Math 580A: Matroid Theory
Spring 2013
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Corrections and Additions to Oxley, Second Edition
- In the middle of page 44, the graphical criterion for a pertial transversal is incomplete. It should read: "It is not difficult to see ... in which every edge has an endpoint in X and every vertex in X is an endpoint of an edge."
- Problem 3.2.4 on p. 112 has M \ x,y. That is an error. I think the correction is M/{x,y}. (I'm awaiting verification.)
- I (and others) define a graph to be inseparable if it has no cutpoints, including points that separate a loop from the rest of the graph. (That is not the universal definition of a cutpoint.) This is what Oxley calls a block. I use both terms. A single loop and a single link are blocks.
- In Sect. 5.3, the term "generalized cycle" should (my opinion) be "circle/cycle of blocks", because it is more precisely descriptive. Definition: A circle of blocks is a graph obtained from blocks Bi, i = 1,...,k (where k ≥ 2), with distinct vertices ai and bi, by identifying ai with bi−1 for every i. (Subscripts are taken modulo k.)
We'll have another use for circles of blocks and Lemma 5.3.4 when discussing frame matroids of biased graphs.
- Page 199, line -9: "if" should be "is".
- Page 237ff.: The term "unbalanced" should be "contrabalanced" everywhere (including the index). "Unbalanced" means not balanced; a biased graph that contains one unbalanced circle or one half edge is already unbalanced. "Contrabalance" is the complete opposite of balance: no circle is balanced.
Examples: A forest is both balanced and contrabalanced, but not unbalanced. An unbalanced circle is contrabalanced. An unbalanced theta graph may be contrabalanced or not; it is a frame-matroid circuit if and only if it is contrabalanced.
- In Sect. 6.10, on page 238, my copy of the book uses the name "bias matroid" after mentioning the alternative name "frame matroid". The name to use is "frame matroid"; "bias matroid" has been abandoned can cause confusion (and it is not as descriptive, and I never really liked it).
- P. 240, line 18: I would add "Biased graphs. IV" to the list, but it doesn't matter because it's listed in (1998a).
- Regarding sufficiently large gain groups on page 246, third paragraph (beginning "We shall sssume"): Stephen Gagola studied the order of $A$ that is sufficient; see Zaslavsky (1998a), author Gagola.
- Sect. 15.2: The name should be "Unimodality conjectures". They are conjectures about unimodality, not conjectures that are unimodal. The literature says "unimodality", fortunately.
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