Date posted |
Message |
4/12/2020 |
There were some errors in my 4/29 announcement You will like this corrected
version even better. I meant to say the following:
Everyone's midterm #1 points will be increased by 17 points.
This results in an average comparable to that of the
Spring 2019 Math 148 midterm.
It is to be expected that your performance is negatively affected
by having to do online learning, worrying about the pandemic, etc.
We will change the grading scale as follows:
Your letter grade will be based on the grades of Spring 2019 in the sense that
there will be at least as many people in this class getting an A
as was the case a year ago,
at least as many people in this class will get an A- or better
as was the case a year ago, ...
at least as many people in this class will get a D or better
as was the case a year ago, ...
at most as many people in this class will get an F
as was the case a year ago.
5/11/2020 |
ADDENDUM to earlier post from today:
If you encounter any technical issues with the exam, in particular if you
have been locked out, please email Nick DeMarco immediately at
Nick DeMarco immediately at
5/11/2020 |
Do not forget that the final exam is given on Blackboard
TODAY, 5:40 - 7:40 PM.
You know from the second midterm what this will be like.
Good luck to all!
5/4/2020 |
UTS tutoring for Math 148 on May 10 from 10:00-12:00 pm:
This message is from Kelly Cao, the UTS tutor for Math 148.
"UTS is holding a final tutoring session ...
from 10AM to 12PM on Sunday 5/10 using Zoom.
The session will be walk-in and students will be free
to join and leave as they wish.
The session should be up on Starfish as well,
and although it's not necessary, I'll be thankful
if students will also register on there just so I have an idea
of how many people to expect
(the registration is NOT necessary or binding, students can
still attend or not attend regardless of if they have registered or not)."
Note from MF: You have received the Zoom link via a Math 148 email broadcast.
4/30/2020 |
Please ignore ANY "out of nn points" note in your Blackboard grades.
Just add up your scores (minus the dropped quiz and homework grades to see
where you stand.
At the very end your letter grade will be deternined by your ranking in
class which is determined by that score (see my April 29 announcement).
In particular, concerning the second midterm: It is worth 200 points
and not 220 points, but I increased the ceiling so that the 17 points boost
could also be applied to those of you who got more than 183 points on the
exam without the Blackboard software making a fuss about it.
4/29/2020 |
Everyone's midterm #1 points will be increased by 17 points.
This results in an average comparable to that of the
Spring 2019 Math 148 midterm.
It is to be expected that your performance is negatively affected
by having to do online learning, worrying about the pandemic, etc.
In case this assumption turns out to be correct we will change the
grading scale as follows:
Your letter grade will be based on the grades of Spring 2019 in the sense that
there will be as many people in this class getting an A as was the case a year
as many people in this class will get an A- as was the case a year ago, ...
as many people in this class will get an F as was the case a year ago.
4/27/2020 |
Homework 14 (will definitely be graded) is due on Thursday,
also for those who attend section on Tuesday.
4/26/2020 |
Homework 14 and 15 have been posted.
Homework 14 will definitely be graded and
homework 15 will definitely NOT be graded.
4/23/2020 |
I got some results from yesterday's exam which led me
to the decision to boost the points of the second midterm.
It will not be known until middle of next week what algorithm will be used,
but this announcement should assuage your worries about your grades.
4/21/2020 |
Tomorrow's midterm will be available on BB from 12:00 until 1:00.
I will start a Zoom meeting and make sure that the exam can be accessed
by at least one of you. DO NOT TURN ON YOUR VIDEO.
I will end the Zoom session within less than 10 minutes.
The format is quite similar to that of a quiz given on BB,
just a lot bigger. You will not be asked to upload any files: Input
is done by mouse clicks and typing.
Computational problems will be mostly handled as multiple choice questions.
The numbers from which you select your answer are so much different
from each other that rounding errors will not affect your choice.
SSD students have been notified by Nick DeMarco about the
time during which the exam is accessible.
If you have any questions during the exam,
email your TA and cc Nick DeMarco.
4/20/2020 |
All Zoom recordings for last week are now available.
Homework 13 has been posted. Due next week in discussion.
Scope for midterm 2 is ch.13 -- 24. The format will not much different from
that of your quizzes, except that you will have to do much more computational
problems where you have to choose the correct answer typically from eight
different numbers. More on the exam to follow probably on Sunday.
4/11/2020 |
The Zoom recording for the Friday, 4/3 lecture is now available.
Homework 12 has been posted. Due next week in discussion.
4/1/2020 |
The Zoom recording for today's lecture is now available.
The link for the Harpur College revised Pass/Fail regulations is
Please be sure to read this carefully. The only item particular for my class:
I'll give a Pass for letter grades D - A, and an F will remain an F.
3/31/2020 |
Changes to the Course Materials page:
I have now posted the correct link to the practice exam.
The Zoom recording for Monday's lecture is now available.
Sorry that you were locked out of the meeting: I had three lectures on
Monday, and I mistakenly started the meeting for a different class
when giving that lecture.
3/28/2020 |
I have posted the now canceled midterm 2 on the course materials page,
both the original version you would have been given during the exam and
the version with solutions. The are meant for you to practice: Time yourself
on the version without solutions, and then see how you did by checking
your answers against the published ones.
3/26/2020 |
Homework 11 has been posted. Due next week in discussion.
3/21/2020 |
Homework 10 has been posted. Due this week in discussion.
3/20/2020 |
The course materials page now contains a subsection titled
'Recorded Zoom Lectures'.
3/19/2020 |
Additional changes to the website were made, most notably that the final
exam is definitely scheduled to be given online, and the cancelation
of midterm 2, see .....
..... What I announced on March 17 about midterm 2 is now official. I repeat:
There will only be one more midterm for this course,
and it will take on April 22, the date of what
we previously called midterm 3.
This exam will count for 200 points, and the final exam will count for 400.
In this way we have allocated the 150 points of the
canceled midterm to those other two exams.
3/18/2020 |
The info on the course materials page concerning Zoom has been corrected:
some of it was the version that applies to faculty only.
3/17/2020 |
You know by now that Wednesday's exam will not take place.
I am afraid that I also have to change the
'take the average of midterms 1 and 3'
option, since the (currently) latest update of the
BU coronavirus webpage
which is titled
'A message to students from Provost Donald Nieman',
states the following:
<<..... Previously completed quizzes, assignments or tests
should not be reweighted to change their percentage of
the final grade unless students opt in to the changes. .....>>
There is not a reasonable time frame within which
a brand new exam can be produced (since it would have to be open book),
so I plan to proceed as follows, but
what follows is not yet official:
There will only be one more midterm for this course,
and it will take on April 22, the date of what
we currently call midterm 3.
This exam will count for 200 points, and the final exam will count for 400.
In this way we have allocated the 150 points of the
canceled midterm to those other two exams.
3/15/2020 |
This entire website has been updated with the changes required by
the switch to distance learning which will take effect,
for this course, on Thursday, March 19, the day after midterm 2.
Be sure to review in particular the course materials page and the syllabus!
All TAs will give their March 17 discussion sections in the classroom,
but they will bring their laptops and also allow you to follow the
discussion section via Zoom.
If your section is on Tuesday then this is your chance to bring your own
equipment (computer with webcam + headset!) and get rid of all the bugs
since you can talk to your TA + fellow students if something does not work.
The time to request a makeup exam is now long past.
Your only option now is to take the averaging option. Note the following:
Your deadline for notifying your TA that you want to
skip midterm 2 and take the average of #1 and #3 instead
has been exended
to Wednesday (the day of the exam), 10:00 AM.
3/14/2020 |
One more time: Next week's midterm
will be held in lecture hall.
It will NOT be given online!
Your deadline for notifying your TA is Wednesday (the day of the exam), 4:00 PM.
If your request is not addressed to your TA (with me in the cc) then
Review one more time the previous announcements about the midterm.
It should be clear to you that the part about makeup exams is out of date,
since there will be no makeup exams. Instead we will average the grades
for the first and third midterm (IF you notify your TA by email,
as discussed above).
Prof. Carlip has published his lecture slides through lecture 23
You now have all his material covering the material up to ch. 17 of the text,
and thus everything that might appear on the second midterm.
There will be a major update to this website, probably on Tuesday,
which will reflect the changes due to the switch to distance learning.
3/14/2020 |
One more time: Next week's midterm
will be held in lecture hall.
It will NOT be given online!
Your deadline for notifying your TA is Wednesday (the day of the exam), 10:00 AM.
If your request is not addressed to your TA (with me in the cc) then
Review one more time the March 7 announcement about the midterm
It should be clear to you that the part about makeup exams is out of date,
since there will be no makeup exams. Instead we will average the grades
for the first and third midterm (IF you notify your TA by email,
as discussed above).
Homework 9 has been published.
It will NOT be collected for grading.
There will be a major update to this website, probably on Tuesday,
which will reflect the changes due to the switch to distance learning.
3/12/2020 |
Absolutely important for you to follow:
If you are concerned about your health and decide to leave campus
before the exam, and you choose to take the average of midterms
1 and 3 for your grade then
You must email your request to your TA, and put me in the
cc. Your TA is in charge of all record keeping that concerns
your grades!
Be sure to put your full name and your
section into the subject so your TA will not
ignore your email!
This policy covers all emails you may have sent me earlier
3/12/2020 |
Additional announcements for today:
Next week's midterm
will be held in lecture hall.
It will NOT be given online!
No makeup exams for the second midterm after Thursday, March 19.
Instead we will average your grades for midterm 1 and midterm 3.
3/12/2020 |
No makeup exams for the second midterm after Thursday, March 19:
Instead we will average your grades for midterm 1 and midterm 3.
As of right now I do not have a single request for a midterm 2 makeup.
I remind you that the deadline to make such a request is TODAY!
If you contact me after this date with an unforeseen emergency then
either of the following will happen:
If you can take the midterm on Thursday and IF I can get you a spot at UTC
(They close after 3/19) then I'll schedule you at UTC.
If that does not work out for whatever reason then I will proceed as follows:
Your scores for midterms 1 and 3 will be averaged
and that average is counted for midterm 2..
3/7/2020 |
The scope of Exam 2 on 3/18/2020 is
ch.10-ch.18.3 (ch.18.4 will be on midterm 3), but we omit everything that
is about re-expression. For further details
see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page
(the part that is about ch.10-ch.18).
The exam will start at 12:05 PM and end at 1:00 PM.
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so it will take less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event
send an email to me and cc your TA before Thursday, March 12, 8:00 PM.
If you are an athlete and have an event on the date of the midterm then
email us immediately!
If you are ill: No makeup exam without a Dr.'s note! NO EXCEPTIONS!
See to it that you check into Decker on the day of the exam
in time for being accepted as a walkin. I believe that must be before 11:00 AM.
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it! Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
SSD letter students: Each one of you will take the exam at the testing center.
The exam will start there at the same date/time as in LH 14.
3/6/2020 |
Homework 8 has been posted. Due March 10 or March 12 in discussion.
2/20/2020 |
Homework 7 has been posted. Due March 3 or March 12 in discussion.
2/20/2020 |
Homework 6 has been posted. Due Feb 25 or Feb 27 in discussion.
2/13/2020 |
Office hours for all Mondays have been changed to 9:30 - 11:00 AM
until further notice.
Homework 5 has been posted. Due next week in discussion.
The dates for the final and the makeup final have been set.
See the home page and/or schedule page.
Exam 1 on 2/19/2020:
Scope is ch.1-ch.8, but we omit everything that
is about re-expression. For further details
see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page
(the part that is about ch.1-ch.8).
The exam will start at 12:05 PM and end at 1:00 PM.
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so it will take less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event
send an email to me and cc your TA before Friday, 8:00 PM.
If you are an athlete and have an event on the date of the midterm then
email us immediately!
If you are ill: No makeup exam without a Dr.'s note! NO EXCEPTIONS!
See to it that you check into Decker on the day of the exam
in time for being accepted as a walkin. I believe that must be before 11:00 AM.
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it! Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
SSD letter students: Each one of you will take the exam at the testing center.
The exam will start there at the same date/time as in LH 14.
2/7/2020 |
Homework 4 has been posted. Due Feb 11 or Feb 13 in discussion.
2/3/2020 |
Office hours for today, Monday, Feb 3, have been changed to 9:30 - 11:00 AM.
This semester's tutoring hours for Kelly Cao (,
the UTS tutor for Math 148:
• Wednesdays 5:00pm - 6:00pm
• Fridays 4:00pm - 5:00pm
• Saturdays 2:00pm - 5:00pm
• Sundays 2:00pm - 5:00pm
All tutoring sessions are located in the CIW Library, and signup is
through Starfish.
For any general questions, you can contact UTS directly
1/30/2020 |
Homework 3 has been posted. Due Feb 4 or Feb 6 in discussion.
1/22/2020 |
Homework 2 has been posted. Due Jan 28 or Jan 30 in discussion.
1/3/2020 |
Be sure to look at all tabs of this website and to install the
material on the DVD that comes with the text!
Homework 1 has been posted. It will not be graded.
Syllabus and course material page have information
about registering with the MyStatlab website (also called the
SDM website). Once you have access to MyStatlab you can
access all the (optional) homework assignments that have been created
in advance for the entire semester on that MyStatLab site.
An example would be MATH-148-CH-01.
Blackboard ("MyCourses") has not yet been set up for Math 148.
This instructor only use Blackboard to post the grades you get on your exams,
quizzes and homeworks and to provide a PDF version of the syllabus.
in addition to the HTML version found on this website.
Your section TA may elect to use BB for additional communication.
If your discussion section is on Tuesdays then you will have
your first section on Tuesday, January 21,
before the first lecture!