Problems on characteristic and Tutte polynomials.
- The characteristic polynomial pM(λ) := ∑S ⊆ E (−1)|S| λr(M)−r(S).
- The corank-nullity (or rank generating) polynomial RM(u, v) := ∑S ⊆ E u|S|-r(S) vr(M)−r(S).
- The Tutte polynomial can be defined (though this is not the best definition) as TM(x, y) := RM(x−1, v−1).
#1-3: For each of the above polynomials f:
- Prove that f, as a function of matroids, satisfies f(M) = f(M\e) + α f(M/e) for a suitable constant α (possibly different for different f) and any e in E that is neither a loop nor a coloop. For f with α ≠ 1, find how to modify f so the modified function satisfies the law with α = 1.
- Evaluate f on discrete matroids (where every element is a loop or coloop).
- How are these polynomials related to each other? (Easy, not a trick problem.)
Problems on hyperplane arrangements.
- H denotes a hyperplane arrangement, affine or homogeneous, in Rn. pH(λ) is its characteristic polynomial.
- The intersection poset of an affine arrangement is an example of a geometric semilattice.
- In early papers the characteristic polynomial of a hyperplane arrangement in Rn (including both homogeneous and affine arrangements) is defined as ∑t∈L(H) λrk(H)−rk(t), but the better, modern definition is ∑t∈L(H) λn−rk(t) where the exponent = dim(t). Be careful to notice if the older definition is being used.
- Projective arrangement polynomials must be treated differently: the exponent of λ must be not dim(t) but 1+dim(t) because otherwise the empty set would get a term λ−1, which isn't a polynomial term.
- Show that in the matroid of a homogeneous hyperplane arrangement H, the rank function is r(S) = codim(∩ S), for any S ⊆ H.
- For a homogeneous hyperplane arrangement H, the arrangement induced by H in h is
Hh = { h' ∩ h : h' in H and h' ≠ h}.
Show that if h is in H, then M(Hh) = M(H)/h.
- A region is a connected component of Rn − (∪ H), and ρ(H) is the number of regions. Assume H is homogeneous.
- Show that ρ(H) = ρ(H \ h) + ρ(Hh).
- Deduce that ρ(H) = |pH(−1)|.
- Let β(H) be the number of bounded regions of H. Show that β(H) = |pH(1)|.
- Draw a central arrangement H of a few lines in A2(R).
- Find and label all the faces of this arrangement (all dimensions).
- Find the characteristic polynomial of your arrangement H. Evaluate at 1 and −1 and compare to the actual numbers of regions.
- Now extend H to the projective plane P2(R) and to its projectivization HP, and find and label all the additional faces (at infinity).
- Find and label all the faces of this projective arrangement (all dimensions). [Correction: This is the same as the preceding part. Oops!]
- Find the characteristic polynomial of the projective arrangement HP. Evaluate at −1 and compare to the actual number of regions.
- Draw a noncentral arrangement H of a few lines in A2(R) and repeat the previous problem for this arrangement.
Problems on graphs and signed graphs.
- The chromatic number χ(G) of a graph or signed graph is the smallest possible number of colors in a (proper) coloring. (Don't confuse this χ with the chromatic polynomial χG(λ).)
- The matroid G(Σ) in "Signed graphs" is now called the frame matroid of Σ and is denoted by F(Σ).
- The lift matroid L∞(Σ) doesn't appear in "Signed graphs". It's in BG2, along with the extended lift matroid L∞(Σ), which is also called the "complete" lift matroid L0(Σ). Sorry, but notation changes with the times, always for the better. /sarc
- Regarding the characteristic polynomial of a hyperplane arrangement, see the note on Section VIII.
- For the graph G = K4−e (i.e., delete one edge):
- Calculate the chromatic polynomial χG(λ).
- Find the cycle matroid M(G); make an affine diagram of it.
- Find the characteristic polynomial pM(G)(λ).
- What are the Whitney numbers of the first kind, wi(M(G))?
- Find χ(G).
- The same for G = K4. In part b, compare the affine diagram with those of the Fano and non-Fano matroids.
- Find the hyperplane arrangements H[K4−e] and H[K4], their intersection lattices, and their characteristic polynomials by using the lattices. Compare to the chromatic polynomials.
- Draw a picture of the cross-section of H[K3] in the plane ∑i xi = 1.
- For the signed graph Σ = +K3:
- Find its hyperplane arrangement H[Σ] and its intersection lattice.
- Find the characteristic polynomial of H[Σ] from the intersection lattice; compare to the chromatic polynomial of Σ.
- Find the numbers of regions and bounded regions.
- This is for the signed graph Σ = −K3.
- Find its hyperplane arrangement H[Σ] and its intersection lattice.
- Draw a picture of the cross-section of H[Σ] in the plane ∑i xi = 1.
- Calculate the chromatic polynomial χΣ(λ) and the zero-free chromatic polynomial χ*Σ(λ).
- Find the characteristic polynomial pH[Σ](λ) from the intersection lattice; compare to the chromatic polynomial of Σ.
- Find the numbers of regions and bounded regions.
- Find the chromatic number χ(Σ).
- This is for the signed graph Σ = ±K2○.
- Find its hyperplane arrangement H[Σ] and its intersection lattice.
- Draw a picture of H[Σ].
- Calculate the chromatic polynomial χΣ(λ) and the zero-free chromatic polynomial χ*Σ(λ).
- Find the characteristic polynomial pH[Σ](λ) from the intersection lattice; compare to the chromatic polynomial of Σ.
- Find the numbers of regions and bounded regions.
- Find the chromatic number χ(Σ).
- This is for Σ = ±K3○.
- Find its hyperplane arrangement H[Σ] and its intersection lattice.
- Draw a picture of the cross-section of H[Σ] in the plane ∑i xi = 1.
- Calculate the chromatic polynomial χΣ(λ) and the zero-free chromatic polynomial χ*Σ(λ).
- Find the characteristic polynomial pH[Σ](λ) from the intersection lattice; compare to the chromatic polynomial of Σ.
- Find the numbers of regions and bounded regions.
- Find the chromatic number χ(Σ).
- Draw affine diagrams of the frame matroids F(Σ) for the following signed graphs:
- ±K2○.
- ±K3.
- −K4.
- ±K4.
- Calculate the two chromatic polynomials, χΣ(λ) and χ*Σ(λ), for the following signed graphs:
- −Kn.
- ±Kn○.
- ±Kn.
- For an arbitrary signed graph Σ, find the intersection ∩ H[Σ] in terms of properties of Σ. What is its dimension?
- For which signed graphs Σ is the frame matroid F(Σ) binary? Not binary? Partial results are acceptable in this kind of question, but the stronger your result, the better.
- For which Σ is F(Σ) ternary? Not ternary?
- For which Σ is F(Σ) regular? Not regular?
- For which signed graphs Σ is the lift matroid L(Σ) binary? Not binary? The same for the extended lift matroid L∞(Σ).
- For which Σ is L(Σ) ternary? Not ternary? The same for L∞(Σ).
- Prove that the matroid R10 (in Oxley) = F(−K5). Can you deduce from this that R10 is regular? (It is regular.)
- Prove that χΣ(λ) = χΣ*(λ) if and only if Σ is balanced.
- For which signed graphs Σ is χΣ(λ) = χΣ*(λ−1)?
Problems on gain and biased graphs.
- An (elementary) lift of M is a coextension with the extra point deleted.
- A linear (sub)class of circuits in a matroid M is a subclass B of C such that, if C, C' ∈ B, nul(C ∪ C') = 2, and D is another circuit contained in C ∪ C', then D ∈ B. (N.B. Don't confuse this B with the class of bases. It's a subclass of the class C of circuits.)
- Here Φ means a gain graph with gain group G. Ω means a biased graph.
- A subset of E is called balanced if every circuit in it belongs to B. It is contrabalanced if it contains no circuit from B.
- A pseudoforest is a graph in which every component has cyclomatic number 0 or 1.
- Show that a linear class of circuits determines an elementary coextension of M. We call this the extended lift of M, L∞(M, B). Deleting the extension point, we have the lift matroid L(M, B). (See Oxley §7.2 for coextension of a matroid.)
- What is a linear class of circuits in a graphic matroid? Describe in terms of the graph Γ (with proof). I call the pair Ω = (Γ, B) a biased graph.
- Describe some aspects of the frame matroid F(Γ, B) of a biased graph in terms of the graph, especially, the circuits, the rank function, the flats, the independent sets.
- Describe some aspects of the lift matroid of a biased graph in terms of the graph, especially, the circuits, the independent sets, the flats.
- The bicircular matroid of a graph Γ is defined as F(Γ, ∅). Describe some aspects of F(Γ, ∅) in terms of the graph, especially the flats, also the circuits, the rank function, the independent sets.
- Let Wr be the r-spoke wheel graph. Show that the whirl Wr = F(Wr, ∅) = L(Wr, ∅), the frame matroid of the contrabalanced wheel graph. (This is the bicircular matroid of the wheel.)
- Calculate the two chromatic polynomials, χΦ(λ) and χ*Φ(λ), for the following gain graphs with gains in a group G of finite order m with identity element 1:
- G·Kn○.
- G·Kn.
- (G \ 1)·Kn.
- G·C4○, where C4 is the cycle of length 4.
- G·C4.
- Prove that the chromatic polynomial and also the zero-free chromatic polynomial of a gain graph Φ are invariant under switching.
- Prove that switching is a group action on gain graphs. That means if Φ is a gain graph and ζ and η are two switching functions, then (Φζ)η = Φζη.
- Prove that χΩ(λ) = χΩ*(λ) if and only if Ω is balanced, for a biased graph Ω, or for a gain graph (but that is less general).
- Find two gain graphs Φ and Ψ with the same gain group, on the same underlying graph Γ, which are not switching equivalent but have the same balanced circles.
- For which group expansion graphs Φ = G·Kn is the frame matroid F(Φ) binary? Not binary?
- For which Φ = G·Kn is F(Φ) ternary? Not ternary?
- For which group expansions Φ = G·Cn is F(Φ) binary? Not binary?
- For which Φ = G·Cn is F(Φ) ternary? Not ternary?
- How are #12 and #14 related to each other?
How are #13 and #15 related to each other?
- For which group expansion graphs Φ = G·Kn is the lift matroid L(Φ) binary? Not binary?
- For which Φ = G·Kn is L(Φ) ternary? Not ternary?
- For which group expansions Φ = G·Cn is L(Φ) binary? Not binary?
- For which Φ = G·Cn is L(Φ) ternary? Not ternary?
- How are #17 and #19 related to each other?
How are #18 and #20 related to each other?
- Prove that a biased expansion of Kn with n ≥ 4 is a group expansion. Hint: The important case is n = 4.
- If you know what a groupoid (category theory) is, prove that a groupoid with n objects is equivalent to a biased expansion of Kn, hence is a group expansion if n ≥ 4 by the preceding problem.
- Given two graphs (or gain graphs, etc.) on disjoint vertex sets, Γ1 and Γ2, write Γ1 ∪v Γ2 for the result of identifying one vertex in each graph to a single vertex. (It doesn't matter which.)
- Compare the lift matroids of Φ1 ∪ Φ2 (disjoint union) and Φ1 ∪v Φ2. How does the matroid of Φ1 ∪v Φ2 depend on the choice of identified vertices?
- Compare the frame matroids of Φ1 ∪ Φ2 (disjoint union) and Φ1 ∪v Φ2. How does the matroid of Φ1 ∪v Φ2 depend on the choice of identified vertices?
- Find a biased graph Ω that cannot be represented as a gain graph.
- Let Ω be any biased graph whose underlying graph is 2Cn (a circle in which each edge is doubled), in which there are no balanced digons (digon = circle of length 2, i.e., doubled edge).
- Prove that spikes (defined by Oxley) are the extended lift matroids of these biased graphs. Based on this fact, what can you say about the structure of spikes?
- A swirl is the frame matroid of this kind of biased graph. Based on this fact, what can you say about the structure of swirls?
- Prove the subset expansion formulas for the chromatic and zero-free chromatic polynomials of a gain graph, i.e., χ[*]Φ(λ) = ∑S (−1)|S| λb(S), where S ranges over all subsets of E for the chromatic polynomial (no *) and all balanced subsets for the zero-free polynomial (with *). Hint: Induction on |E| and deletion/contraction lemmas.
Or, use Möbius inversion on the improper coloring method to prove the Möbius expansion formulas, χ[*]Φ(λ) = ∑F μ(∅,F) λb(F), where F ranges over all frame-matroid flats or all balanced flats, respectively.
Note that the subset and Möbius formulas are equivalent by a theorem in the Möbius chapter, although the two proof methods are completely different.
- Open problem. We have coloring interpretations of χΦ(λ) for λ = k|G|+1 and χ*Φ(λ) for λ = k|G|, which give us one polynomial for each residue class 0 and 1 (mod |G|) of integers λ > 0, but no such interpretation for any other residue class. Is there a coloring interpretation, or any counting interpretation, for other values of λ modulo |G|? This is an open question for all |G| > 2.