Math 488P   -    Probability and Statistics for Educators   -    Spring 2015  
  Math 588   -    Probability and Statistics (MAT/MST)

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Math 488P / Math 588 Q&A
This Q&A section is expected to grow over time.

Topic   Issue
General     Q:   Is Math 222 an absolute requirement? A:   No, but you must either give proof that you have taken a two semester Calculus sequence at a different college or I'll interview you to see whether you have the talent to catch up on the selected items you need to understand to follow this class.
General     Q:   Why is the grading policy in the syllabus subject to change? A:   The percentages will most likely remain fixed. Not yet determined: how the 20% for quizzes and/or graded homework will be allocated between quizzes and homework.
General     Q:   Will attendance be taken? A:   No but you should attend for the following reasons
  • Material will be discussed that is not in the text. Be sure to connect with other people in the group whom you can ask for their notes in case you miss a class.
  • Quizzes will not be announced in advance.
  • You do not know when I collect your homework for grading.