Department of Mathematical Sciences
Binghamton University

Math 330: Number Systems
Class Schedule and Assignments

Section 5, Zaslavsky | Spring 2015

Main class page | Schedule and homework | Announcements | Term Project | Syllabus


Index:     | Ch. 1 || Ch. 2 || Ch. 3 || Ch. 4 || Ch. 5 || Ch. 6 || Ch. 8 || Ch. 9 || Ch. 10 || Ch. 11 || Ch. 12 || Ch. 13 |

No.DateReadingsTo do (hand in)     Remarks

0.M 1/26Notes for Students
& Sect. 1.1 to p. 7
None yet.M-Tu: We discuss fundamental properties of
the integers, from which many others can be
(but not all; more about it in Ch. 2).
1.Tu 1/27W 1/28: Notes for
Instructors & Sects. 1.1-2
F 1/30: Sect. 1.3
(a) W 1/28: Prove Prop. 1.8.
(b) F 1/30: Prove Props. 1.9 & 1.11(i).
Tu-F: We find out what we were talking
about on Monday.
2.M 2/2Finish Ch. 1Prove Props. 1.17, 1.19 & 1.22. 

3.Tu 2/3Sect. 2.1Prove Props. 1.25(i,ii) & 1.27(ii).This week we begin work on Ch. 2, where
we get to the essence of the integers.

Tu 2/10
Sects. 2.2-3 Rewrites.
Prove Props. 1.11(v), 2.3. 2.6.
This week we reach the final essential
property of the integers.
F 2/13
Sect. 2.4Prove Props. 2.5, 2.7(ii), 2.8, 2.10, 2.1½.
Prop. 2.1½. For integers m and n, m−n is

the unique solution of the equation x+n=m.

6. M 2/23 Ch. 3 Prove Props. 2.12(iii), 2.18(iii), 2.20, 2.23.
Projects 3.1(iv), 3.2(iii,iv).
Read the additions and corrections.
Read the difference between "if and only if"
and "is logically equivalent to".
7. W 2/25 Sect. 4.1 Prove Props. 2.27½, 2.33.Proposition 2.27½. For all integers k ≥ 2,
k3 > k2+k+1.
8. F 2/27 Sects. 4.2-3 Project 3.7(ii, v, vi, vii).
Project 2.35 for gcd(4,6).
Reminder: In Project 2.35 use the book's
definition of gcd
(as is our policy).

9. F 3/6 Sects. 4.4-6 & 5.1 Prove Prop. 4.6(iii).
Project 3.2(i,ii).

  3/16-20 Ch. 5
Sects. 6.1-3
Rewrites. Always check the Additions and Corrections
for each chapter – e.g,, regarding the
definition of a partition.

10. M 3/23 Ch. 6 (all) Projects 5.3, 5.5(i, iii), 6.7.
Prove Props. 5.14, 6.6.
Note that Vm is defined in (ii).
In 5.5, what does (iii) say about the value of m?
  Tu 3/24 Sect. 8.1 Rewrites.  
11. W 3/25 Sect. 8.2 Project 6.8.
Prove Props. 6.15, 6.25(multiplication), 6.26, 8.6.
  F 3/27 Sects. 8.3-4 Rewrites.  

12. M 3/30 Sect. 9.1 Project 6.27.
Props. 4.7(i), 4.15(iii); Thm. 8.43.
13. W 4/1 Sects. 9.2-3 Project 5.21.
Props. 6.20, 8.40(ii), 8.45; Thm. 6.35.

  Tu 4/14 Midterm The midterm covers Chapters 1 - 6.

14. M 4/20 Sects. 10.1-3 Props. 8.50, 9.15.
Projs. 8.51½ & 9.3(ii, iii).
See correction to Prop. 8.50.
Project 8.51½. Three sets:
A1 = {1/n : n ∈ N}.
A2 = {n, 1/n : n ∈ N}.
A3 = {n, −1/n : n ∈ N}.
      For each set A:
      (i) Find two or more upper and lower
bounds (if any exist).
      (ii) Find the set U of all upper bounds
and the set L of all lower bounds.
      (iii) Find sup(A) and inf(A). Also find
max(A) and min(A).
15. F 4/24 Sect. 10.4 Props. 9.11, 10.9, 10.11, 10.13(ii). N.B. There may be a quiz any day on
definitions in Sects. 10.1-4.

16. M 4/27 Sect. 10.5. Props. 9.18, 10.7, 10.16.

17. Tu 5/5 Ch. 11-12 Props. 10.27, 11.6, 12.4. Proj. 11.11. Revised project due date:
6:00 p.m. on Friday of finals week.
18. W 5/6 Sect. 13.1. Prop. 11.22 & Thms. 10.26, 11.12.
F 5/8 Sects. 13.2-4. Suggested reading for computer, logic, or
philosophy people: Sect. 13.5.
19. F 5/8
Finish all readings. Props. 11.17, 13.6, 13.10, 13.18, 13.25,
13.28, 13.29, & 13.32.
Turn in initial submissions of HW 17-19
by M 5/11 if you want them back
at the review session for rewriting.

Finals week
Tu 5/12
Review session12:50 - 2:50
Room WH-100B = OW-100B

Finals week
F 5/15
Final Examination12:50-2:50 in AA-G019 The final exam covers all the material
of the course.

Finals week
F 5/15
Absolute deadline 6:00 p.m. at my office. Last moment to submit all homework
and the project.

Main class page | Schedule and homework | Announcements | Term Project | Syllabus