Math 148 - Elementary Statistics for Biologists - Fall 2016 |
Course material
Last update: August 30, 2016 - 12:30 PM
NOTE that
This document pertains to ALL sections
of the course!
Visit this page frequently for important announcements!
The course will be taught according to the Freedman-Pisani-Purves textbook
and the slides shown in lecture will mostly be tables and figures from that book
but there will be some additions We start out with some tables:
Standard Normal Distribution Table Chi-Squared Table Student t-Table
You will learn how to use those tables as the course progresses.
The following document is a write-up of selected topics addressed in lecture
but not to be found in that form in the FPP textbook.
At this point in time the major part is about notation which is more "mathy"
in lecture than what you see in the book.
A series of consecutive drafts will be published. You should
only look at the newest version.
The earlier versions are kept around as an audit trail.