Math 511: Introduction to Combinatorics
Spring 2009

Supplementary Text and Additional Problems

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Additions to the Text

    C(n, k) denotes the binomial coefficient. (This is a bit of an abuse; normally C(n, k) should mean the number of k-combinations of an n-element set.)

  1. König's Theorem 5.4' (Expansion of Theorem 5.4). Both the following equivalent statements are true.
    1. In a bipartite graph G, the maximum size of a matching equals the minimum number of vertices that cover all edges.
    2. In a matrix A, the maximum number of nonzero elements such that no two are in a line together equals the minimum number of lines that cover all nonzero elements.

  2. Corollary 5.4". The rank of a matrix A is not more than the minimum number of lines that cover all its nonzero elements. (A useful concept is that of a transversal of A, which means a set of positions, no two in a row or column, whose contents are all nonzero. Theorem 5.4'(2) concerns the maximum size of a transversal.)

  3. Theorem 6.3+. The only antichains of maximum size are Pfloor(n/2) and Pceil(n/2) (which are the same if n is even).

  4. Theorem 10.1' (= Remark on p. 90). In Theorem 10.1, let Σk := N − N1 + N2 + ... + (−1)k Nk and Σ := Σr = (10.4). Then
    FALSE:     Σ0 ≥ Σ2 ≥ Σ4 ≥ ... ≥ Σ ≥ ... ≥ Σ3 ≥ Σ1 .
    TRUE, corrected formula:     Σ2k ≥ Σ ≥ Σ2k+1 for each k ≥ 0.

  5. A more precise name, though less well known, for the "Euler function" is the Euler totient function.

  6. Theorem 10.a. See the top of p. 91. Define the forward difference operator D by DP(x) := P(x+1) − P(x). (The usual symbol is Del, the upside-down Δ.) Then
        DkP(x) = Σi=0k (−1)i C(k,k−i) P(x+k−i).
    (Setting x = 0, you get the equation of p. 91, line 12.)

  7. A sequence of polynomials, { pn(x) : n = 0, 1, 2, ... }, is said to have binomial type if deg pn(x) = n and
        pn(x+y) = Σk=0n C(n,k) pk(x) pn-k(y) .
    Such a sequence has many of the nice properties of the monomial basis { xn }.

  8. Problem 14L. The walks should not "contain" a point on x + y = 2, they should start at (0,0) and end on the line.

  9. The levelling operation at the beginning of Chapter 16 must preserve the partition property of the sequence; i.e., you can only apply the operation to a partition of N if the result is a partition of N. There are several reasons for this, for example, that levelling is related to covering in the poset of partitions of integers.

  10. Theorem 17.9. The term "χ(L)-colorable" conflicts with established usage and the definition on page 194; it should be "χ(L)-list-colorable".

  11. The chromatic number of the line graph L(G) is usually called the chromatic index of G, written χ'(G). There are an extensive literature and major open questions.

  12. Figure 18.3 is the transpose of the correct figure.

  13. In the proof of Theorem 18.6 the notation d(x,c) has not been defined. It means the number of places in which x and c differ. (Hamming distance; see Ch. 20.)

  14. The notation in Problem 18F is confusing. The dot in vi · vj is the wrong symbol; it's not the dot product, it's the Hadamard product. The Hadamard product of two matrices (of the same size) is their component-wise product and is indicated by a circle:
        A ο B := (aij bij)i,j .
    In this case the matrices are row matrices; their Hadamard product is vi ο vj := (vikvjk)k=0,...,n−1.

  15. There seems to be a definition of μ missing in the last corollary on p. 220.

  16. The definition of a projective plane as a symmetric design with λ = 1, in Chapter 19, is not the normal definition. (It's only normal for design theorists.) The usual definition is by geometrical axioms. We have a set P of "points" and a set B of subsets of P, called "lines" (or "blocks"), such that (a) every pair of points lies in a unique line, (b) every pair of lines has a common point, (c) every line has at least 3 points.

Additional Problems

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