Math 222-06 (Calculus II)
Handin Homework List

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Homework collection schedule

Updated frequently. + marks problems that were graded. (This is decided after answers are collected.)

DateProblems to hand in ...   and ...
F 9/57.1 ## 12+, 32+, 38, 41+7.2* ## 10+, 20+, 36+

M 9/87.2* ## 14+, 40+, 46, 75, 85+7.3* ## 14(a), 22+, 28, 30
W 9/107.3* ## 91+, 92+, 97+7.4* ## 26+, 57+
F 9/127.5 ## 4, 11, 18(a)7.6 ## 61+, 73+

M 9/157.6 # 807.8 ## 47, 59, 87
W 9/17Test 1 on Sects. 7.1-6, 7.8
F 9/19None

M 9/22None
W 9/248.1 ## 10, 20, 30, 36, 51, 618.2 ## 14, 15, 25
F 9/268.2 ## 32+, 35+, 44, 46, 65+ 8.3 ## 4+, 6+, 8

F 10/3Appendix D ## 30+, 40+, 41+b, 53+, 65-71(odd)+8.3 ## 16+, 24+, 26, 34+
M 10/68.3 ## 18, 28+, 30, 39a, 40+8.4 ## 2, 8, 22

M 10/138.4 ## 12+, 14, 36, 42, 51, 588.8 ## 2a-d, 14, 16, 50
W 10/158.8 ## 26+, 32+, 34+
F 10/1712.1 ## 6(simplify)+, 8+, 12+, 44+8.5 ## 6+, 30+8.8 ## 54, 80

M 10/208.5 ## 19, 46, 528.8 # 67 12.1 ## 19, 21, 27-29, 58(b), 63-64
T 10/21Midterm on Sects. 8.1-5, 8.8, 12.1.
8:30-10:00 p.m. in LH-1
W 10/22None
F 10/2412.1 ## 56(optional, very interesting)

M 10/2712.2 ## 10(a)+, 24+, 30+, 32+, 38+, 56+
W 10/2912.2 ## 52+, 60+ 12.3 ## 16, 20+
F 10/3112.3 ## 30+++, 3512.1 # 80(b)

M 11/312.3 ## 24, 32, 4212.4 ## 12, 14
W 11/512.4 # 32+12.5 ## 10, 20
F 11/712.4 ## 30+, 38++12.5 ## 26+, 30, 31+12.6 ## 3, 7

M 11/1012.6 ## 12+, 14+, 30+, 38(a+,b)12.7 ## 9+, 10+, 11+, 12+12.8 # 4+
W 11/1212.8 ## 10+, 14+, 18+, 30(b,d)+
F 11/1412.8 ## 37+, 38(optional)+, 39+12.9 ## 2+, 4+, 8+12.10 ## 2(a)+, 8+

M 11/1712.9 ## 14+, 2412.10 ## 4+, 10+, 18+, 30+
W 11/1912.9 # 36+12.10 ## 22, 32+, 54+, 68+12.11 # 6(+)
F 11/2112.10 ## 26+, 58+, 64+12.11 ## 7, 15(a+,b+), 23

M 11/2412.10 ## 28+, 45, 628.7 ## 17(a+,b+,c+), 22+9.1 ## 6+, 20+; 9.2 # 7+

M 12/19.1 ## 23(omit comparison)(set-up+), 33+9.2 ## 6+, 15+, 34+
W 12/311.1 ## —11.2 ## —11.3 ## —
F 12/5Test 3 on Sects. 12.2-11, 9.1-2, 11.1-3. Note changed date

M 12/811.1 # 2511.2 ## 30, 33, 4111.3 ## 16, 18, 23, 31, 57
W 12/1011.3 ## 37, 54, 5911.4 ## 2, 14+, 24, 39Testlet 3.1 on Sects. 8.7, 11.3-4 (not polar arc length).
F 12/1210.3 ## 2, 9, 11, 1411.4 ## 30, 38, 45

+ marks problems that were graded.

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main Section 222-06 page.
Regular homework and schedule.
Test instructions.