Covering all of Homework Sets I–V. Grading guidelines:
A B C D F 82-100 61-81 40-60 34-39 0-33
Covering all of Chapters 5-7, including Homework Sets VI-VIII and part of V. Grading guidelines:
A B C D F 92-100 76-91 58-75 48-57 0-47
Covering Homework Sets IX-XII, i.e., Chapter 8, Sections 14.1 and 17.1-3 (but nothing about matrices), and Stirling's approximation.
Here is the test (PDF).
Grading guidelines:
A B C D F 62-100 46-62 30-45 24-29 0-23If your grade on this test is below your grade on the other tests (including the final exam), I'll ignore it. If it's high, of course that's good.
The final exam will cover the whole course, i.e., everything we've done. Regarding Section 17.4 you only have to know affine planes over Zp as explained in class and in
my notes. I won't ask about projective planes (too bad; they're lovely things). On Latin squares there will be no complicated questions, and nothing about orthogonal squares. There will
be no questions about dual, derived, or residual designs, or about the matrix theory of designs.
The exam will be in room S2-145. The time is 2:00 p.m - 4:00 p.m. I will allow an extra 15 minutes.
Grading guidelines:
113-150 83-112 54-82 45-53 0-44
Here are solutions for the final exam (PDF).
A list of extras I prepared (PDF documents).
Here are some tips on using English correctly and clearly in mathematics.
Set Partitions {B1, B2, ..., Bk} No Bi empty. n-set partitioned into k parts: # = S(n,k). |
Set Compositions (ordered set partitions) (B1, B2, ..., Bk) No Bi empty. n-set composed into k parts: # = k! S(n,k). |
Integer Partitions {a1, a2, ..., ak} with a1 ≥ a2 ≥ ... ≥ ak and all ai > 0. # of partitions of n: p(n). # of partitions of n into k parts: pk(n). |
Integer Compositions (a1, a2, ..., ak) with all ai > 0. # of compositions of n: 2n-1. # of compositions of n into k parts: (n-1 choose k-1). |
Weak Set Partitions {B1, B2, ..., Bk} Bi may be empty. # of weak partitions into k parts: S(n,0)+S(n,1)+...+S(n,k). |
Weak Set Compositions (B1, B2, ..., Bk) Bi may be empty. # of weak compositions into k parts: more complicated. |
Weak Integer Partitions {a1, a2, ..., ak} with a1 ≥ a2 ≥ ... ≥ ak and all ai ≥ 0. # of weak partitions of n into k parts: p1(n)+p2(n)+...+pk(n). |
Weak Integer Compositions (a1, a2, ..., ak) with all ai ≥ 0. # of weak compositions of n into k parts: (n+k-1 choose k-1). |