12/18/2021 |
The anonymous grades for the final exam have been posted to the grades page
of my course website.
Your letter grades for the course ve been determined and entered into BU Brain.
They are based on the grading scale which has been published near the bottom of the
syllabus as "tentative". You see it here for your convenience:
850 - 899 pts → A- |
Above 900 pts → A |
700 - 749 pts → B- |
750 - 799 pts → B |
800 - 849 pts → B+ |
550 - 599 pts → C- |
600 - 649 pts → C |
650 - 699 pts → C+ |
500 - 549 pts → D |
Below 500 pts → F |
Your letter grades was computed by adding the following (see syllabus)
Sum of your 10 best quiz grades (no show = 0 pts)
Sum of your 4 best homework grades
Midterm + final exam grades
Attendance points
FIVE BONUS POINTS (not announced on the syllabus)
The purpose of the bonus points is to ensure that none of you is missing
"only" one or two or three or four or five points to obtain that
next better grade:
You are lacking at least six points and, sorry, no amount of pleading on your part
will cause me to bump up your grade.
It may take several weeks before the grades for the exam will show on your transcripts.
of my course website. Please be patient.
Three of you have been given an Incomplete. You should touch base with me
at the start of the semester.
Saying Goodbye: It was my privilege to teach you the fundamentals of statistics and
I hope that you will profit from what you have learned in future semesters and
in your professional lives.
Stay safe and healthy, and let us all hope that Omicron will not lead to another
reversion to online classes.
-- Michael Fochler --
12/14/2021 |
How to locate your seat for the final:
LH 1 layout is HERE.
Sections 1, 5, 4, 8 enter through the right,
Sections 3, 7 enter through the left,
sections 2, 6 choose either door
Han Lim, Chris and Tyler will stand at a spot that separates their two sections.
For example you should look for your section 1 seat before you reach Chris and pass him if you are in section 5.
12/11/2021 |
Correction to my Dec 8 announcement:
The makeup final for those who receive an incomplete since they cannot take
it by the end of Friday of this coming week
will be towards the end of FEBRUARY, 2022,
NOT towards the end of March, 2022 as I had originally announced.
Scope of the final exam: Review the
Finals prep sheet
to understand what material will NOT be on the final exam.
You can also find this link on the Course material page.
This document is up-to-date even though it was originally published for the
Fall 2019 exam.
I have published the
cover sheet of the final exam.
You can also find the link on the Course material page.
It shows the instructions you will see on this semester's final exam.
Read them NOW:
Seats are preassigned.
Penalty of 50 points if you write on someone else's exam!
Don't forget that the exam will be in LH 1, not in Lh 14, and that you are
entitled to bring a 5 x 8 inches index card. Review the syllabus!
12/10/2021 |
There now seems to be a centralized schedule for ALL UTS tutoring sessions.
The link:
The Math 148 session:
12/14/2021, 12:00 PM, CW 110 (Kelly Cao)
12/9/2021 |
The deadline to withdraw is tomorrow, Fri 12/10 @11:59 PM.
12/8/2021 |
The course materials page now contains a link to the cover sheet of the
final exam.
You are strongly advised to study those instructions and the info in syllabus and
home page pertaining to the final exam
Do not forget your calculator and your index card!
Bring a spare calculator or at least spare batteries!
It is in your interest not to miss the regularly scheduled exam.
Here are the reasons.
If you report ill on the day of the exam then you will probably get a makeup exam
on very late Friday.
Thus you may not be able to leave campus before Saturday.
If the testing center cannot accommodate you on that Friday you must
email me and request an incomplete;
you then will take the final towards the end of FEBRUARY, 2022,
NOT towards the end of March, 2022 as I had originally announced here.
This late date is for the following reason:
It would not be fair to the other students to allow you to study for the exam
during the end of the winter break and let you take the exam immediately afterwards.
12/7/2021 |
The course materials page now contains a link to a study guide for the final exam.
It was created by Chris Schroeder and/or the other TAs.
12/3/2021 |
The midterm 3 anonymous grades for all sections have been published.
Today, Fri 12/3/2021 was the last lecture that covers material relevant for the
final exam: None of the Chapter 29 material will be on the exam.
The Mon 12/6/2021 lecture is optional and so are the review sessions I'll hold on
Wednesday and Friday of next week.
Monday's topics: Finish up the stepwise regression of the child mortality example,
do the very brief ch.25.7 on logistic regression,
use the remaining time to talk about two-factor ANOVA (ch.27).
My review sessions will be very different from lecture: the audience decides what
I should talk about; only if you have no questions will I pick topics on my own.
I will put more stress on the earlier chapters since the final is cumulative
and you will probably have forgotten more about that earlier material.
11/23/2021 |
HW 14 has been published.
This is the last homework set and it will DEFINITELY be collected for grading.
It is due during the last week of lectures (Dec 6 - Dec 10) but you can get an
early start on the Ch.26 problems if you want.
Everyone approved for the exam 3 makeup next Monday should have been notified
by now by UTC.
Reminder: If you want to request to take the alternate final then you must do so by
Friday, November 26 by sending an email to me and your TA.
If you miss for some reason both the final exam and the makeup exam for good cause
then the only option I have is to give you an incomplete and take the final exam
at a time of my choosing during the next semester.
11/15/2021 |
Your TAs have created this
study guide
for midterm 3.
You will find this link on the course materials page.
11/15/2021 |
Math 148 Review Session by Kelly Cao from UTS
Wed, Nov 17, from 3:30 to 5:30 in LH 13!
>>... anyone can come and leave at any time as they wish during this duration.<<<
For details about UTS tutoring by Kelly Cao see the 9/13/2021 announcement further down!
Exam 3 on 11/22/2021:
Scope is ch.19-ch.25. For further details
see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page
(the part that is about ch.19-ch.25).
The exam will start at 8:30 AM and end at 9:25 AM.
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so it will less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event
send an email to me and cc your TA before Wednesday, 12:00 PM.
If you are an athlete then email us immediately and contact your coach even
earlier: You must provide an official letter from your team management!
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it! Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
SSD letter students: You all will take the exam at the testing center on
the day of the exam at 8:00 AM.
The actual instructions for this exam are the same as for the first one.
Click on the
Midterm cover sheet
link of the course materials page so you clearly understand
what to do and what not to do to avoid being penalized!
11/13/2021 |
HW 12 has been posted and previously emailed to you.
It will definitely be collected for grading.
11/5/2021 |
HW 11 has been posted.
11/4/2021 |
The withdraw option deadline has been moved by a full month from Nov 10
to Dec 10, 11:59 PM.
Note though that the change grade option remains unchanged: Nov 10, 4:30 PM.
10/29/2021 |
The anonymous grades of exam 2 are now posted on the grades page.
10/29/2021 |
HW 10 has been posted.
10/25/2021 |
Math 148 Review Session by Kelly Cao from UTS
TODAY from 3:45 to 5:45 in the CIW library!
>>... anyone can come and leave at any time as they wish during this duration.
To the students who have already signed up for my normal tutoring sessions
at 12:15 and 3:45, please still come to the session you signed up for.
The review session and regular session at 3:45 should take place in the CIW Library
like usual unless otherwise noted,
in which case I would send another email and let the student manager
at the front desk know....<<
For details about UTS tutoring by Kelly Cao see the 9/13/2021 further down!
SSD students should have gotten an official notification from UTC.
If not please let MF know immediately!
10/21/2021 |
HW 9 has been published.
Exam 2 on 10/27/2021:
Scope is ch.12-ch.18. For further details
see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page
(the part that is about ch.12-ch.18).
The exam will start at 8:30 AM and end at 9:25 AM.
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so it will less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event
send an email to me and cc your TA before Friday, 12:00 PM.
If you are an athlete then email us immediately and contact your coach even
earlier: You must provide an official letter from your team management!
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it! Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
SSD letter students: Each one of you whom I have on file has received an
email from me earlier today. You all will take the exam at the testing center on
the day of the exam at 8:00 AM.
The actual instructions for this exam are the same as for the first one.
Click on the
Midterm cover sheet
link of the course materials page so you clearly understand
what to do and what not to do to avoid being penalized!
10/9/2021 |
The anonymous grades for midterm 1 have been published to the grades page
of the course site.
I understand some of you did not give your midterm to your TA yet so you
potentially might get additional points.
What’s keeping you?
HW 9 which will be published later this week will not be collected for grading
since its due date is on a midterm week.
10/16/2021 |
HW 8 has been posted.
The chapter 17 problems only refer to material taught in class on 10/13.
10/9/2021 |
HW 7 due date: Since there are no Thursday sections this coming week
Check with your TA for the deadline.
I got stuck in lecture when showing that the variance of a random variable X which has
outcomes 1 with probability p and zero with probability q = 1-p
is Var(X) = pq.
As promised, I have published this on the course materials page as
Expected Value and Variance of a Bernoulli trial
10/8/2021 |
HW 7 has been posted.
The chapter 15 problems only refer to material taught in class this morning.
10/7/2021 |
Midterm 1: One problem in each version has to be regraded since some of you
did not receive as much credit as you should have.
Nobody will have their points decreased!
I will collect your exams in tomorrow's lecture (Fri 10/8).
In case you should miss lecture tomorrow you can also bring your exam to the Help Room
if one of the Math 148 TAs is present.
Tomorrow that would be the case from 12:30 - 5:00 PM.
Don't bring the exam to next week's Thursday section: It's a holiday!
10/1/2021 |
HW 6 has been published.
Due during the week 10/4-10/8.
You should be able to pick up your midterm during next week's discussion.
You have until Mon 10/18 to bring up any midterm related issues.
The date and time of the final exam have been set:
Wed. Dec 15, 2021 @12:50 PM - 02:50 PM in LH 001.
Date and time of the makeup exam still have to be determined.
9/24/2021 |
HW 5 has been published.
It will NOT be collected for grading since it is due during the week of the
midterm but you are encouraged to work the problems.
Planning ahead:
The Pearson website will not be available on the Saturday before the
second midterm on Wed, October 27.
9/21/2021 |
Exam 1 on 9/29/2021:
Scope is ch.1-ch.11, but we omit everything that
is about re-expression. Thus ch.9 is omitted. For further details
see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page
(the part that is about ch.1-ch.11).
The exam will start at 8:30 AM and end at 9:25 AM.
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so it will less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event
send an email to me and cc your TA before Friday, 12:00 PM.
If you are an athlete then email us immediately and contact your coach even
earlier: You must provide an official letter from your team management!
If you are ill: No makeup exam without a Dr's note!
See to it that you check into Decker on the day of the exam
in time for being accepted as a walkin. I believe that must be before 11:00 AM.
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it! Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
SSD letter students: Each one of you whom I have on file has received an
email from me earlier today. You all will take the exam at the testing center on
the day of the exam at 8:00 AM.
I have published the actual instructions for the exam on the course materials page.
Click on the
Midterm cover sheet
link so you clearly understand what to do and what not to do to avoid being penalized!
9/16/2021 |
HW 4 has been published.
9/13/2021 |
Math 148 Tutoring by Kelly Cao,
the University Tutorial Services (UTS) Tutor for Math 148.
UTS provides free tutoring for Binghamton University students.
You can access tutoring by signing up through B-Successful/Starfish
located in the MyBinghamton portal.
Additional information can be found at:
Kelly holds her sessions during these times:
Monday 12:15-1:15pm and 3:45-4:45pm
Wednesday 3:30-4:30pm
Friday 3-5pm
9/3/2021 |
The deadline to add or drop a course is today, 11:59 PM.
Do not wait until the last minute since you have no recourse if
your internet connection goes down or you miss the deadline for any other reason!
9/3/2021 |
Homework 3 has been published.
Due in the week 9/13 - 9/17.
8/29/2021 |
Correction to the correction of the syllabus concerning homework:
All answers to the exercises must be typed by computer, except that
you may do drawings by hand (use a ruler!).
Note though that it would be easier and faster to use a program like
Excel or StatCrunch to create box plots, etc.
Homework 2 ONLY will be an exception: You may turn that one in hand-written or printed.
Be sure what you write is legible:
If we select HW 2 for grading and your TA cannot decipher what you wrote
then you will lose points.
8/27/2021 |
Correction to the syllabus:
The syllabus erroneously stated that homework must be turned in online.
I corrected it. The passage now reads as follows:
>>You must turn in your assignment in your discussion section
(hand-written or printed)
unless your TA agrees to accept it at other times.
8/26/2021 |
I have updated the syllabus as follows since there seems to have been some confusion
concerning the >>I am not a biology major. Should I rather not take this class?<<
"Although it is named >>Elementary Statistics for Biologists<< this course is
a generic introduction to statistics and it will only occasionally
present examples drawn from medicine and biology.
Rather, we assume the following ..... "
Homework 2 has been published. Due next week in your discussion section.
Your TAs will hold their office hours in the Math 147/148 help room (WH 231).
Click here for the schedule.
8/24/2021 |
Covid vaccination now is mandatory unless you have
received a medical or religious exemption.
For details see the top of the Covid page of this website.
8/23/2021 |
Two important corrections to the syllabus:
Near the top: ...In particular, all lectures, discussion sections, exams
and office hours will be held on campus (and NOT online!)
The first discussion sections take place on Tuesday, August 24
(and NOT on Thursday, Aug 26!).
8/21/2021 |
Be sure to look at all tabs of this website and to install the
material on the DVD that comes with the text!
Homework 1 has been posted. It will not be graded.
Syllabus and course material page have information
about registering with the MyStatlab website (also called the
SDM website). Once you have access to MyStatlab you can
access all the (optional) homework assignments that have been created
in advance for the entire semester on that MyStatLab site.
An example would be MATH-148-CH-01.
I will hold office hours on Tue 8/24, the first day of the semester.