Math 304-07: Linear Algebra

Spring 2017

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  Thomas Zaslavsky
  Office: WH-216

Office hours
No appointment is necessary for these office hours:

I can have other hours by arrangement. Feel free to make an appointment by e-mail or catch me after class.

The textbook is M. Brin and G. Marchesi, Math 304, Spring 2017 edition. (Last year's edition should be acceptable.) This list of chapters is what we plan to cover (skipping a little bit here and there).

Course goals
Develop theoretical and computational skills in basic linear algebra.

Grading System
There will be three tests, including the final exam. There will also be quizzes, WebWork homework on the computer, and written homework collection. Your grade will be based on the tests, quizzes, homework, and class participation.

Solutions to Midterm 1 and Midterm 2.

Homework Readings and Problems

There will be many short quizzes. There are no make-up quizzes. Previous quizzes from this semester will be available here (with solutions).

Midterm test dates

Exam policy

Classroom behavior
Always turn your cell phone to silent before entering the classroom. No chatting, emailing, surfing, texting, etc. If you do, I may confiscate your device for the rest of the class.

Academic Dishonesty
Any instance of academic dishonesty will be referred to the Harpur College Academic Honesty Committee. Academic honesty violations can result in suspension from the University for multiple semesters.

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