3/6/2025 |
MF ver 2025-03-06 replaces ver 2025-03-04:
More about Poisson variables in the addenda to ch.9.
A new formula sheet for middterm 2 replaces the middterm 1 version
(course materials page).
Scope of midterm 2: MF ch.8 - 10.3. The techniques of ch.7 play a big role!
3/5/2025 |
Quiz 07 grades and solutions can be found at the usual places.
Quiz 08 will be given on Mon Mar 17.
3/4/2025 |
MF ver 2025-03-04 has been published.
Examples for the important discrete distributions can be found in the addenda
to ch.9.
HW08 has been published.
2/28/2025 |
Quiz 06 grades and solutions can be found at the usual places.
One quiz was submitted without name!!!
2/26/2025 |
HW07 has been published.
2/22/2025 |
A link for the midterm 1 Solutions is next to the one for the quiz solutions.
2/21/2025 |
Midterm 1 grades can be found at the usual places.
Solutions will follow later today or tomorrow.
2/20/2025 |
I found out that I had solved Problem 4 of Quiz 1 incorrectly.
Please bring your quizzes #1 to the midterm.
I'll regrade problem 4.
Nobody will loose points, but chances are, that you'll get a better score.
Reminder: midterm 1 on Fri, Feb 21: starts at 8:15.
You must wait outside until I have distributed the quizzes
Scope: MF ch.1 - 5 and ch.7.
2/19/2025 |
Quiz 05 grades and solutions can be found at the usual places.
Quiz 05 can be picked up at my office today (Wed) before 4:25
and on Thu 2/20 between 12:40 and 1:40.
2/18/2025 |
HW05 has been republished: Suggested to read the remainder of WMS ch.2.6
as part of your midterm 1 prep
HW06 has been published.
Reminder: Quiz #5 will be given on Wed, Feb 19.
MF ver 2025-02-18 has been published: Removed "Random" from
"Random Sampling and Urn Models With and Without Replacement" in the title of ch.8.
2/17/2025 |
Today's (Mon Feb 17) class will be held via Zoom. Please check your email for
the pass code.
Wednesday's lecture will continue with (the optional) ch.6,
followed by ch.8.
Quiz #5 was intended for today, Feb 17. It will be given instead on Wed, Feb 19,
followed by ch.8.
2/15/2025 |
Page 1 of midterm 1 and a formula sheet for this exam can be found on the
course materials page.
2/13/2025 |
MF ver 2025-02-11 has been published. Minor fixes only.
Quiz 04 grades and solutions can be found at the usual places.
2/11/2025 |
The final exam date has been set.
Please see the home or schedule page.
Be sure to double-check with the
official schedule
If they say something else, then they are right and I am wrong.
midterm 1 on Fri, Feb 21: starts at 8:15.
You must wait outside until I have distributed the quizzes
Scope: MF ch.1 - 5 and ch.7.
A formula sheet for the midterm will be published later. Probably during the weekend.
HW05 has been published.
I'll skip MF ch.6 in favor of ch.7.
2/7/2025 |
Quiz 03 grades and solutions can be found at the usual places.
From one of your peers: .... I missed the quiz because I am sick ....
There are no makeups for the first three quizzes you are missing,
no matter the reason, since the three lowest quiz scores are discarded.
Once you have missed three, something will be arranged for further absences,
in case they are properly excused:
I expect an email (a one-liner suffices)
BEFORE the class starts, that you will be absent and why.
If the reason is covered by the syllabus, there will the a makeup or the next quiz
will count double.
2/4/2025 |
Quiz 02 solutions have been added.
The link can be found at the bottom of the course materials page
HW04 has been published (including written assignments).
2/3/2025 |
Quiz 02 anonymous grades were uploaded to the server today.
HW03 has been republished with up-to-date reading assignments and
additional written assignments.
1/27/2025 |
Quiz 02 grades are on BS and, anonymously, on the course site's grades page.
They are out of 20 points possible.
Selected solutions will be published on the weekend.
1/30/2025 |
Scope of Quiz 2:
The MF material until before Thm.3.5 in Ch.3.3.
You will not be asked about Def.3.8 and 3.9,
but you may be asked about Def.3.10
and must remember how to evaluate an improper integral.
Ch.4: deferred to Quiz 3, even the parts discussed in lecture.
Ch.5.1: until including Example 5.2,
1/28/2025 |
HW 3 has been published.
Quiz 1 solutions can be found at the bottom of the course materials page
1/28/2025 |
The grades for quiz 1 are out of 20 points, not out of whatever BS tells you.
I'll try to publish selected solutions today, but no promises.
1/27/2025 |
Quiz 01 grades are on BS and, anonymously, on the course site's grades page.
1/26/2025 |
My eyes need a fairly strong contrast so I can read your quizzes and exams.
I cannot grade what I cannot read!
I STRONGLY SUGGEST that you write your work with a pen or press real hard when
you use a pencil.
1/23/2025 |
A Version 2025-01-23 of the MF lecture notes has been published:
Rewrote the Preimages section and moved it into ch.2
Quiz 1 will be given on Mon 1/27 and #2 on Fri 1/31.
They should be graded before the add/drop deadline.
Note that preimages and abstract functions will be on quiz 1!
HW 2 has been published;
HW 1 has been re-published with an added written assignment (f).
1/22/2025 |
Monday office hours have been changed from 9:40-11:10 AM to
10:00-11:30 AM
1/20/2025 |
A Version 2025-01-20 of the MF lecture notes has been published.
HW 1 has been re-published with written assignments (not collected for grading).
1/19/2025 |
A new version of the MF lecture notes has been published
See the Homework page!
HW 1 has been published.
See the Course Materials page!
12/11/2024 |
The first lecture will be on Wednesday, January 22.
Don't miss it!
I will hold my first office hours on Tuesday, January 21.
Homework about your math background
(see "Homework zero" on the Homework page!)
is due by email on Monday, January 27.
The first quiz will be administered as early as Monday, January 21.
I do not respond to BS (BrightSpace) messages.
All written correspondence must be done by email to