Chapter IV: Gain Graphs and Biased Graphs.
See here for the current, working outline of Chapter IV.
Chapter V: Matroids.
- Dates: ?
- Description: Abstract and applied geometry of signed, gain, and biased graphs.
- Reading: [Oxley], [BG2], [BG4], [GLSP].
Chapter VI: Coloring.
- Dates: ?
- Description: Many examples and uses of coloring of signed, gain, and biased graphs.
- Reading: [SGC], [CISG], [BG3], [GLSP].
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- [Cox] H.S.M. Coxeter, Introduction to Geometry, second edition. Chapters 12–14, §§ 15.1-3.
Basic geometrical background for use in the course.
- [Pearls] Nora Hartsfield and Gerhart Ringel, Pearls in Graph Theory.
Ch. 1, §§ 2.1-2, § 3.1, Ch. 8 for elementary background in graph theory. Very readable. Not always precisely correct, so make sure you understand the proofs.
- [BM] J.A. Bondy and U.S.R. Murty, Graph Theory with Applications. North Holland, New York, 1976.
An advanced introduction, conceptually oriented. The best graph theory textbook to find background for this course. In connection with our course, see especially Chapters 1-3, 6, 8, 9, 12, and some of 10. The table of contents and links to the entire book are on the Web at
- [PG] Martin Charles Golumbic, Algorithmic Graph Theory and Perfect Graphs. Academic Press, New York, 1980.
Readable treatment of special topics, e.g., chordal graphs and comparability graphs.
Signed Graphs:
Geometry of Signed Graphs:
- [GRS] T.Z., "The geometry of root systems and signed graphs". Amer. Math. Monthly, 88 (Feb., 1981), no. 2, 88-105.
A readable introduction to some of the connections between graph theory and geometry.
- [CGSS] P.J. Cameron, J.M. Goethals, J.J. Seidel, and E.E. Shult, "Line graphs, root systems, and elliptic geometry". J. Algebra 43 (1976), 305-327. MR 56 #182. Zbl. 337.05142.
A classic research paper in the background of part of our topic. Not introductory.
- [GR] Chris Godsil and Gordon Royle, Algebraic Graph Theory.
Ch. 10 on strongly regular graphs (§§ 10.1-2), Ch. 11 on two-graphs and equiangular lines, and Ch. 12 (and § 1.7) on line graphs (§§ 12.1-3). A textbook that presents much of the material of [CGSS] with its background, in a more accessible way.
Gain Graphs:
Biased Graphs and Gain Graphs:
- [BG1] T.Z., "Biased graphs. I. Bias, balance and gains".
Fundamentals of gain graphs and biased graphs.
- [BG2] T.Z., "Biased graphs. II. The three matroids".
The closure operations that are basic to the theory, in §§ 2, 3. Important open problems.
- [BG3] T.Z., "Biased graphs. III. Chromatic and dichromatic invariants".
Chromatic polynomial et al., with and without colorings.
- [BG4] T.Z., "Biased graphs. IV: Geometrical realizations".
Extensive treatment of the geometry of gain graphs. Fundamentals in §§ 2, 4. More advanced topics throughout, especially in § 7.
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