Math 511: Introduction to Combinatorics
Spring 2009

Schedule of Readings and Homework
Homework Grading Guide

All references are to

To the main course page | supplementary notes and problems | student presentations | syllabus.

Class, Topic, and Problem Schedule

Date Chapter Reading Especially
Hand-in problems   Hand-in due date
Jan. 26 1 1 all 1 all I: 1E Fri. 1/30
Jan. 28 1 "
Jan. 30(2) 5, 5 5 all 5 all II: 5D, 5E Fri. 2/6
Feb. 2 5 5I Fri. 2/6
Feb. 4 6 6 all 6 all
Feb. 6(1) "
Feb. 9 6 III: 6B,D,G FridayThe13th, or 20th
Feb. 11 6, 10
Feb. 13(2) 10, 10 10 all 10 all
Feb. 18 10, 13 13 to p. 123 To 13E
Feb. 20(2) 13, 13 13 all 13 all
Feb. 23 13, 14 14 to p. 131 IV: 10B,I
Fri. 2/27
Feb. 25 14 14 to p. 136 14A
Feb. 27(2) 14, 14 14 all, per syllabus 14B,C,H,K,L
Mar. 2 14, 15 " 14 all V: 14A,D,H,M Fri. 3/6
Mar. 4 15 15 per syllabus 15 all
Mar. 6(2) 15, 16 ",
16 to p. 174
per syllabus
Mar. 9 16 16 to p. 176 16A-B,D-F VI: 15G,H
Mon. 3/23
Mar. 11 " 16 all 16G-J
Mar. 13(2) 16, 17 17 to p. 186 16L-N
Mar. 16-20 No classes
Mar. 23 17 17 all 17 all VII: 16K Fri. 3/27
Mar. 25 "
Mar. 27(2) " 17E,G VIII: 17A,D+D',F,H,L Sun. 4/5 noon (in my mailbox, or tacked to my door)
Mar. 30 18 18 to p. 208
Apr. 1 17 " 18B,C IX: 18J Sun. 4/5 noon (in my mailbox, or tacked to my door)
Apr. 3(0) No class "
Apr. 15 18 18 all 18D,I X: 18H,18K Mon. 4/20
Apr. 17(2) 18, 20 20 to p. 245 18E XI: 18F Mon. 4/20
Apr. 20 19 to p. 225 19 to p. 225 19B,C,W XII: 19A,D,E Fri. 5/8
Date changed.
Do not expect further extensions.
Apr. 22 - May 1 No classes
May 4 19 19 to p. 230 19G,H XIII: 19F,I,X Wed. 5/13
Date changed.
Do not expect further extensions.
May 6 " 19 all 19L,M,P,T XIII: 19O,Q,S Wed. 5/13
Date changed.
Do not expect further extensions.
May 8(2) ", 20 20 to p. 246 20A

Guide to Homework Grades

I grade problems in one or more parts, depending on how many different questions or how many parts to the solution there are. For instance, often an if-and-only-if proof is graded with one grade for each direction.

How you present a solution is part of what I grade, not only whether it's technically correct. An inefficient solution is worth less, a particularly inventive or elegant solution more. I summarize the criteria as: completeness, method, and writing.

I will expect a submission on time for every part of every problem. ("On time" means "before I start grading", since sometimes the grading is delayed.)
Partial solutions are better than no solutions!
You can submit a revised solution later, or a fresh solution late (which counts as a revised solution). But not too late – say within a couple of weeks. Submitted rewrites must be accompanied by the original solution.

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