Matching Theory Fall 2010: Additional Exercises
Math 581: Topics in Graph Theory
Fall 2010
Matching Theory
Additional Exercises
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- (See Erratum No. 1.) Write an algorithm to find the initial forest needed in the Hungarian algorithm.
- (See Erratum No. 2.) Use the information available in the book (see p. 32) to decide what the correct definition of a forest-representative system is.
- (See Erratum No. 3.) Is this really an error in the book or is my brain deceiving me?
- Write a complete and correct proof of Lemmas 2.2.5 and 2.2.6 using the method I tried in class, where we adjust the paths to show that Pi+1 is not shorter than Pi and that |Pi+1| ≥ |Pi| + 2 if a "saturated edge" of the flow fi is in Pi+1 . Do not use the method in the book, but you may use it as a source of ideas.
Another (related) thing to consider: Is it simpler to combine the two lemmas' proofs?
- A thought question: In f-matchings, why is f allowed to take on real values instead of only integer values?
- Prove sufficiency in Theorem 3.2.8.
- Prove necessity in Theorem 3.2.8.
- Prove that every barrier is extreme.
- Use Lemma 4.2.9 to prove the assertion of page 134, paragraph 3.
- Is there a converse of Theorem 5.2.2(c)? Precisely stated: Suppose X is a nonempty subset of V such that A(G - S) = Si - X for some maximal barrier Si, and also C(G - X) is empty. Is X nececessarily contained in Si?
- In the ear decomposition of a 1-extendable graph (Section 5.4), can you figure out why it may be necessary to add 2 ears at the same time, but never 3? (That is, any graded ear decomposition can be refined to one with no stage larger than a 2-ear system.) In particular, does this have anything to do with the fact that the matching polytope is half-integral? Or that a signed-affinographic, integral hyperplane arrangement has half-integral vertices?
This is a serious research problem, not an exercise.
- State each of the following, completely and correctly, as appropriate to each case. Do not waste words.
- Theorem 3.1.1:
- The sufficiency half.
- The necessity half.
- Theorem 3.1.3:
- The sufficiency half.
- The necessity half.
- Theorem 3.2.8:
- The sufficiency half.
- The necessity half.
- Theorem 3.4.7:
- The sufficiency half.
- The necessity half.
- Theorem 4.1.1:
- The sufficiency half.
- The necessity half.
- Theorem 4.1.6:
- The sufficiency half.
- The necessity half.
- Theorem 5.1.3:
- The sufficiency half.
- The necessity half.
- Theorem 5.2.7:
- The sufficiency half.
- The necessity half.
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