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Last update: December 17, 2022 - 9:00 PM
NOTE that This document pertains to ALL sections of the course!
Visit this page frequently for important announcements!

Math 147B Announcements

12/16/2022 a. Your section BS now shows the accurate final exam grade for each student. One of the problems had been graded inaccurately for some of you if you had the (yellow) version B of the exam, and it took until late afternoon today (Sat) to get everything straightened out. Most but not all of you have had their score improved as a result.
b. Your letter grade is computed according to the Spreadsheet math147B-grades-examples.xlsx. That link can also be found on the course materials page. You can figure out what that grade will be according to the following explanations:
QSum = sum of all 12 quizzes
QuizAdj = sum of best 10 quizzes
  • Examples:
    • User Charlie loses zero because two lowest quizzes = 0 + 0 = 0
    • User Delta loses 10 because two lowest quizzes = 5 + 5 = 10
    • User India loses 20 because two lowest quizzes = 10 + 10 = 20
HwSum = sum of all 5 graded HW
QuizAdj = sum of best 4 graded HW
  • Examples:
    • User Charlie loses 20 because lowest HW = 20
    • User Frances loses zero because lowest HW = 0
    • User Hotel loses 5 because lowest HW = 5
TotSum = sum of attendance + all major exams + all 12 quizzes + all 5 graded HW
TotAdj = sum of attendance + all major exams + best 10 quizzes + best 4 graded HW
  • Examples:
    • User Golf: Both figures are the same because zero points were lost on both quizzes and HW
    • User Frances: 10 points were subtracted because 5 + 5 points were lost on the lowest two quizzes.
Add-20: Boosts your score by 20 points. Explained further in item c below.
Grade: The letter grade you would have gotten if I had applied the grading scale displayed in the "Your Grade" section near the end of the syllabus to the points total in the TotAdj column of the spreadsheet. Instead:Grade+20: This will be your letter grade! It results from applying the grading scale displayed in the "Your Grade" section near the end of the syllabus to the points total in the TotAdj column of the spreadsheet.   • Examples: If your Grade+20 score is 780 then you will receive a B. If it is 848 then you will receive a B+.
Thus, You can compute your letter grade as follows: Take one of the users, say, Alpha, and overwrite the columns G (attendance) through AB (Hw E) with your BS data. The spreadsheet will compute the other columns, including Grade+20, for you.
c. Instead of a curve: I have given everyone of you 20 additional points. Fifteen of those are meant to boost your grade, the other five are there to ensure that nobody missed the next better grade by five or less points.
Accordingly, I am not open to discussions about improving your grade because you only need two or three extra points.
d. You can find the anonymous grades for the final on the grades page.
e. It was my privilege to be your instructor. I hope that the grade you obtained is what you were looking for, and I wish you all a wonderful semester break, and all the best for your future -- Michael Fochler --
12/16/2022 I won't be able to start determining your letter grade until all finals are completely graded.
At that time I will review the grades and decide on whether there will be a curve and if so, how many points I will add.
I expect this will be done Sat afternoon. If I cannot make that deadline then I will send another announcement.
12/7/2022 I restored the link to the midterm 3 study guide by David Collins and Thu Quan
12/7/2022 Your anonymous midterm 3 scores have been published on the grades page.
12/7/2022 a. UTS tutoring review session John Ferrara from UTS will hold a review session on Sunday (12/11) from 2:00-4:00 in CW 113.
"This is walk-in and open to all students, but is specifically for MATH 147B students"
12/7/2022 Final exam on Mon 12/12/2022, 5:40 PM - 7:40 PM at LH 1:
a. It is imperative that you do not move in before we tell you to: First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so it will less time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
The exams are labeled and you will incur a 30 points penalty if you work on another person's exam. Approach your TA if you cannot locate your seat.
If we switched you from another section, check that one, too for your exam!
b. I have published the cover sheet of the final exam. You can also find the link on the Course material page.
It shows the instructions you will see on this semester's final exam. Read them NOW!
Excerpts:   • Pencils are allowed.
c. Don't forget that the exam will be in LH 1, not in LH 14, and that you are entitled to bring a 5 x 8 inches index card. Review the syllabus!
d. Scope of the final exam: Review the Finals prep sheet to understand what material will NOT be on the final exam.
You can also find this link on the Course material page.
e. Makeup exam: Wednesday, December 14 @5:40 PM at UTS. If you ask to take the makeup exam,
you are advised not to miss it unless absolutely necessary: I would have to give you an incomplete
and ask you to take the final exam in mid-February of next year.
12/6/2022 a. David Collins and Thu Quan have posted a study guide for the material covered in midterm 1 (might also be on the final) and for the material not in the scope of the past midterms.
b. I understand that the math admins have sent you a Google Forms link to enter your comments about this class anonymously. Free form comments, not the useless one to five star nonsense!
11/28/2022 a. HW 13 has been published. Due according to TA instructions.
b. Announcements about the midterm will be forthcoming later.
11/23/2022 a. An updated version of the midterm 3 study guide by David Collins and Thu Quan has been published.
11/22/2022 a. The cover page for midterm 3 and a study guide by David Collins and Thu Quan have been published. b. Final exam make-up: Wed Dec 14, 5:40-7:40 PM at UTC
11/22/2022 Exam 3 on Wed 11/30/2022:
a. Scope is ch.17-ch.23, but the multiple regression subchapters of ch.23 are omitted. For more info concerning what topics will be omitted, see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page (the part that is about ch.18-ch.23).
b. The exam will start at 8:30 AM and end at 9:25 AM. It is imperative that you do not move in before we tell you to: First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so it will take less time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
c. Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event send an email to me and cc your TA before Monday, 12:00 PM.
If you are an athlete then email us immediately and get an official letter from your coach.
d. Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards. If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will confiscate it!
Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least spare batteries!
e. SSD letter students: I have submitted your names to UTC on Tue 11/22. If you have time and a half, ou will start the exam at the testing center on the day of the exam at a time of your choosing between 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM.
f. I have published the actual instructions for the exam on the course materials page. Click on the Midterm cover sheet link so you clearly understand what to do.
11/21/2022 a. HW 12 has been re-published. Part 2 (multiple regression problems) is not meant for midterm prep, but for the final exam.
11/21/2022 a. HW 12 has been published. This assignment will not be graded. It is meant for practice only: All assignments are odd-numbered, so you can look up the solutions.
b. Jerod Osica from FLY (Financial Literacy for the Youth) will address you briefly on Friday, December 2, after lecture.
11/11/2022 a. I have updated the Midterms and Final exam prep sheet on the course materials page.
Read it carefully: Part of ch.23 will be in on midterm 3, but the chapters about multiple regression are not part of its scope!
b. I have included a midterm 3 study guide from Fall 2021. The scope of that midterm not identical to this semester's, and the guide references chapters in the FOURTH edition of the text. The material is relevant, but you have to search for it in different areas of your book.
c. HW 11 has been published. Due according to TA instructions.
11/8/2022 I had created and displayed a messed-up slide when lecturing about pooled proportions. Since I am the author I can publish (the corrected version of) this slide.
You can access it on the course materials page under the name "Formula sheet. Two Proportion z-Test with Pooling (SDM Ch.20.7)."
11/5/2022 HW 10 has been published. Due according to TA instructions.
10/31/2022 a. David Collins and Fahed Shah both are having some health problems David will hold his office hours via Zoom, and you'll find a link in an email that I will send to you shortly Fahed's health issues are quite serious, and it is possible that I will take over one or both of this week's sections.
10/27/2022 a. David Collins has written a study guide for midterm 2.
b. HW 8 has been published. Due according to TA instructions.
c. The deadline to withdraw or change your grade option is TOMORROW, Fri Oct 28. Don't miss this deadline if it is relevant for any of your courses!
10/26/2022 Exam 2 on Fri 10/28/2022:
a. Scope is ch.12-ch.17. For details of what topics will be omitted, see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page (the part that is about ch.12-ch.17).
b. The exam will start at 8:30 AM and end at 9:25 AM. It is imperative that you do not move in before we tell you to: First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so it will take less time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
c. Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event send an email to me and cc your TA NOW!.
If you are an athlete then email us immediately and get an official letter from your coach.
d. Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards. If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will confiscate it!
Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least spare batteries!
e. SSD letter students: Each one of you whom I have on file has received a testing center notification. If you have time and a half, ou will start the exam at the testing center on the day of the exam at a time of your choosing between 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM.
f. ? Be sure to review the instructions for exam 1 on the course materials page. They are also in force for exam 2 Click on the Midterm cover sheet link so you clearly understand what to do and what not to do to avoid being penalized!
10/17/2022   Added a link for the Math 147B help room to the course materials page.
10/14/2022   HW 8 has been published. Due according to TA instructions.
You have a second chance to work on the Ch.15 problems.
10/10/2022   Your anonymous midterm 1 grades have been published on the grades page of the course site.
10/6/2022   HW 7 has been published. Due according to TA instructions.
10/4/2022   a. Yom Kippur break: No afternoon sections on Tue 10/4 and no lecture on Wed 10/5!
b. Fahed Shah's Math email address has changed. It now is
9/30/2022   a. HW 6 has been published. Due according to TA instructions.
b. Those who have been approved by me for the makeup exam may not get the official UTC registration until late today or until Monday. Be sure to check your email frequently.
9/23/2022 Exam 1 on Fri 9/30/2022:
a. Scope is ch.1-ch.8 and ch.10-ch.11. For details of what topics will be omitted, see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page (the part that is about ch.1-ch.11).
b. The exam will start at 8:30 AM and end at 9:25 AM. It is imperative that you do not move in before we tell you to: First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so it will take less time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
c. Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event send an email to me and cc your TA before Tuesday, 12:00 PM.
If you are an athlete then email us immediately and get an official letter from your coach.
d. Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards. If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will confiscate it!
Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least spare batteries!
e. SSD letter students: Each one of you whom I have on file has received a testing center notification earlier today. If you have time and a half, ou will start the exam at the testing center on the day of the exam at a time of your choosing between 8:00 AM and 8:30 AM.
f. I have published the actual instructions for the exam on the course materials page. Click on the Midterm cover sheet link so you clearly understand what to do and what not to do to avoid being penalized!
9/20/2022   a. Scope of midterm 1: Ch.1 - 8 and ch.10 - 11 of the text. Chapter 9 has been deferred after ch.23.
Remember to visit the "Midterms and Final exam prep sheet" link on the course materials page to see what topics you need not worry about!
b. I will not publish a homework assignment this week so you can study for the midterm instead of doing homework.
9/15/2022   a. HW 5 has been published. Due according to TA instructions.
b. After finishing chapter 8, I will continue with ch.10. I will lecture on ch.9 after ch.23, quite late in the semester.
9/6/2022   a. HW 4 has been published. Due according to TA instructions.
b. Add/drop deadline is TODAY, Tue Sep 6.
8/30/2022   Math 147B help room is in WH 233, not in WH 231!
8/29/2022   a. There will be a lecture on Tue, Sep 6. Discussion sections for that day are canceled.
b. HW 3 has been published. Thursday sections: due Thu Sep 8. Tuesday sections: Your TA will notify you about how to turn it in.
c. SECTION 2 AND 3 STUDENTS ONLY: TAs have been switched: Thu Quan will now be TA for section A02, and Fahed Shah will be TA for section A03. Add/drop deadline is Tue Sep 6.
d. Reminder: Add/drop deadline is Tue Sep 6.
8/22/2022   a. The Topics column of the Schedule webpage has been filled in. This is tentative but should give you a good idea what to expect on the midterms.
b. The Math 147 B help room (WH 231) will be in operation starting Mon Aug 29.
c. Add/drop deadline is Tue Sep 6 and the withdrawal deadline is Fri Oct 28.
8/22/2022   HW 2 has been posted. It covers ch.2 and is due in discussion next week: Aug 30 or Sep 1.
8/21/2022   a. Discussion sections start on Tue Aug 23!
b. Course materials page has a new entry "Midterms and Final exam prep sheet".
7/1/2022   a. Be sure to look at all tabs of this website|!
b. Homework 1 has been posted. It will not be graded.
c. Syllabus and course material page have information about registering with the MyStatlab website (also called the SDM website). Once you have access to MyStatlab you can access all the (optional) homework assignments that have been created in advance for the entire semester on that MyStatLab site. An example would be MATH-147B-CH-01.
d. I will hold office hours on Tue 8/23, the first day of the semester.