Matroid Theory Assignments

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Readings and Problems

Weekly Assignments

Readings: Read these lightly first, then carefully.
Do the recommended problems and your choice of other problems.
Hand in the specified problems.
Extra Problems are below the assignments.

Week of: Read and do problems in sections: Especially recommended: Hand in:
Jan. 28: 1.1-5 (Light reading of 1.4-5.) 1.1##3-5,6(part); 1.2##1,3,4,9,12; 1.3##1-3,7 None
Feb. 4: 1.4-8 (1.8 just to get the idea.) 1.4##1-2,5-7; 1.5##5,7,11; 1.6#6; 1.7##2,4
1.6: two or three problems.
1.8: one problem is enough.
I. Feb. 8: 1.1##7,11; 1.2#5; 1.3#6; 1.4#11
Feb. 11: 2.1-2 1.7#9; 2.1##1-4,10,13,15,19; 2.2##5,7,10 II. Feb. 18: 1.7##5,7; 2.1##9,11
Feb. 18: 2.2-4
Extra Problems on duality.
2.2##6,8,11; 2.3##1,8; 2.4##1,4,7; Extra I(2), II(3), III(1) None
Feb. 25: 3.1-3 2.4#3; 3.1##2,7-9,12; 3.2##1,5-7; 3.3##2,6,8;
III. Feb. 29: 2.2##4,10; 2.3#5; 3.1#3; 3.2#8;
Mar. 3: 4.1-3, 5.1-2 4.1##1,6,7; 4.2##1,2,4-6; 4.3##2,4,5,7,9; 5.1##2-4 None
Mar. 10: 5.1-4, 6.1
In 5.4: Note Thm. 5.4.10 and Lemma 5.4.11. Learn series and parallel operations for graphs and matroids, especially parallel and series extensions.
5.2##1,3; 5.3#2; 5.4##1,2,8; 6.1##1,3;
Projective Geometry##1,2
IV. Mar. 14: 4.1#4; 4.2#1; 4.3##8,9; 5.1#3; 5.2#5; 5.3#5
Mar. 17: 6.1-3 6.1##2,4,6; 6.2##1-3; 6.3##1,2,3(thimk!),5(i),6 None
Mar. 31: 6.4-6
You may skim Sections 6.7-8 to get the main ideas, if you're interested.
5.3#4; 6.1#7; 6.2##8,9;
6.3##1,2,3 and how should any statements differ for my def. of projective auts.?;
6.5##1, and prove Prop. 6.5.6 and Conj. 6.5.11;
Apr. 7: 6.9
6.6#5; 6.9##4,5, and study the extra problem on modularity;
V. Apr. 16: 6.1#5,7; 6.2##4,7;
6.3##4,5 and how should any statements differ for my def. of projective auts.?;
6.4#1; 6.5#3; 6.6#2; 6.9##2
Apr. 14: 7.2
Biased graphs
8.1, main results in 8.2
7.2##1-4, also Extra Problems on coextensions and lifts;
Problems on biased graphs ##1-4;
Apr. 21: Characteristic and Tutte polynomials.
Arrangements of hyperplanes.
8.3, main results in 8.4
9.1-2, 11.1
Extra Problems on connectivity;
8.2##1,4,5; 8.3##1,2; 9.1##3,5; 9.2#3(important)
VI. Apr. 25: 7.1##7,8; 7.2#6;
8.1#2; 8.2#2; 8.3#3;
9.1#4; 9.2#3(i)
Apr. 28: 11.2-3
Problems on polynomials and arrangements;
11.1##2,4,5; 11.2##2,5,6;
13.1##1,3; 13.2#2
May 5: No classes. - VII. May 13 (no late submissions):
11.1#3; 11.2#1;
Biased graphs ##5,6;

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Extra Problems

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