Date posted |
Message |
5/11/2016 |
Index card size for the final exam: You may bring a card of size
up to 5 x 8 inches, not 4 x 6 inches:
I had committed to that larger size in the syllabus.
5/11/2016 |
Solutions to quizzes 1-11 have been posted to the
course materials page.
4/23/2016 |
Homework 12 has been posted.
4/18/2016 |
Anonymous grades have been re-posted:
quiz 2 for section 2 was all zeroes.
4/18/2016 |
Anonymous grades have been posted to the Math 148 website:
Check out the "Grades" tab.
4/17/2016 |
Homework 11 has been posted.
4/9/2016 |
Homework 10 has been posted.
Math 148 Exam 3 early heads-up: Focus is on ch.18-24.
Index card (4x6 inches) and calculator policy are unchanged.
If you need a makeup exam for an eligible
event that is taking place on Wed, 4/27, ask for it by an email
that includes in the subject the phrase
"request makeup for exam 3" and in the message text the reason.
Send this email no later than Fri, 4/22
both to your instructor AND your section TA.
3/18/2016 |
Homework 9 has been amended: assignments for ch.19 are
1, 2, 6, 11a, 11b, 11c on page 351 of the text.
3/18/2016 |
Homework 9 has been posted.
3/22/2016 |
Exam 2 given to students in sections A-01 and A-02
will be re-graded and it is possible
that you will gain additional points.
Check your email for the full announcement!
Only students who have gotten back their exam
in their Tuesday morning section are affected!
3/22/2016 |
As previously announced there will be lecture this Friday,
March 25, 2016 but it will be optional in the following
I shall lecture about probability models that are not tied
to a box, in particular how to interpret the normal curve
as an item that is tied to the normal distribution,
a probability model that cannot be described by a box.
Those who have attended calculus in some form or shape
and understand the concept of limits to describe approximation
and may even have seen how integrals describe area will have
a leg up, but I shall illustrate all concepts with pictures
in addition to writing down formulas.
This subject matter will not be on any quiz or exam.
Attendance will not be taken and there will be
no lecture quiz on Friday.
3/18/2016 |
Homework 8 has been posted.
The "Schedule" link of this web site erroneously stated that
there would be no lecture on Friday, March 25.
I double-checked the academic calendar and it states
that classes will recess at 1:00 PM that day which is after
There will be class this coming Friday.
3/12/2016 |
Homework 7 has been posted.
Math 148 Exam 2: Focus is on ch.9-18.
Index card and calculator policy are unchanged.
If you need a makeup exam for an eligible
event that is taking place on Mon, 3/21, ask for it by an email
that includes in the subject the phrase
"request makeup for exam 2" and in the message text the reason.
Send this email no later than Wed, 3/16.
3/5/2016 |
Homework 6 has been posted.
3/1/2016 |
Math 148 Final Exam: Monday, May 16, 12:50 PM - 2:50 PM
in GW 69 (West Gym)
Math 148 Final Exam makeup: Tuesday, May 17, 10:25 AM - 12:25 PM
in WH-309 (Whitney Hall)
2/27/2016 |
Homework 5 has been posted.
2/13/2016 |
Your score for exam 1 was posted on Thursday to BB.
Homework 4 has been posted. Careful: your book might have
an error in problem 1, ch.10, p.176!
2/13/2016 |
Exam 1 this coming Wednesday:
a. So far NOBODY has emailed the instructor for a makeup exam
due to a planned absence that entitles you to a makeup. Reminder to athletes:
You also have to issue a written request.
The form you gave me is only used to check your request against the
list of potential dates given there.
b. If you become sick then you must provide a doctor's note
written on or before the date of the exam.
c. Index cards: size up to 4 x 6 (about a quarter page). You
can write and/or glue printed material on both sides.
Index cards will be collected with the exam.
d. Calculators: Review the syllabus for what's allowed.
Bring a spare or at least spare batteries as you are NOT allowed to
share calculators. Also bring a spare pen.
e. Those who are entitled to extra time
will go with the instructor to WH 130 and finish up the exam there.
2/13/2016 |
Homework 3 has been posted. It also contains reading assignments!
2/6/2016 |
Homework 2 has been posted. It also contains reading assignments!
2/6/2016 |
Clarification concerning lecture quizzes:
You may get a lecture quiz and a discussion quiz during the same week
and the lecture quiz may serve double duty to track attendance.
1/30/2016 |
Changes to the syllabus were made concerning quizzes.
Be sure to check the version
posted on this website
1/30/2016 |
Homework 1 has been posted.
1/28/2016 |
The helproom schedule has been posted on the home page.
1/20/2016 |
Change of TAs:
a. TA for sections A2 and A6 is Danyu Zhang.
b. TA for sections A3 and A7 is Tianqi Zhang.