Math 304-06: Linear Algebra
Fall 2019
To the main 304 course site for Fall 2019 | detailed syllabus | our tests & quizzes.
Thomas Zaslavsky
Office: WH-216
Office hours
- M, W, F, 1:00-2:00 and 3:35-4:15.
You do not need an appointment. If I'm not in my office, I am probably nearby and will be back shortly...
- and by appointment at other times.
Course description
The textbook is Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 5th Edition, by David C. Lay, Steven R. Lay, and Judi J. McDonald, Pearson Publishers, e-book with MyLab Math.
This list of chapters is what we plan to cover (skipping a little bit, as indicated). It may be subject to some change as we go.
- Chapters 1-7, omitting Sections 1.6, 1.10, 2.4-7, 3.3(part), 4.8-9, 5.5-8, 6.5, 6.6, 6.7, 6.8, 7.3-5, and parts of others, depending on the time available.
For more details about what is included and excluded, see the syllabus page.
Textbook info: Here is a link to the Pearson webpage for the textbook, including information about the MyLab Math homework system:
Lay-Lay-McDonald webpage.
If you purchased the wrong e-book (without full access to
MyLab), you can write and explain this to Pearson representatives. You
can get a full refund for that product and then buy the correct one.
Ideally, the response time should be about 2 business days.
To register for Pearson MyLab, see this page: student registration instructions.
Click here to sign in to Pearson MyLab.
Course goals
Develop theoretical and computational skills in basic linear algebra.
Homework Readings and Problems
- I will not cover everything in lectures; you have to learn a lot by reading for yourself.
- I encourage you to form study groups. Discussion with other students is a big part of learning math.
- I expect everyone to read the assigned sections carefully before the lecture.
- Pearson MyLab assignments: see the main 304 page.
- Here is a link to the page from which you can register for this section for Pearson: student registration instructions.
- You are supposed to do the homework. I do encourage you to work together. That does not include looking up solutions on line (or off line), not even at Khan Academy, whose solutions often are not good. If you find a solution on line, DO NOT USE IT. If you are not sure, ask me.
Examinations and grading
Course grade
20% for each of the three classroom exams.
30% for the final exam.
10% for homework and quizzes.
There will be many short quizzes. There are no make-up quizzes.
Past quizzes and tests are accessible from the tests & quizzes page.
Exam dates and coverage
Exam 1: Wednesday, Sept 25, 2019. Coverage: §§ 1.1-5, 1.7-9, 2.1-3, 2.8-9.
- Grade guide: A (85+), B (72-84), C (58-71), D (50-57), F (0-49).
Exam 2: Wednesday, Oct 30, 2019. Coverage: §§ 3.1-2, 4.7, 5.1-3.
- Grade guide: A (84+), B (77-83), C (50-76), D (46-49), F (0-45).
Exam 3: Monday, Nov 25, 2019. Coverage: §§ 5.4-7.1 (just the material we covered; see the syllabus page).
- Test 3 solutions.
- Grade guide: A (80+), B (55-79), C (35-54), D (30-34), F (0-29).
Final Exam: Friday, Dec 13, 2019, at 12:50 p.m. in GW 69EX.
- Grade guide: A (120+), B (90-119), C (60-89), D (50-59), F (0-49).
Exam policy
See the 304 course site. Notably:
- University PHOTO ID is required to take all exams.
- No electronics are allowed during exams or quizzes.
Classroom behavior
Always turn your cell phone to silent before entering the classroom. No cell phone use is allowed except to photo the board (if you wish). If you do use your phone except to photograph the board, I may confiscate your device for the rest of the class.
To the main 304 course site for Fall 2019.