Math 148 - Elementary Statistics for Biologists - Fall 2018 |
Course material
Last update: September 29, 2018 - 3:30 PM
NOTE that
This document pertains to ALL sections
of the course!
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MATH 148 is an introduction to basic statistical concepts.
Traditionally there was no big difference between this course
(MATH 148: Elementary Statistics for Biologists) and MATH 147: Elementary Statistics,
but this semester both courses use different textbooks and we will
be different from Math 147 in the following way:
This course primarily addresses students of biology and medicine who
are, at least to some degree, quantitatively oriented and the course will be
significantly more "mathy" than Math 147.
The text for this course is Stats - Data & Models, 4th edition
from De Veaux, Velleman and Bock.
We will cover the majority of parts I through VI (ch. 1 - 25),
including sampling, regression, probability, binomial distribution, normal distribution,
sample average, sample standard deviation, confidence intervals and
tests of statistical hypotheses.
If time allows we will also do ANOVA and/or multiple regression.
We will focus on numerous examples on our way to understanding how
statistics is a powerful tool for analyzing data.
Instructor: Dr. Michael Fochler Office: WH 222 Office hours: Mon 11:15 - 1:00, Tue 11:45 - 1:00 Email Head Teaching Assistant: Mengyu Chen
Lecture: Mon Wed Fri 8:30 - 9:30 AM in LH 014
Section info:
Withdraw deadline: Tuesday, October 30, before 4:30 PM Math 148 helproom: Starting with week 2 or 3 of the semester, TA's office hours will be held in the Math 148 helproom located at WH 236. Exams: There will be 3 midterm exams given in lecture and one final exam. No notes, books, cell phones, or laptops are allowed for tests. However, you are allowed a calculator and an index card as large as 4 x 6 inches on each midterm and as large as 5 x 8 inches on the final exam. You may write on both sides of your index card and there are no restrictions as to what you are writing. Details will be discussed before each exam. Each midterm exam will last 55 minutes and it will be worth 150 points. The final exam will last 2 hours and it will be worth 300 points. Exam dates:
Midterm Exam 1: Wednesday, September 26
Final Exam: Wednesday, Dec. 12, 12:50 PM - 2:50 PM in LH 001 Students should make all arrangements to take the tests. The times and dates for these tests are non-negotiable. The final exam will be comprehensive and you must take the final exam at the scheduled time. A student can request the makeup final only if he or she has another final at the same time (direct conflict) or has three final exams scheduled within 24 hours. If you want to request to take the alternate final then you must do so no later than Monday, November 26, in writing: Send an email to your TA and your instructor. More information: Be sure to click on all tabs in the navigation bar at the top of this web page. In particular, be sure to study the syllabus for this class. There you find info about course material, exam dates, how your grade is calculated and many other issues of interest. Best wishes for a successful semester! Michael Fochler |