12/16/2022 |
I have emailed to you the grades spreadsheet. The last column contains
your letter grade, as it will be entered into BU Brain.
The "TotRound" column contains the points you actually earned,
the "GrandTotal" column, on which your letter grade is based,
has a 30 points bonus added to it.
Consider it my parting gift.
Some of you may be happy to see an additional point added to HW16
I had intended to give you that point after talking you through the problem,
but some of you never made it to my office.
You will be able to browse my course website for this Fall 2022 semester for quite
some time to come, but I will move the link of its home page to
It is time to say good bye. Grading of your homework aside, I have thoroughly enjoyed
teaching this semester's class.
It was my privilege to have been your instructor.
Good luck to all of you!
12/14/2022 |
IMPORTANT - Final exam on Fri 12/16/2022 - Inclement weather:
It is possible that the final exam cannot be held as scheduled
on Fri 12/16/2022, 10:25 AM - 12:25 PM at AM 177
due to the upcoming winter storm.
I will not switch to an online exam.
Rather, I will hold the exam at the scheduled time, unless the campus is shut down.
If that happens:
There will be directions from the Provost about makeup finals,
and I'll let you know asap.
You may have to be flexible with your plans to leave for the Holidays.
Stay posted for further announcements!
12/8/2022 |
I have emailed you your spreadsheet with the current grades,
and you find the anonymous grades on the grades page.
12/6/2022 |
Finals review session:
I will hold a review session on Sat Dec 10, 12:30 - 2:30 PM at WH 329.
Klimentina Marder from UTS will hold a REVIEW SESSION
ON Thursday, December 15 in Classroom Wing (CW) 115. Time: 2:00 - 4:00 PM.
12/2/2022 |
HW 15 submission deadline was changed from Fri Dec 2 to Mon Dec 5
Quiz 10 will be given on Wed Dec 7.
Scope: Ch.14; material covered through Mon 12/5.
Note that compactness is DEFINITELY going to be an IMPORTANT PART of the final exam,
and infinite series will also be on the final.
12/2/2022 |
HW 17 has been published.
No written assignments, but you are asked to study the chapter on series.
11/30/2022 |
I have emailed you your spreadsheet with the current grades,
and you find the anonymous grades on the grades page.
I will publish tomorrow the last homework set.
No written assignments, but you will be asked to study the chapter on series.
11/25/2022 |
Finals review session:
I will hold a review session on Sat Dec 10, 12:30 - 2:30 PM at WH 329.
Quiz 9 will be given on Wed Nov 30.
Scope: Metric spaces ch.12.10 - 13.1
11/21/2022 |
Spreadsheets with all grades have been emailed,
and the anonymous grades have been published
11/20/2022 |
HW 16 has been published.
Due Fri Dec 9 (last day of classes)
Quiz 8 will be given on Mon Nov 21.
Scope: Metric spaces discussed so far
11/17/2022 |
I have emailed you a corrected spreadsheet with your up-to-date grades.
The anonymous midterm 2 grades can be found on the grades page.
11/15/2022 |
Problem #1 of HW 13:
Your scratch work is meant to figure out how to attack the actual proof.
You will most likely reason in reverse order.
The proof must be complete on its own,
and you are not allowed to refer to your scratch work.
11/14/2022 |
Midterm 2 on Wed Nov 16
Starts at 3:05 PM since it only lasts 60 minutes.
Scope: Ch.7 - 11.
No optional material will be on the exam, thus scope excludes ch.11.2.3.
HW 15 has been published.
b. Reminder:
Klimentina Marder from UTS will hold a REVIEW SESSION
ON Tuesday November 15 in the CIW library. Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM.
11/05/2022 |
I have mailed you your grades and published the anonymous quiz 7 grades on the grades page.
11/2/2022 |
Quiz 7 will be given on Fri Nov 4.
Scope: ch.8, ch.9; optional chapters are excluded.
Klimentina Marder from UTS will hold a REVIEW SESSION
ON Tuesday November 15 in the CIW library. Time: 7:00 - 9:00 PM.
10/29/2022 |
HW 13 has been published.
HW 12 has been republished with study hints for metric spaces.
10/27/2022 |
Linear algebra tutorial:
I will hold this tutorial on Sat Oct 29 at 12:30 PM at WH 329.
I'll discuss MF ch.11 through ch.11.2.1.
Of particular importance for the course will be
Example 11.11 (Vector spaces of real–valued functions).
The deadline to withdraw or change your grade option
is TOMORROW, Fri Oct 28. Don't miss this deadline if it is relevant for
any of your courses!
10/27/2022 |
Linear algebra tutorial:
I will hold this tutorial on Sat Oct 29 at 12:30 PM at WH 329.
I'll discuss MF ch.11 through ch.11.2.1.
Of particular importance for the course will be
Example 11.11 (Vector spaces of real–valued functions).
10/26/2022 |
I have mailed you your grades and published the anonymous quiz 6 grades on the grades page.
Linear algebra tutorial:
I will hold this tutorial on Sat Oct 29 at 12:30 PM.
I have emailed our admins to reserve WH 309 or WH 329,
and I hope that will be possible on such short notice.
I'll discuss MF ch.11 through ch.11.2.1. More to come.
10/18/2022 |
HW 12 has been published,
Linear algebra tutorial:
I will hold this tutorial on the weekend of Oct 29/Oct 30.
I will give you a choice of times in Wednesday's lecture, so be there
if you want a vote!
I will give quiz 6 tomorrow, Oct 26.
Scope: Ch.6.13 - 8.4, but none of the optional stuff.
10/13/2022 |
Quiz 5 grades have been emailed to you.
The anonymous grades are available on the grades page.
10/11/2022 |
Quiz 5 has been pushed off to Friday, Oct 14.
Scope is ch.6, but not beyond what I taught on Fri Oct 7.
Midterm 1 on Wed Oct 12
Starts at 3:05 PM since it only lasts 60 minutes.
Scope: Ch.2 - 6, but ch.4 on logic is replaced by B/G ch.3,
and no optional material will be on the exam.
HW 9 deadline has been extended to Wed Oct 19.
HW 10 has been published. Due Fri Oct 28.
10/1/2022 |
Quiz 5 will be on Monday. Scope is ch.6, but not beyond what I will teach on Fri Oct 7.
Midterm 1 on Wed Oct 12
Starts at 3:05 PM since it only lasts 60 minutes.
Scope: Ch.2 - 6, but ch.4 on logic is replaced by B/G ch.3,
and no optional material will be on the exam.
Klimentina Marder from UTS will hold a REVIEW SESSION
ON Monday October 10 in CIW library. Time: 12:30 - 14:30.
Math email and course site were down today, Oct 6, until now (2:50 PM).
I will, quite possibly, upload a zipped version of my site to BrightSpace.
More to come.
MF ver 2022-10-06 has been published.
Very minor changes only!
9/27/2022 |
Homework 8 has been posted. Induction problems.
Important for the exams!
9/3/2022 |
I have posted the anonymous grades for the quizzes on the grades page.
A spreadsheet with the grades for HW 1 - 5 and quizzes 1 - 4
will be emailed to you tomorrow, Thu, Sep 22.
9/15/2022 |
Homework 7 has been posted. No written assignments!
9/13/2022 |
Homework 5 has been posted. Due on Wednesday, September 21.
Homework 6 has been posted. Due on Friday, September 23.
I have posted the anonymous grades for quiz 3 on the grades page.
9/7/2022 |
Version 2022-09-07 of the MF lecture notes has been published.
Now has the proof of Proposition 3.25(b): negative 0 = 0.
Homework 4 has been posted. Due on Monday, September 19.
9/3/2022 |
I have emailed you your anonymous ID and a spreadsheet with the grades for
HW 1, 2 and quizzes 1, 2.
You need that ID to find your row of data, so DO NOT LOSE IT!
I have posted the anonymous grades for the quizzes on the grades page.
9/1/2022 |
Scope of tomorrow's quiz 2 is ch.2.4-2.6 and ch.3.1,
with focus on ch.3.1.
You will know your points after Tuesday's(!) lecture,
but I am considering emailing you your grades by Sunday evening.
8/30/2022 |
Homework 3 has been posted. Due on Wednesday, September 14.
8/25/2022 |
Reminder: Homework about your math background
(see "Homework zero" on the Homework page!)
is due by email tomorrow, Friday, August 26.
Homework 2 has been posted. Due on Wednesday, August 31,
before the HW1 submission date!
Quizzes #1 and #2 will be administered on Monday, August 29
and on Friday, September 2.
Do not assume that future quizzes will be pre-announced!
7/29/2022 |
I have published version 2022-07-27 of the MF lecture notes.
There have been some substantial changes to ch., including material about
the proper use of "any" vs "all"
and about arbitrary unions and intersections.
Homework about your math background
(see "Homework zero" on the Homework page!)
is due by email on Friday, August 26.
Homework 1 (see Homework page) is due on Friday, September 2.
The first quiz will be administered as early as Monday, August 29.
5/1/2022 |
The first lecture will be on Wednesday, August 24.
Don't miss it!
I will hold my first office hours on Tuesday, August 23.
Homework about your math background
(see "Homework zero" on the Homework page!)
is due by email on Friday, August 26.
Homework 1 (see Homework page) is due on Friday, September 2.
The first quiz will be administered as early as Monday, August 29.