Homework Set X and Problem Set J (4/1)

Read Sect. 8.1 and Sect. 9.1. The proof of Theorem 9.1.7 is optional. The most interesting thing about the proof of Theorem 9.1.6 is that it uses Turán's Theorem!

Do for discussion Thurs. 4/15:
Sect. 8.1, ## 1-5, 7, 10.
# J1.

Do for discussion Fri. 4/16:
Sect. 8.1, ## 8, 9, 12, 13.
Sect. 9.1, ## 3, 4, 8, 12, 13.
## J3, J4(a, c, d).

Hand in Mon. 4/19:
Sect. 8.1, ## 6, 11.
Sect. 9.1, # 1, 7, 11.
## J2, J4(b, e), J5.

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Problem Set J

J1. Let G be the Grötzsch graph (Fig. 2.1.6).
(a) Prove chi(G) = 4.
(b) Is G critical?

J2. Find chi'(Z) where Z is the graph of Fig. 2.3.1.

J3. Show that the graph of Fig. 9.1.16 is nonplanar.

J4. Planar or nonplanar? Prove it!
(a) Fig. 9.1.19.
(b) Fig. 9.1.18.
(c) Fig. 9.1.17.
(d) Fig. 9.2.1, left.
(e) Fig. 9.2.1, right.

J5. Prove that K3,3 is the unique 4-cage.