Math 386: Combinatorics: Announcements

Fall 2016
Tom Zaslavsky


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Test Grade Guidelines

These are approximate grade middles. The letter grades are only to give you an idea of how well you're doing. I don't add letter grades. I add up your scores to get the total of test points.

Test 1 (10/18)

75 60 45 30 25

Test 2

73 57 42 33 ≤ 29

Final Exam

100 75 52 37 ≤ 32

Quizzes and Solutions

A quiz question is graded out of 4 points, like a homework problem.

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Corrections to the Textbook

Additions to the Textbook

  1. Definitions
    • C(n,k) := the number of k-combinations (k-element subsets) of an n-element set. (n, k are nonnegative integers.)
    • P(n,k) := the number of k-permutations (k-element ordered subsets) of an n-element set. (n, k are nonnegative integers.)
      Also, P(n) := P(n,n).
    • (n)k := n(n−1)(n−2)···(n−[k−1]) (with k factors). (k is a nonnegative integer and n is any number, variable, etc.)
        In particular, (n)0 := 1, since the product of no factors is defined as 1.
        Each (n)k is a polynomial of degree k; that is why n can be anything that can go into a polynomial.
    • Binomial coefficient (n over k) := (n)k/k!. (k is a nonnegative integer and n is any number, variable, etc.)
        This is different from the book's definition in Ch. 2, but in a later chapter Brualdi will change the definition to this one.

  2. Terminology
    • Use the word unique correctly. In mathematics, "unique" has only one correct usage: it means "only one". It never means "different". If you mean that, say "different" or "distinct". Please be sure to use "unique" in mathematics according to its (unique) mathematical meaning.
        This is correct mathematical usage. In ordinary English "unique" can mean things like "special to that person or thing". In computerese (due to illiterate computerites, I suppose) the phrase "unique users" is a corrupt way of saying "distinct users". Don't imitate this. (All computerites are not illiterate, far from it. I infer the existence of illiterate ones from the way they use English.)
        By the way, I know I'm using very strong language here. I have a low opinion of people who can't distinguish one word from another. Sorry. None of you is that person, I'm sure!
    • Equivalent and equal do not mean the same thing. They are not equivalent, especially when we get to equivalence relations.

  3. Additional Problems
    1. The points-and-lines problem of Day 1. We have a set of 6 points, or in general n points. We want to choose subsets (traditionally called "lines") so the following properties are satisfied. (I revised the properties slightly from class to make the problem clearer.)
      • (o) No line is the empty set. No two lines are the same set.
      • (a) Each pair of lines has exactly one point in common.
      • (b) Each pair of points belongs to exactly one line together.
      We found two solutions:
      1. There is only one line and it contains all the points.
      2. The same as (1) but with the addition of a line {P1} that contains only one point.
      The one-point line prevents any other lines from existing. So I added another requirement:
      • (c) Every line has at least 2 points.
      Then we found the solution
      1. where a line L contains all points but one, say P1, and there are lines {P1, Q} for every point Q in L (that is, all points Q ≠ P1). (N.B. This solution is not 1-dimensional any more.)
      So, I asked if the problem can be solved in any other way.
      • (d) Find a solution different from (1), (2), and (3).
      Actually, I gave a stronger requirement, which you can use instead (I don't promise they give the same answers; we can work on that in Ch. 10).
      • (e) Assume there exist 4 points, no 3 of them in a line together. (There may be any number n of points, as long as n ≥ 4.)
      I showed such a solution with 7 points and 7 lines, with 3 points on each line. But the original question was about 6 points.

      We'll examine this problem more deeply in Ch. 10.

    2. In Exercise 3.9:
      1. Can 10 be replaced by 9?
      2. Can 10 be replaced by 5?
      3. What is the smallest number that 10 can be replaced by?

    3. In Newton's binomial theorem for (1 − x)−1/2, simplify the binomial coefficients (−1/2 binom k) for k ≥ 0.
      1. Do very small values of k starting at 0.
      2. Then see if any pattern emerges; make a guess.
      3. Try to prove (or disprove) your guess.
      This is a good discussion problem; we'll share what you come up with.

    4. In Newton's binomial theorem for (1 − x)−2, simplify the binomial coefficients (−2 binom k) for k ≥ 0. Write out the full series with a general term, using your simplification.

    5. Prove Lemma. Assume n > r > 0. The Fibonacci numbers satisfy fn = fr+1fn−r + frfn−r−1. (This lemma is helpful for Ch. 7, ## 6, 7.)

    6. A problem in circle geometry related to §8.4.
      Draw a circle (it need not be perfect) and draw n points on it (not equally spaced). Draw all the chords (straight line segments) connecting the n points. Let hn = the number of regions the chords cut the disk into.
      • Compute h1 – oh, that's trivial. You get one region: h1 = 1.
      • Compute h2 by making the drawing with 2 points. You should get h2 = 2.
      • Compute hn for n = 3, 4, 5. Do you see a pattern and guess a formula?
      • Now test your guess against h6. How is the guess doing?
      • If you compute h7, can you refine your guess?

      Submit your results in class for discussion. (I'm not collecting written results.)
      • What values did you get for hn (for the n's you did)?
      • What were your guesses for a formula?
      • Did you come to any conclusion about a formula?
      • Did you compare with the formula for hn(k) in §8.4? Does that help? Is there a value of k for which our hn = his hn(k)? (You can test this by comparing values for small n's. That's often how new math discoveries are made.)
        I'm not saying you will find equality; not saying you won't.

  4. Supplements, Explanations, Hints

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