Syllabus of Math 386, Combinatorics
Fall 2011
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A Walk Through Combinatorics, 3rd edition, by Miklós Bóna.
List of material covered
Chapter 1: Seven is More Than Six. The Pigeon-Hole Principle
- An advanced introduction to combinatorial thinking.
Chapter 2: One Step at a Time. The Method of Mathematical Induction
- Challenging combinatorial problems and just a few basics.
Chapter 3: There are a Lot of Them. Elementary Counting Problems
- At last: Introduction to basic counting methods and problems. Combinations (subsets) and permutations (sequences without repetition). Multisets: sets with multiple elements.
Chapter 4: No Matter How You Slice It. The Binomial Theorem and Related Identities
- Binomial identities. Combinatorial proofs.
Chapter 5: Divide and Conquer. Partitions
- Breaking up a set or a number into several parts.
Chapter 6: Not So Vicious Cycles. Cycles in Permutations
- Permutations as functions, operating on the ordered set {1,2,...,n}.
Chapter 7: You Shall Not Overcount. The Sieve
- The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion (P.I.E.): a fundamental counting method.
- More combinatorial proofs, some of them complicated.
Chapter 8: A Function is Worth Many Numbers. Generating Functions
- Power series enter combinatorics. We take a very different point of view from that of calculus.
Chapter 14: So Hard to Avoid. Subsequence Conditions on Permutations
- Section 14.1: Permutations as sequences again: counting those without specified subpatterns.
Chapter 17: As Evenly as Possible. Block Designs and Error Correcting Codes
- Sections 17.1-3: Designs. Latin squares.
- Section 17.4: Finite affine and projective planes are geometrical structures with design-like properties.
The main part of this topic is in my notes on "Affine and Projective Planes and Latin Squares".
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