Date posted |
Message |
12/19/2017 |
I have uploaded your adjusted total points and the resulting
letter grade to Blackboard.
They were "rolled" into the Office of Records database yesterday
but it may take a few weeks until they show up on your
temporary transcripts.
The column that lists your adjusted total points is displayed
immediately to the left of the one that contains the letter grade.
It should be named "GrandTotAdj" for sections 1-4 and
"Adjusted Grand Total" for sections 5-8.
It is calculated as follows:
sum of all 12 quizzes minus the worst two
+ sum of all 6 graded homeworks minus the worst one
+ points for all four exams
+ attendance points
+ 3 extra points
It will in general be less than the column that displays your totals
because that one incorporates the points of all 12 quizzes
and all 6 graded homework, but not the 3 extra points.
I awarded those 3 points so that there is noone who was missing
3 or less points to get to the next grade. Accordingly, do not ask me
to find an extra couple of points to improve your grade.
These three points already took care of it.
Happy Holidays to all of you -- Michael Fochler --
12/10/2017 |
Finals preparation aid: The Course Materials page now contains a document
Finals prep sheet
which contains a chapter by chapter breakdown of what you may skip
for the final exam.
Format of the final:
The final will be a full 120 minutes and many of the problems will be like
what you saw on the midterms: some multiple choices and fill in the blanks,
some free form answers, some lengthier computations.
Whats different: There will be material from the later chapters 25, 26, 28
where you are given computer output and you must figure out what to do with it.
Except for the final, all your grades should now be on BB.
If you have any issues, email your TA with me in the cc and ask to meet with
her/him. Do so asap!
Be early: The finals are labeled with your name and you will lose points
if you are too lazy to look for your seat and take someone elses final!
Bring your student IDs: We will make spot checks!
Index cards are bigger than for the midterms: 8 x 5 inches. Don't turn them
in with your final. You are not allowed to write with a pencil!
How to practice: I have said this many times: Best you take the fully worked
examples of the text and try to solve them closed book.
Also review the summaries.
11/24/2017 |
Homework 11 has been posted. Due next week in discussion.
Optional MATH-148-DVB-Hwk-14 has NOT YET been created.
I'll get to it sometime this weekend.
11/24/2017 |
Homework 10 has been posted. Due next week in discussion.
Optional MATH-148-DVB-Hwk-13 has been created.
Remember: DVB homework is optional and never graded.
Your correct answers will be indicated as such and locked.
11/10/2017 |
Optional MATH-148-DVB-Hwk-12 has been created
DVB homework 11 has been (re)-posted.
Remember: DVB homework is optional and never graded.
Your correct answers will be indicated as such and locked.
IMPORTANT FOR EXAM 3 (and also for the final exam):
You are not allowed to write with a pencil but must use a pen instead.
11/7/2017 |
Scope of exam 3: DVB ch.Ch.17 (overlap with exam 1)
through ch.24.1 (Goodness of fit).
Be sure to understand the similarities and differences that exist for
1) confidence intervals vs hypothesis testing and
2) proportions vs means.
Not on test:
ch.21: Agresti-Coull "plus 4" formula, power of a test.
(but understand alpha and beta, type I and type II errors!
ch.22: Tukey's quick test, Wilcoxon's rank sum test,
pooled t-tests and t-intervals (but you must know about (pooled)
two-proportion z-tests!)
ch.23: blocking vs matching vs pairing (but you must understand about
paired t-tests)
The exam starts on time at 8:30, ends at 9:25. We plan to let you take
your seats no later than 8:20.
Makeup exam: Apply no later than Sunday, 11/12 by sending an
email to BOTH instructor and TA. See syllabus for qualifying
events. Exception: If you fall ill you will get a makeup but
you must have a Dr's note issued no later than 11/15
which asserts that you are too ill to attend class on 11/15.
Students with SSD letter:
If you have extended time, approach your TA as soon as you are
let into LH 14: you will sit in the first row, left side and
walk with Dr. Fochler to his office to complete the exam.
Check syllabus and Q & A for calculator and index card policies.
Most importantly,
Do not forget your calculator!
Athletes: Inform both instructor and TA
if you have a competition on the exam date.
11/2/2017 |
Anonymous grades for exam 1 and 2
have been posted to the grades page.
11/2/2017 |
Homework 9 has been posted.
Due next week in discussion.
DVB homework 11 has been posted.
Remember: DVB homework is optional and never graded.
Your correct answers will be indicated as such and locked.
10/26/2017 |
Homework 8 has been posted.
Due next week in discussion.
DVB homework 10 has been posted.
Remember: DVB homework is optional and never graded.
Your correct answers will be indicated as such and locked.
10/20/2017 |
Homework 7 has been posted.
Due next week in discussion.
DVB homework 9 has been posted.
Remember: DVB homework is optional and never graded.
Your correct answers will be indicated as such and locked.
10/13/2017 |
A formula sheet for random variables and sampling distributions
has been posted on the course materials page.
Very little of its content is useful for the exam so it is NOT
included with the exam.
10/12/2017 |
I will hold a discussion/review session on Tuesday, October 17,
from 11:00 AM until 12:30 PM at LH 14.
Topics: DVB ch. 16 and 17.
Scope of exam 2: DVB ch.10-17.
Not on test: subjective probability,
covariance, Poisson and exponential probability models.
Starts on time at 8:30, ends at 9:25. We plan to let you take
your seats no later than 8:20.
Makeup exam: Apply no later than Sunday, 10/15 by sending an
email to BOTH instructor and TA. See syllabus for qualifying
events. Exception: If you fall ill you will get a makeup but
you must have a Dr's note issued no later than 10/18
which asserts that you are too ill to attend class on 10/18.
Students with SSD letter:
If you have extended time, approach your TA as soon as you are
let into LH 14: you will sit in the first row, left side and
walk with Dr. Fochler to his office.
Check syllabus and Q & A for calculator and index card policies.
Most importantly,
Do not forget your calculator!
Athletes: Inform both instructor and TA
if you have a competition on the exam date.
10/5/2017 |
Homework 6 has been posted.
Due next week in discussion.
DVB homework 7 has been posted.
Remember: DVB homework is optional and never graded.
Your correct answers will be indicated as such and locked.
9/28/2017 |
Homework 5 has been posted.
Due next week in discussion.
DVB homework 6 has been posted.
Remember: DVB homework is optional and never graded.
Your correct answers will be indicated as such and locked.
9/21/2017 |
Homework 4 has been posted.
Due next week in discussion.
DVB homework 5 has been posted.
Remember: DVB homework is optional and never graded.
Your correct answers will be indicated as such and locked.
Some of the ch.11 homework needs methods not yet discussed
in lecture.
9/19/2017 |
Final exam + makeup date/time are now published on
Math 148 course site: home and schedule pages.
9/7/2017 |
Homework 3 has been posted.
Due next week in discussion.
DVB homework 2, 3 have been posted.
Remember: DVB homework is optional and never graded.
Your correct answers will be indicated as such and locked.
9/4/2017 |
Deadline to drop the course: Tue, 9/5 at 11:59 PM
DVB homework 1 has been extended to 12/31/2017:
DVB homework is not graded, so there is no point
in imposing a deadline for submission.
9/4/2017 |
Some info about exam 1 on Wed, 9/20:
Scope of upcoming exam 1:
DVB ch.1-8; Not on test: anything about re-expression,
dotplots, timeplots (but know how to read those),
stem-and-leaf displays, Kendall's tau, Spearman's rho.
Starts on time at 8:30, ends at 9:25. We plan to let you take
your seats no later than 8:20.
Makeup exam: Apply no later than Sunday, 9/17 by sending an
email to BOTH instructor and TA. See syllabus for qualifying
events. Exception: If you fall ill you will get a makeup but
you must have a Dr's note issued no later than 9/20
which asserts that you are too ill to attend class on 9/20.
Students with SSD letter:
If you have extended time approach your TA as soon as you are
let into LH 14: you will set in the first row, left side and
walk with Dr. Fochler to his office.
If you need to take the exam in the testing center,
send an email to BOTH instructor and TA no later than Thu, 9/14
so proctoring can be arranged.
Check syllabus and Q & A for calculator and index card policies.
Most importantly,
Do not forget your calculator!
Athletes: We have not yet been approached by a single athlete
about potential competition dates which will allow them to
take a makeup exam. Don't forget to inform both instructor and TA
if you are an athlete!
9/1/2017 |
Homework 2 has been fixed: ch.3 exercises start at
page 74, not on p.101!
8/31/2017 |
Homework 2 has been posted.
8/24/2017 |
Notes concerning the textbook:
You CANNOT USE the book someone used in a previous semester because
both Math 147 and Math 148 switched from the Freedman/Purves/Pisani
book "Statistics" to the completely different DBV text.
The publisher of the DVB text will send me copies that I can give to
the library. I'll make an announcement when that happens.
Do you need the access code? I stated in the syllabus that it's
required, but I also stated that
all homework that will potentially be graded can be done without
a visit to the DVB website.
However, you may achieve a lower grade because you miss out
on the practice problems I post there. Moreover you won't be able
to use StatCrunch.
You spend so much money each semester that I think you
are "penny wise and pound foolish".
Note that Pearson made a special price for the loose leaf version
with MyStatLab access. Just buying that access code will cost you
about half the price of the entire package.
8/21/2017 |
Homework 1 has been posted.
Syllabus and course material page now have information
about registering with the MyStatlab website (also called the
DVB website). Once you have access to MyStatlab you can
access homework "MATH-148-DVB-01" (optional) on that site.
Blackboard ("MyCourses") has not yet been set up for Math 148.
We only use Blackboard to post the grades you get on your exams,
quizzes and homeworks and to provide a PDF version of the syllabus.
in addition to the HTML version found on this website.
8/11/2017 |
Be sure to look at all tabs of this website and to install the
material on the DVD that comes with the text!