Date posted |
Message |
5/19/2018 |
Data for sections A01 and A05 now are complete and they have been
uploaded to BB. The letter grades have also been uploaded to BU Brain.
I wish you all a wonderful summer break and all the best for your
further studies. -- Michael Fochler --
5/15/2018 |
Grades for sections A01 and A05 are expected to be finalized tomorrow,
Saturday, May 19.
An announcement will be made when this is done.
5/15/2018 |
Arielle Roth is still working on completing her grading for sections
A01 and A05.
You should see the grades for the final exam at this point in time.
Your letter grade will be computed once I know that her work is completed.
All other sections: Be sure to check your letter grade in BU Brain and
compare it to BB.
I managed to enter two grades incorrectly into BU Brain,
even though I had another person watching for data entry errors.
It is possible that more persons are affected.
5/9/2018 |
Format of the final:
The final will be a full 120 minutes and many of the problems will be like
what you saw on the midterms: some multiple choices and fill in the blanks,
some free form answers, some lengthier computations.
Whats different: There will be material from the later chapters 25, 26, 28
where you are given computer output and you must figure out what to do with it.
Except for the final and attendance, all your grades should now be on BB.
Check for attendance on Thursday evening, after 8:00 PM.
If you have any issues, email your TA with me in the cc and ask to meet with
her/him. Do so asap! (except for attendance)
Be early: The finals are labeled with your name and you will lose points
if you are too lazy to look for your seat and take someone elses final!
You must approach your TA if you cannot find your seat!
Bring your student IDs: We will make spot checks!
Index cards are bigger than for the midterms: 8 x 5 inches. Don't turn them
in with your final. You are not allowed to write with a pencil!
Pack your calculator and spare batteries or a backup
the day before the final!
How to practice: I have said this many times: Best you take the fully worked
examples of the text and try to solve them closed book.
Review the summaries.
5/8/2018 |
Office hours for today, Tue May 8, are canceled.
Finals prep: As I advised during Monday's review session, you should
try to do the fully worked in-chapter problems of the text closed book
and compare your solutions with those in the text.
Finals review session by Casey Kapklein
on Thursday, May 10 from 3:30 to 6:30 pm in Lecture Hall 10.
No need to sign up beforehand. Come prepared with questions!
5/7/2018 |
New link "Finals prep sheet.
Chapter by chapter breakdown of what you may skip for the final exam."
on the course materials page.
4/30/2018 |
I will bring the Math department's free form SOOT forms to lecture today
and on Friday. They are anonymous, so please do not write your name on
them. I read those forms and I make adjustments to the way I teach based on
your comments, so I am grateful if you let me know what you like
and what you dislike about my course.
Please bring the forms back during the final exam.
I'll designate one or two spots where you can drop the forms
(you can leave them blank if you have nothing to say).
4/30/2018 |
The deadline to apply for the makeup final has passed last Friday.
Those who have done so have received an email from me earlier today.
If you did apply but did not receive that email, be sure to notify
me AND YOUR TA immediately and show proof of your scheduling conflict
to your TA during this week's discussion section.
If you forgot about that deadline: Send an email to me AND YOUR TA
immediately and show proof of your scheduling conflict to your TA
during this week's discussion section.
4/26/2018 |
Grades for sections 1 and 5 now also are on the grades page.
for ch.28.
4/26/2018 |
Homework 14 has been posted, together with an optional DVB assignment
for ch.28.
Grades for exam 3 are on BB and, except for sections 1 and 5,
also on the grades page.
4/23/2018 |
Tomorrow's T(uesday's) office hours have been pushed back to
1:15 - 3:00.
4/20/2018 |
Homework 13 has been posted, together with an optional DVB assignment
for ch.26.
4/14/2018 |
Homework 12 has been posted, together with optional DVB assignments
for ch.24 and ch.25. Due to the upcoming midterm,
it will NOT be collected for grading.
4/14/2018 |
The scope of exam 3 is from ch.16: Binomial Model through ch.23.3.
Here are some chapter by chapter comments, mostly about what's not relevant
for the exams:
Ch.16: Not in the book but taught in class: the concept of
"iid" as a short for "independent and
identically distributed" (random variables)
Ch.16: Skip the Poisson and exponential probability models.
Ch.17: Note that "sampling variability" is also defined as "sampling error".
Ch.18: No comments.
Ch.19: No comments.
Ch.20: No comments.
Ch.21: Understand how a given Alpha level is used as decision criterion
for whether to reject the Null.
No Agresti-Coull "Plus-4" method.
Ch.22: Skip Tukey's quick test, the Wilcoxon Rank-Sum test,
and pooling for means. BUT you
may need to know how to use pooling for proportions.
No need to know that formula about degrees of freedom for a
confidence interval or a test concerning the difference of two means
in the footnote on p.598.
Ch.23: Skip ch.23.4 (Blocking).
Wednesday's exam 3: The exam will start at 12:00 PM and end at 12:55 PM.
It is imperative that you do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Take off your coat and carry your backpack in your hand so you it will less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event (includes athletes),
send an email to me and cc your TA before Monday, 8:00 PM.
If you have extended time and do not take the exam at the testing center
then send me an email as a reminder! Approach me or a TA and we will seat you.
You will finish up the exam at my office.
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it! Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
3/22/2018 |
Homework 11 has been posted, together with optional DVB assignments
for ch.22 and ch.23. Due the week after spring break
3/22/2018 |
The anonymous grades for exams 1 and 2 are posted,
by section, on the grades page
of the course site. Due next week during discussion.
Homework 10 has been posted, together with optional DVB assignments
for ch.20 and ch.21
3/20/2018 |
Midterm 3 has been moved to April 18 (from April 11).
Mark your calendars!
The deadline to withdraw or change your grading option
is this coming Friday, March 23, at 4:30 PM.
3/18/2018 |
Q & A: Will there be a lecture on Friday March 30th,
just before the break? Answer: Yes, recess
begins at 1:00 PM. Attendance definitely will not be taken that day.
3/16/2018 |
Homework 9 has been posted with optional DVB assignments for
ch.17, 18, 19.
Due 3/20 or 3/22 in discussion.
3/11/2018 |
New link "Geometric & Binomial models. (DVB ch.15)"
on the course materials page: material about Bernoulli trials
and the Geometric and Binomial models.
Note: Definition of
Bernoulli trials has changed: each item in an iid sequence of
binary random phenomena is now called a Bernoulli trial.
3/10/2018 |
No Homework for this coming week.
The scope of exam 2 is ch.10-15 and ch.16.1-16.2. Here are some
chapter by chapter comments, mostly about what's not relevant
for the exams:
Ch.01: Understand the terminology: See Review of Terms.
Skip everything else.
Ch.02: Skip segmented bar charts.
Ch.03: Skip stem-and-leaf displays and dotplots.
Ch.04: No comments.
Ch.05: An alternate name for "normal probability plot"
is "qq-plot"
Ch.06: Skip Kendall’s tau, Spearman’s rho, re-expression,
ladder of powers.
Ch.07: No comments.
Ch.08: No comments.
Ch.10: You will not be asked to use the table of random digits
in the book to generate (pseudo) random numbers.
Ch.11: Not quantitative, but lots of concepts to remember!
Ch.12: No comments.
Ch.14: Skip the Bayes rule.
Ch.13: No comments.
Ch.15: Skip covariance.
Ch.16: Not in the book but taught in class: the concept of
"iid" as a short for "independent and
identically distributed" (random variables)
Wednesday's exam 2: The exam will start at 12:00 PM and end at 12:55 PM.
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Take off your coat and carry your backpack in your hand so you it will less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event (includes athletes),
send an email to me and cc your TA before Monday, 8:00 PM.
If you have extended time and do not take the exam at the testing center
then send me an email as a reminder! Approach me or a TA and we will seat you.
You will finish up the exam at my office.
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it! Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
3/2/2018 |
Correction to the correction homework 8 has been uploaded:
ch.14 #22 is replaced with ch.14 #20.
3/2/2018 |
Correction to homework 8 has been uploaded:
First set of assignments is for ch.14 on p.383
and not ch.12.
3/1/2018 |
Homework 8 has been posted. No DVB assignments this time.
Due 3/8 or 3/13 in discussion. Homework for ch.16 will
definitely not be graded.
2/22/2018 |
Homework 7 has been posted, together with 2 optional sets
for ch.14, 15 and 16 (DVB site)
2/15/2018 |
Homework 6 has been posted, together with 2 optional sets
for ch.11 and 12 (DVB site)
Remember to bring calculator with a spare and your index card
to tomorrow's exam.
Don't block the entrance doors so the students from the previous
class can get out faster. Reread the post from February 12!
2/12/2018 |
The final exams schedule has been published:
Final Exam: Friday, May 11, 10:25 AM - 12:25 PM in LH 001.
Final Exam Makeup: Monday, May 14, 10:25 AM - 12:25 PM in WH 329.
Friday's exam 1: The exam will start at 12:05 PM and end at 1:00 PM.
There also will be a midterm in the lucture before Math 148 on that day,
and the students will finish up at 11:50.
This means that there is little time for them to clear out and for you to
move in. It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to: First they have to move out
and we must distribute the exams.
Take off your coat and carry your backpack in your hand so you it will less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event (includes athletes),
send an email to me and cc your TA before Wednesday, 8:00 PM.
If you have extended time and do not take the exam at the testing center
then send me an email as a reminder! Approach me or a TA and we will seat you.
You will finish up the exam at my office.
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it! Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
2/8/2018 |
Homework 5 has been posted, together with 3 optional sets
for ch.9, 10, 11 (DVB site)
The scope of exam 1 is ch.1-8 Here are some
chapter by chapter comments, mostly about what's not relevant
for the exams:
Ch.01: Understand the terminology: See Review of Terms.
Skip everything else.
Ch.02: Skip segmented bar charts.
Ch.03: Skip stem-and-leaf displays and dotplots.
Ch.04: No comments.
Ch.05: An alternate name for "normal probability plot"
is "qq-plot"
Ch.06: Skip Kendall’s tau, Spearman’s rho, re-expression,
ladder of powers.
Ch.07: No comments.
Ch.08: No comments.
2/1/2018 |
Homework 4 has been posted, together with 3 optional sets
for ch.6, 7, 8 (DVB site)
1/25/2018 |
Homework 3 has been posted, together with 3 optional sets
for ch.3, 4, 5 (DVB site)
1/24/2018 |
Office hours have been changed to
Mon 1:15 - 2:30, Tue 11:15-1:00 . |
1/24/2018 |
Notes concerning the textbook:
Do you need the access code? I stated in the syllabus that it's
required, but I also stated that
all homework that will potentially be graded can be done without
a visit to the DVB website.
However, you may achieve a lower grade because you miss out
on the practice problems I post there. Moreover you won't be able
to use StatCrunch.
You spend so much money each semester that I think you
are "penny wise and pound foolish".
Note that Pearson made a special price for the loose leaf version
with MyStatLab access. Just buying that access code will cost you
about half the price of the entire package.
1/17/2018 |
Homework 2 has been posted, together with optional MyStatlab
homework "MATH-148-CH-02".
1/11/2018 |
Homework 1 has been posted.
Syllabus and course material page now have information
about registering with the MyStatlab website (also called the
DVB website). Once you have access to MyStatlab you can
access homework "MATH-148-CH-01" (optional) on that site.
Blackboard ("MyCourses") has not yet been set up for Math 148.
We only use Blackboard to post the grades you get on your exams,
quizzes and homeworks and to provide a PDF version of the syllabus.
in addition to the HTML version found on this website.
1/3/2018 |
Be sure to look at all tabs of this website and to install the
material on the DVD that comes with the text!