C(n, k) denotes the binomial coefficient. (This is a bit of an abuse; normally C(n, k) should mean the number of k-combinations of an n-element set.)
- König's Theorem 5.4' (Expansion of Theorem 5.4). Both the following equivalent statements are true.
- In a bipartite graph G, the maximum size of a matching equals the minimum number of vertices that cover all edges.
- In a matrix A, the maximum number of nonzero elements such that no two are in a line together equals the minimum number of lines that cover all nonzero elements.
- Corollary 5.4". The rank of a matrix A is not more than the minimum number of lines that cover all its nonzero elements. (A useful concept is that of a transversal of A, which means a set of positions, no two in a row or column, whose contents are all nonzero. Theorem 5.4'(2) concerns the maximum size of a transversal.)
- Theorem 6.3+. The only antichains of maximum size are Pfloor(n/2) and Pceil(n/2) (which are the same if n is even).
- Theorem 10.1' (= Remark on p. 90). In Theorem 10.1, let Σk := N − N1 + N2 + ... + (−1)k Nk and Σ := Σr = (10.4). Then
FALSE: Σ0 ≥ Σ2 ≥ Σ4 ≥ ... ≥ Σ ≥ ... ≥ Σ3 ≥ Σ1 .
TRUE, corrected formula: Σ2k ≥ Σ ≥ Σ2k+1 for each k ≥ 0.
- A more precise name, though less well known, for the "Euler function" is the Euler totient function.
- Theorem 10.a. See the top of p. 91. Define the forward difference operator D by DP(x) := P(x+1) − P(x). (The usual symbol is Del, the upside-down Δ.) Then
DkP(x) = Σi=0k (−1)i C(k,k−i) P(x+k−i).
(Setting x = 0, you get the equation of p. 91, line 12.)
- A sequence of polynomials, { pn(x) : n = 0, 1, 2, ... }, is said to have binomial type if deg pn(x) = n and
pn(x+y) = Σk=0n C(n,k) pk(x) pn-k(y) .
Such a sequence has many of the nice properties of the monomial basis { xn }.
- Problem 14L. The walks should not "contain" a point on x + y = 2, they should start at (0,0) and end on the line.
- The levelling operation at the beginning of Chapter 16 must preserve the partition property of the sequence; i.e., you can only apply the operation to a partition of N if the result is a partition of N. There are several reasons for this, for example, that levelling is related to covering in the poset of partitions of integers.
- Theorem 17.9. The term "χ(L)-colorable" conflicts with established usage and the definition on page 194; it should be "χ(L)-list-colorable".
- The chromatic number of the line graph L(G) is usually called the chromatic index of G, written χ'(G). There are an extensive literature and major open questions.
- Figure 18.3 is the transpose of the correct figure.
- In the proof of Theorem 18.6 the notation d(x,c) has not been defined. It means the number of places in which x and c differ. (Hamming distance; see Ch. 20.)
- The notation in Problem 18F is confusing. The dot in vi · vj is the wrong symbol; it's not the dot product, it's the Hadamard product. The Hadamard product of two matrices (of the same size) is their component-wise product and is indicated by a circle:
A ο B := (aij bij)i,j .
In this case the matrices are row matrices; their Hadamard product is
vi ο vj := (vikvjk)k=0,...,n−1.
- There seems to be a definition of μ missing in the last corollary on p. 220.
- The definition of a projective plane as a symmetric design with λ = 1, in Chapter 19, is not the normal definition. (It's only normal for design theorists.) The usual definition is by geometrical axioms. We have a set P of "points" and a set B of subsets of P, called "lines" (or "blocks"), such that (a) every pair of points lies in a unique line, (b) every pair of lines has a common point, (c) every line has at least 3 points.