrected from handout): Ch. 5, ## 6, 9, 10, 11, 14, and 25.

Problem Set A


Read for Fri., 10/1: Sect. 5.3 and Sect. 5.4 to p. 140.

Do for discussion on
Mon., 10/4: Ch. 5, ## 20, 24, 30.
Wed., 10/6: Ch. 5, ## 28, 29.

Hand in Mon., 10/4: Ch. 5, ## 18, 26.


For Wed., 10/11: Read Sects. 5.4, 5.5, and 4.5. (In Sect. 5.4, emphasize clutters and Sperner's Theorem 5.4.3.)

Do for discussion on
Thurs., 10/14:
Ch. 5, ## 13, 22, 31, 34, 36, 38, 40, B1.
Ch. 4, ## 36, 37, 42, 45.
Fri., 10/15:
Ch. 5, ## 17, 23, 32, 35, B3.
Ch. 4, ## 37, 41, 43, 47.

Hand in Mon., 10/18:
Ch. 5, ## 20, 24, 33, B2, B4.
Ch. 4, ## 44, 46, 50.

Problem Set B


For Wed., 10/20: Read Sect. 5.7.

Do for discussion on
Thurs., 10/21 - Fri., 10/22:
Ch. 4, ## 47 (try to get it fully solved this time); 48, 54, 55.
Ch. 5, ## 35 (try to get it fully solved this time, using C1 for guidance); 47-50; C2, C3, C4.

Problem Set C


For Mon., 10/25: Read Sections 6.1-6.2. Do for discussion on
Thurs., 10/28: Ch. 6, ## 1, 3, 4, 7, and # C'1.
Fri., 10/29: Ch. 6, ## 8, 9, and # C'2(a).

Hand in Mon., 11/1: Ch. 6, ## 2, 5, and ## C'2(b), C'3.

Problem Set C'


For Mon., 11/1: Read Sections 6.3-6.4.
Do for discussion on
Thurs. 11/4: Ch. 6, ## 11, 15-17, 24(a), 25.
Fri. 11/5: Ch. 6, ## 12, 19-21, 24(c).

Hand in Mon. 11/8: Ch. 6, ## 13, 14, 24(b), 26.


For Mon. 11/8: Read Section 2.1 to Application 5 (inclusive).

Do for discussion on Thurs. 11/11:
Ch. 6, ## 23, 27, 29.
Ch. 2, ## 1 (for k <= 21 and, if you can, k = 22), 4, 5, 10, 18.

Do for discussion on Fri. 11/12:
Ch. 2, ## 1 (for k = 23), 2, 9, 16.
In #16, assume that acquaintanceship is symmetric: i.e., if A is acquainted with B, then B is acquainted with A. (This isn't always so in real life!)

Hand in Mon. 11/15:
Ch. 6, ## 28, 30.
Ch. 2, ## 6, 7, 11, 19.


Read Sections 2.1 (to end) and 2.2. (See correction to Application 9.)

Do for discussion on:
Thurs. 11/18: Ch. 2, ## 14, 15, 17, and ## E1, E4, E6.
Fri. 11/19: ## 26, E2, E3, E5.

Hand in Mon. 11/22: Ch. 2, ## 3, 23, and 27.

Problem Set E


Reread Sections 4.5 and 5.7. N.B. Problem Set C is above.

Do for discussion on:
Wed. 11/24: Ch. 4, ## 37, 41, 42, 45, 47, 48, 54; also Ch. 5, ## 47-49; also C2, C3, and F1.

Hand in Mon. 11/29: Ch. 4, ## 43, 55; also C4.

Problem Set F


Read for Mon., Dec. 6:

Do for discussion on:
Wed., 12/8:

## G1(a,c), G2(a,c).
Ch. 7, ## 8 (setup only; don't solve), 19(a), 28(a,c), 29(a,c), 30(a,b), 34, 35, 37.
Thurs., 12/9:
Ch. 7, ## 28(b,d), 29(b), 30(c), 31.

Hand in Thurs., 12/9:

## G1(b), G2(b,d).
Ch. 7, ## 28(e), 29(d), 30(e), 36.

Problem Set G

HOMEWORK SET XIV -- Optional (12/2)

Read Section 7.1, pp. 212-217 (Fibonacci sequence).

Do for discussion in my office, if you're interested:
Ch. 7, ## 1(a,c), 3(a), 4, 6.

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