Math 581: Topics in Graph Theory: Matching Theory
Fall 2010
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The textbook is Matching Theory by László Lovász and Michael D. Plummer (republished by the American Mathematical Society).
This syllabus is a record of what we actually cover in the course. It will be complete only after the course is done. The following list is what I hope to cover, and will be modified as we go. It's not likely we can do all of it.
- Overview of matchings (Preface).
- Basic graph theory (Basic terminology).
- Matchings in bipartite graphs (Ch. 1).
- Network flows (Ch. 2).
- Maximum matchings (Ch. 3).
- Bipartite perfect matching (Ch. 4).
- General perfect matching (Ch. 5).
- The postman problem (Sect. 6.5).
- Optimization by linear programming (Sects. 7.1-7.3).
- Edmonds' matching algorithm (Sect. 9.1): approximate outline only.
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