5/30/2021 |
Your grades have been uploaded to your discussion Blackboards.
You will notice that the columns
QSum • QuizAdj • HwSum • HwAdj
• TotSum • TotAdj • TotAdj+5
now contain data and that there are to new columns,
TotAdj+5 • Grade.
I do not think I have to explain to you the meaning of the Grade column
but you should understand how the others were used to determine your grade.
Contains the sum of all 12 quizzes.
QSum minus the two lowest point quizzes.
Contains the sum of all five graded homework sets.
HwSum minus the lowest point homework.
QSum + HwSum + sum of all four major exams.
QuizAdj + HwAdj + sum of all four major exams.
This figure contains the points that count according to the syllabus
for your letter grade
but instead there is ...
Five points that were added to TotAdj for each one of you.
This means that it shows a value of say, 848 points, then you are not two points
but seven ponts away from an A-.
Accordingly I will ignore any pleas to give you a better grade since you are
"so close".
Your letter grade has been computed from the TotAdj+5 points according to the
grading scale (no more tentative now) displayed in the syllabus.
The last thing that remains for me is to say goodbye to you.
I wish you all a wonderful summer break,
that worrying about masks and six feet distancing will be a thing
of the past when you return to school this fall,
and that you will be successful in your further studies and beyond.
Best wishes for the future -- Michael Fochler --
5/20/2021 |
I have updated my Zoom link for tomorrow, Friday May 21 @8:00,
the start time of the final exam. I will only clarify issues that concern the
problems themselves. Everything else your TA will help you with.
There are no images to upload: all free form problems are "ESSAY" type questions
and you must type the responses.
This means that you should save frequently so that you do not lose more than
a few minutes of work in case there are internet or Blackboard issues.
The time will be set for 122 minutes, so that is a 2 minute bonus for you.
Good luck!
5/17/2021 |
I just verified that I did not receive any request for a make-up final
due to scheduling conflicts.
If you did send such a request on time then you must forward
the original email to both me and your TA.
The deadline has passed more than a week ago (May 7) so there will be no makeup exam
except for illness. That makeup will be at a time mutually agreed upon with your TA,
but it will begin no later than Monday, May 24, 11:00 AM.
Remember that there will be another UTS review session this
Thursday, May 20 from 3:00pm-5:00pm.
5/12/2021 |
I already announced this one by email:
There is a UTS review session for Math 148 today, 3:00-4:00.
If you have not signed up for it yet then you must email directly
Birgit Nicolaisen at birgit@binghamton.edu.
I will also have a Zoom session active during the time of the final exam
but only to clarify issues concerning the problems such as unclear wording
or seemingly contradictory information.
If you have any technology issues such as Blackboard or internet connectivity
related problems then your TA will take care of that.
Today's lecture recording has been posted.
5/12/2021 |
Your TA will have a Zoom session active during the time of the final exam.
Using the chat feature or speaking up will be your fastest response
if you have questions.
You are not required to attend via Zoom per se
but you must raise an issue first by chat or speaking up in Zoom
if you expect a response.
Lecture and discussion recordings are up to date.
5/12/2021 |
Two finals review sessions this coming Friday and Monday
Lecture recordings are up to date.
5/9/2021 |
HW13 has been published. Due on Monday, May 17, not on Thursday as usual.
It will DEFINITELY be collected for grading!
5/7/2021 |
Today's lecture is not recorded (nothing except for about two seconds)
No idea what went wrong there.
I went today until early in ch.28.3 (assumptions and conditions)
Discussion section recordings are up to date
5/5/2021 |
for today's midterm:
If you claim that internet issues caused you to lose time then you must see to it
that you have evidence in form of a screenshot.
Be sure that that screenshot does show the computer clock!
A lecture in Darwinism: Turn on the time stamps on your cell phone so that if
you take pictures of your handwritten work you have that as evidence.
If you do encouter a problem then contact your TA IMMEDIATELY!
You can put me in the cc but s/he is the one to take care of you.
By all means, put me in the cc.
Good luck!
5/2/2021 |
You will have 70 minutes to complete midterm #3.
The reason: There will be five problems for which you need to take screen shots.
Be mindful that your TA will not grade what s/he cannot read.
I will not say more than that.
5/1/2021 |
Scope of the midterm: ch.18-25.
The rules and regulations are those of the last midterm.
HW12 has been published. Due on Friday, May 8, not on Thursday as usual.
Lecture + discussion recordings are up to date.
4/30/2021 |
Scope of midterm 3 is ch.18-25, not 19-25.
Lecture recordings are up to date.
4/26/2021 |
Lecture + discussion recordings are up to date.
4/24/2021 |
HW 11 has been posted. Due next Thursday by email to your TA.
Lecture + discussion recordings are up to date.
4/22/2021 |
Discussion recordings are up to date.
Here is a clarification about grading issues in case your TA was not the one who
graded the problem at issue.
Before I become involved in any such matter you will always go through your TA.
S/he will then consult with the TA who actually graded the exam if necessary.
Only if that does not resolve the problem will I make a final decision.
4/18/2021 |
HW 10 has been posted. Due next Thursday by email to your TA.
There are only three problems for ch.22 since I still have to cover a
substantial part on Monday and you may decide to wait until then to work
on them.
4/16/2021 |
Lecture recordings are up to date.
4/14/2021 |
Lecture recordings are up to date.
4/9/2021 |
HW 9 has been posted. Due next Thursday by email to your TA
Discussion recordings are up to date.
4/5/2021 |
Lecture recordings are up to date.
New entry
Plain text formulas.
The fastest way to enter simple formulas in Blackboard essay questions where ...]
on the course materials page.
Might come in handy for Wednesday's quiz.
3/30/2021 |
Scope of midterm 2: ch.11-18
Lecture recordings are up to date.
3/28/2021 |
The anonymous grades for midterm 1 have been posted to the grades page.
3/27/2021 |
Homework 7 has been posted. You may want to wait with some of the ch.16
assignments until after Monday's lecture.
Scope of this week's quiz will be all of ch.15 and 16.
3/26/2021 |
Lecture recordings are up to date.
3/24/2021 |
The link for the Wed 3/24 lecture has been corrected. Try again!
3/24/2021 |
Lecture recordings are up to date.
3/20/2021 |
Hw 6 has been posted and a tutorial for diagramming events
(about Venn diagrams -- used pervasively in ch.13 and 14) has been added to HW1
3/19/2021 |
Discussion and Friday's lecture recordings have been posted
3/15/2021 |
Monday's lecture recording has been posted
3/13/2021 |
HW 5 has been published. Start with the chapter 11 problems
since you may not know enough to do the ch.12 problems before I am finished
with Monday's lecture. Due as usual on Thursday.
If you ran out of time when uploading your work to BB then you have to show evidence
in form of a time stamp to get some points back.
Here are some things you can experiment with
in preparation for the upcoming exams, not only for this course.
To cut down on transfer time:
Do not choose the highes quality setting. Writing a jpg (jpeg)
file of size 400K should give you more than sufficient quality.
It's more important that your pen is sufficiently dark and thick.
To avoid email phone to PC altogether: If you have an Android device
you can try out Droid Transfer or (in Windows) just use your native
file explorer to transfer your pics via USB to your laptop
and then upload them from there to BB.
If the problem is with BB as so many of you have claimed then email
the screenshots to your TA (not to me) with a clear indication in
the email subject similar to
"BB trouble: pics for problems #__, #__, ... attached".
But you have to do so BEFORE THE TIME HAS PASSED
or points will be taken off
3/11/2021 |
You all should have been notified by your TA about the exact time when
they will release the exam in their discussion Blackboard.
All discussion recordings for this week have been posted.
9/22/2020 |
Midterm 1:
Given online, in your discussion Blackboard,
on Fri, 3/12, at 12:00 PM.
Duration: 60 minutes + 5 extra minutes for uploading.
Procedure: Just like a 60 minutes long quiz.
Consult the syllabus on what is considered cheating
and what will happen to you if we catch you.
Scope: ch.1 - ch.8 and ch.10
Be sure to follow the instructions. Here is an example of what you might see:
>>choose the one closest to your answer: one of
A = 0, B = 1.25, C = 2.5, D = 5 , E = 25, F = 50,
G =75, H = 95, I = 97.5, J = 98.75, K =100<<
This means the following: If you computed an answer of 2.486
then the closest selection would be 2.5, and that one comes with the letter C.
Be sure to enter the letter C, NOT the number 2.5 or the number 2.486!
The computer will not be able to figure out that you had the right thing in mind!
There are no practice exams, but here is how you prepare:
Consult the Finals prep sheet (link on course materials page)
to see what you may safely ignore for the exam.
Read the summary and the glossary of terms at the end of each chapter.
Focus on doing problems for which you know the solution.
Ideal are the fully worked examples in the chapters of the text.
Review your quizzes.
The Zoom recording of today's lecture is available.
3/7/2021 |
Your TAs will release a test called Sample-File-Response-Problem in their
discussion Blackboards where you will take next week's exam 1,
same as you do with your quizzes. Its only purpose is to let you practice
file uploads which you must do for the problems which are of type "File Response".
Monday's lecture has been posted.
3/7/2021 |
Your TAs will release a test called Sample-File-Response-Problem in their
discussion Blackboards where you will take next week's exam 1,
same as you do with your quizzes. Its only purpose is to let you practice
file uploads which you must do for the problems which are of type "File Response".
Friday's lecture has been posted.
Starfish tutoring for Math 148:
3/6/2021 |
HW4 has been posted. It will not be collected for grading.
Friday's lecture has been posted.
Starfish tutoring for Math 148:
3/5/2021 |
The dates for the final exam and the makeup exam have been set:
Final exam: Fri May 21, 2021 @08:00 AM - 10:00 AM On-Line,
Final exam makeup: Mon May 24, 2021 On-Line, time TBD
Scope of midterm 1: ch.1-8, ch.10
3/4/2021 |
Wednesday's lecture has been posted.
3/2/2021 |
Monday's lecture has been posted.
2/26/2021 |
Today's lecture has been posted.
2/25/2021 |
Wednesday's lecture has been posted.
The Zoom links for lectures and MF office hours will be broadcast
before 11:00 AM.
The discussion section recordings for this week have been posted.
2/20/2021 |
HW 3 has been published. Due by email to your TA by Thursday, March 4.
2/18/2021 |
HW 2 has been published. Due by email to your TA by Thursday, Feb 25.
The link for the 2/17 lecture has been posted to the course materials page.
2/17/2021 |
The Topics column of the schedule webpage now contains
the items I plan to lecture on during that week.
The A0 (lecture) Blackboard now contains a copy of the syllabus.
Please remember that you will find nothing else of use there.
2/15/2021 |
Syllabus change:
You will take your quizzes in discussion section,
NOT on Thursday, 10:00 PM as previously announced.
So there will be a quiz tomorrow, Tuesday, for those in sections
This invalidates the 2/8/21 announcement concerning quizzes.
Zoom recordings for Thursday's online sections and Friday's lecture
have been posted to the course materials page.
2/8/2021 |
Welcome to Math 148!
Even though you can see that there have been previous announcements
this is the official welcome message.
Blackboard (lecture + discussion) sections will be visible to you
starting Thursday, February 11.
Everything you need to know is on the course website.
In case you are looking at these announcements from my email broadcast
and you have not been aware that there is such a website:
The home page is
I will post the syllabus to the lecture (MATH-148-A 0) Blackboard
but you will find the most current version on the course website.
To do NOW: Review homework assignment #1 I have posted on the Homework page.
It is meant for self-study and will not be graded but you are expected
to be familiar with the material.
Be sure to review all tabs of the course website
and also the earlier announcements which you will find below.
2/8/2021 |
Important change: The date for midterm 1 has been moved from
Wednesday, March 10, to Friday, March 12.
Quizzes will be given on Thursdays at 10:00 PM, not 9:00 PM.
There are too many complaints from students that they have
another lecture at 9:00.
There will be updates to this website concerning COVID regulations
They only affect the students in discussion sections A01, A07, A08,
since lectures and the other discussion sections are held online.
access all the (optional) homework assignments that have been created
12/3/2020 |
Be sure to look at all tabs of this website and to install the
material on the DVD that comes with the text!
Homework 1 has been posted. It will not be graded.
Syllabus and course material page have information
about registering with the MyStatlab website (also called the
SDM website). Once you have access to MyStatlab you can
access all the (optional) homework assignments that have been created
in advance for the entire semester on that MyStatLab site.
An example would be MATH-148-CH-01.
Blackboard ("MyCourses") has not yet been set up for Math 148.
This instructor only use Blackboard to give the online exams and quizzes,
to then post your grades, and to provide a PDF version of the syllabus
in addition to the HTML version found on this website.
Your section TA may elect to use BB for additional communication.