Read for Mon. 4/19: Sect. 8.3; and also Sect. 8.2, omitting the part about edge 3-coloring (Theorem 8.2.1, Theorems 8.2.3-5, and Theorem 8.2.7). The points to focus on are: coloring a map, mormal maps, Lemma 8.2.2, and the dual graph.
Read for Wed. 4/21: Sect. 8.4.
Do for discussion Thurs. 4/22:
Sect. 8.2, ## 3, 4.
Sect. 8.3, ## 2, 3.
Sect. 8.4, ## 1, 2, 4, 7.
Sect. 9.1, ## 5, 6, 14.
## K1, K3(a).
Do for discussion Fri. 4/23:
Sect. 8.3, ## 4, 7.
Sect. 8.4, ## 5, 9.
## K2(a,b), K3(b), K4.
Hand in Mon. 4/26:
Sect. 9.1, # 15.
Sect. 8.2, ## 5, 6.
Sect. 8.4, ## 3, 6, 11.
## K2(c), K3(c).
K1. Prove that cr(P) >= 2, where P is the Petersen graph.
K2. (a) Prove that, if p >= 11, then Kp has no decomposition into two planar graphs.
(b) Can K8 be decomposed into two planar graphs?
(c) Prove: if p >= 17, then Kp cannot be decomposed into three planar graphs.
K3. Do both (i) and (ii) for
(a) Fig. 2.3.6.
(b) Fig. 4.2.4.
(c) Fig. 1.3.3.
(i) Is the graph planar?
(ii) Find the crossing number. If you can't calculate it exactly, find out as much as you can about it. For instance, is it = 0 or > 0? Is it = 1? = 2? >= 2? >= 3? Can you find any upper bound?
K4. Write a complete proof of the 6-Color Theorem: Every planar graph can be colored in 6 colors. (Hint: Try induction on the number of vertices.)