Date posted |
Message |
5/20/2019 |
Your grades have now been posted to Blackboard.
Besides your final exam grade you will see three additional columns:
1) TotSum:
This entry contains the total of your points. It includes attendance,
all 12 quizzes, all 5 graded homeworks.
2) TotAdj:
This entry contains your adjusted total. The points for the two worst
quizzes and the worst graded homework have been subtracted from TotSum.
3) Grade:
This is your resulting letter grade. It has been computed from TotAdj
according to the "tentative" grading scale of the syllabus.
Your letter grades have already been recorded in the registrar's database,
but it may take a while before you will see them on your
inofficial transcripts.
Your anonymous grades have been posted to the grades page of the course
website. I will change the link to that website as early as Tuesday
to the following:
I hope that you are satisfied with your grade, and I wish you the best
of luck for the future.
-- Michael Fochler --
5/18/2019 |
Finals grades and letter grades will be posted to BB on Monday afternoon
or early evening. Please be patient!
5/14/2019 |
The final exam is on May 15 in LH 1.
It will start at 3:15 PM and end at 5:15 PM.
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so you it will less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Have your BU ID ready since your TAs will check everyone who sits
in their section area and whom they do not recognize!
The final exams are labeled and you must take your assigned seat.
The seats are arranged alphabetically by section. Check the blackboard
and/or the overhead to locate the approximate area of your section.
Look for your TA if you cannot find your seat:
We will give you a 50 point penalty(!!)
if you write on someone else's final.
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
Only ONE index card! (See below, item g).
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it! Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
SSD letter students with extended time:
If you take the exam in LH 1 with everyone else then
ask me to seat you, since a special area in the front row is
reserved for you. You will finish your extended time in LH 3
where I give another final exam directly after this one.
If you take the exam at the testing center: Be sure to CHECK THE LOCATION!
There alternatative rooms since UTC cannot seat all students at LNG 113!
The location of the makeup final (Thu, May 16, 12:50 PM)
is my office, WH 222. If this changes unexpectedly then I will send out
another notification.
I got this email from one of your peers:
"... I went to tutoring for the final yesterday and was told
we were able to bring 3 note cards to the exam.
On the syllabus, however, it does not specify whether or not
we could have more than one 5x8 note card for the exam.
Could you clarify this ..."
Here is the clarification: You are only allowed to bring
ONLY ONE 5 x 8 index card!
5/9/2019 |
The following announcement only concerns the students in
sections A01, A05 (Mengyu Chen) and A02, A06 (Xiaoke Qin):
In each of those sections 14 quizzes were given instead of 12 quizzes
(as stated in the syllabus). The policy for quizzes is modified as follows
(announced by those TAs in their sections):
The first two quizzes given in those sections are not recorded
on Blackboard, and they UNCONDITIONALLY do not count toward your grade.
For the remaining 12 quizzes the policy stated in the syllabus applies
without modification: The two quizzes with the lowest grades will
not be counted toward your grade.
Specifically for sections A01 and A05:
The quizzes to be discarded were named QUIZ 1 and QUIZ 2.
The ones recorded on BB as Quiz 1, Quiz 2, Quiz 3, ... Quiz 12 were named
Quiz 1 PLUS, Quiz 2 PLUS, Quiz 3, Quiz 4, ... Quiz 12.
Specifically for sections A02 and A06:
The quizzes to be discarded were named quiz1 and quiz2.
The ones recorded on BB as Quiz 1, Quiz 2, Quiz 3, ... Quiz 12 were named
quiz3, quiz4, quiz5, ... quiz14.
For all inquiries, please talk directly to Mengyu and Xiaoke.
5/6/2019 |
Review session by Casey Kapklein
"...I will be holding two review sessions for the final exam.
The first is Friday, May 10th from 1:00 to 3:15 pm in LH 7.
The second is Monday, May 13th from 3:00 to 5:15 pm in S1 Room 149."
"The review session on May 10th will be dedicated to reviewing the
three midterm exams given over the course of the semester.
The review session on May 13th will be run much like the review sessions
for the midterm exams.
I will spend the first part briefly covering important concepts,
vocabulary, and formulas. If anything I say is unfamiliar or confusing,
students can ask questions about it during that time.
The second part of the session will be free question asking time,
so students should do their best to come prepared with questions
from the textbook, old quizzes, or any other resource."
"Review sessions are walk-in only, so students do NOT need to
sign up on Starfish beforehand.
This also means that students are free to come and go at any point
during the time frame of the session.
If students have any questions about the review sessions,
they can email me at,
and if they have any questions about UTS or tutoring in general
they can email or go to the UTS website at"
5/5/2019 |
There have been inquiries whether or not Casey Kapklein will hold
a finals review session for Math 148. I have asked Carrie Reidy from
UTS (University Tutorial Services) to reach out to Casey
and I am still waiting for a response.
I understand that there will be for sure a review session for Math 147,
but I am reluctant to recommend going there to you since that course
is taught from a very different text which defines some major concepts
so much differently from the way it is done in Math 148 that you might
be misled into giving incorrect answers to some
of the problems of the Math 148 final exam.
I will bring SOOT forms to class during next week's lectures.
These are the forms published by the Math department which ask you
to express your opinions about this course in free form rather than
giving a ranking on a scale from 1 to 5.
Please be clear about what part of your comments pertains to the lecture,
and what part is about the discussion section.
The forms are meant to be submitted anonymously, so
do NOT give your name, but please note your section or TA's name.
The forms will be collected when you take your final exam.
5/3/2019 |
Homework 15 has been posted. Will definitely be graded!
4/30/2019 |
Solutions for the third midterm have been posted.
4/29/2019 |
The midterm results are now posted to BB and to the grades page.
I have been approched by some of you about whether there will be a curve
of any kind.
I have taught this class eight times and never seen a reason
for any adjustments.
The midterm results for this semester are in line with those of earlier
courses, so it is very unlikely that there will be a curve.
Solutions for the third midterm will probably be posted tomorrow.
4/27/2019 |
The midterm has been graded. The results should be on BB no later
than Monday.
Homework 14 has been posted. To do the chapter 26 assignments you will
need to read ch.26.1-ch.26.3 in case you did not attend Friday's lecture.
You do not need to understand the material of the subsection called
"The ANOVA Model" to do those problems.
4/24/2019 |
Calculator pickup:
One of you was so kind to lend your calculator to a fellow student who
forgot to bring their own, but you did not pick it up after the final.
I have the calculator at my office, and I will bring it to lecture this
coming Friday and Monday. If its yours, please send me an email with the
description of that calculator (in case there is more than one person
claiming it).
This Friday I will spend maybe 15 or 20 minutes on the power of a test.
This additional
material will not be part of the final exam. During the remainder of the
lecture I will continue with ch.26 (ANOVA). If you decide not to attend
lecture, be sure to read ch.26.1 - 26.3 during the weekend.
Attendance will not be taken on Friday.
4/19/2019 |
Homework 13 has been posted. It will not be collected for grading,
but note that it is very relevant for Wednesday's midterm!
Exam #3 on Wed, 4/24:
Scope is ch.18-ch.25.4, but we omit everything that
is about re-expression. For further details
see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page
(the part that is about ch.18-ch.25).
The exam will start at 12:00 AM and end at 12:55 AM.
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so you it will less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event (includes athletes),
send an email to me and cc your TA before Monday, April 22, 8:00 PM.
If you are ill: No makeup exam without a Dr's note! NO EXCEPTIONS!
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it! Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
SSD letter students must contact me
BEFORE Monday, March 22, 4:00 PM
if they want to take the exam at the testing center
so I can make arrangements. By default I assume that your preference
is unchanged from the second midterm.
If you take the exam in LH 8 with everyone else then
ask me to seat you, since a special area in the front row is
reserved for you. You will finish your extended time at my office (WH 222).
4/11/2019 |
Updated help room schedule:
Janine Wiley's office hours are gone. Xinhai Zhang
will hold office hours instead
Wednesdays from 9:00-11:30 and Thursdays from 9:30 - 10:00 in Room 234.
Remember that each of you can ask everyone of the Math 148 TAs for help!
4/11/2019 |
New TA for sections A03 and A07:
Janine Wiley has withdrawn from the BU Math graduate program
and can no longer work as a TA. Starting Thursday, April 11, 2019
Xinhai Zhang will take over her responsibilities.
He will administer a quiz in tomorrow's A07 discussion section.
4/8/2019 |
Solutions for midterms 1 and 2 have been posted to the course materials
page for both versions A and B
4/5/2019 |
Homework 11 has been posted. Due in discussion next week.
ERROR in schedule: I had flagged April 26 as 'no class'.
Since dismissal is at 1:00 PM class will be held. I have
updated the schedule accordingly.
4/2/2019 |
Janine still needs some rest, and I will take over section A03 today.
There will be two quizzes.
There had been complaints from the section A03 and A07 students that
Janine's absence put them at a disadvantage.
As you can see from the grades page, students in those sections did not
do worse than those in the others, so there will be no adjustments.
4/1/2019 |
Grades for midterm 2 are on BB. The grades for both exam 1 and exam 2
have also been posted anonymously to the grades page.
3/17/2019 |
Homework 10 has been posted. Due in discussion next week.
3/28/2019 |
Update to yesterday's announcement:
Today's A07 section will be held by Michael Fochler.
3/27/2019 |
There very likely will be a substitute TA for Janine Wiley's A07 session
on Thursday, March 28.
Another announcement will follow on Friday morning.
3/23/2019 |
The "Finals prep sheet" instructions (link is on the course materials page)
for the Bayes rule (SDM ch.14) have been updated. Note that this chapter
is in scope for the upcoming second mid term.
I have sent emails to those SSD students who will take the midterm at UTC.
Their initials are JY and RK. If you are a student with an SSD letter
who wants to take the exam at UTC and you have not received such an email
from me then you should contact me asap!
3/17/2019 |
Homework 9 has been posted. Due in discussion during the week after spring
Exam 2 on 3/27/2019: Scope is ch.13-ch.18, but we omit everything that
is about re-expression. Thus ch.9 is omitted. For further details
see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page
(the part that is about ch.13-ch.18).
More on exam #2: The exam will start at 12:00 AM and end at 12:55 AM.
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so you it will less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event (includes athletes),
send an email to me and cc your TA before Monday, March 25, 8:00 PM.
If you are ill: No makeup exam without a Dr's note! NO EXCEPTIONS!
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it! Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
SSD letter students must contact me
BEFORE Thursday, March 21, 8:00 PM
if they want to take the exam at the testing center
so I can make arrangements. By default I assume that your preference
is unchanged from the first midterm.
If you take the exam in LH 8 with everyone else then
ask me to seat you, since a special area in the front row is
reserved for you. You will finish your extended time at my office (WH 222).
3/7/2019 |
Homework 8 has been posted. Due next week in discussion.
3/5/2019 |
Janine Wiley is holding office hours tomorrow (Thu 3/7) from 3:00 until 6:00
at either WH 234 (Math 147 help room) or WH 236. Best if you check them both.
3/5/2019 |
Janine Wiley is canceling today's office hours
(but her section will take place). She will instead hold extended
office hours on Thursday from 3:00 until 6:00.
It is not clear yet whether she can use the Math 147 help room.
Michael Fochler office hours for today (3/5/2019) are moved to the
early afternoon, 1:00 - 2:30 PM.
3/1/2019 |
Homework 7 has been posted. Due next week in discussion.
2/28/2019 |
Janine Wiley is ill. Section A07 is canceled today.
There will be potentially two quizzes next Thursday in her section.
2/23/2019 |
Homework 6 has been reposted: The assignments for SDM ch.8
have been removed.
Review session by Casey Kapklein from UTS:
..... I will be holding a review session for Exam 1 on
Monday, February 25th from 2:45 to 4:45 pm in LH 13.....
As always, the first part of the review session I will spend
briefly covering important concepts, vocabulary, and formulas.
If anything I say is unfamiliar or confusing, students can ask
questions about it during that time.
The second part of the session will be free question asking time,
so students should do their best to come prepared with questions
from the textbook, old quizzes, or any other resource.
Review sessions are walk-in only, so students do NOT need to sign up
on Starfish beforehand.
This also means that students are free to come and go at any point
during the 2-hour time frame of the session.
If students have any questions about the review session,
they can email me at,
and if they have any questions about UTS or tutoring in general
they can email or go to the UTS website at
2/21/2019 |
Homework 6 has been posted. Due next week in discussion.
2/19/2019 |
The dates for the final exam and the makeup for the final
are now posted on the home page.
Exam 1 on 2/27/2019: Scope is ch.1-ch.12, but we omit everything that
is about re-expression. Thus ch.9 is omitted. For further details
see the "Finals prep sheet" link on the course materials page
(the part that is about ch.1-ch.12).
More on exam #1: The exam will start at 12:00 AM and end at 12:55 AM.
It is imperative that you
do not move in before we tell you to:
First we must distribute the exams.
Carry your backpack in your hand so you it will less
time for you to squeeze by others to get to your seat!
Makeup exam: If you have a qualifying event (includes athletes),
send an email to me and cc your TA before Monday, 8:00 PM.
If you are ill: No makeup exam without a Dr's note! NO EXCEPTIONS!
Reread the syllabus about allowable calculators and index cards.
If you bring a programmable and/or graphing calculator, we will
confiscate it! Do not forget your calculator and bring a spare or at least
spare batteries!
SSD letter students must contact me IMMEDIATELY if they want to take the
exam at the testing center so I can make arrangements. By default you will
start the exam in LH 8 with everyone else and finish your extended time
at Prof. Fochler's office (WH 222).
2/15/2019 |
Homework 5 has been posted. Due next week in discussion.
2/7/2019 |
Homework 4 has been posted. Due next week in discussion.
2/6/2019 |
Casey R Kapklein from UTS is tutoring Math 148 again this semester.
Students have been full of praise, so be sure to check this out
if you have trouble with the material!
Her tutoring hours are
Tuesdays 4:25 pm - 5:25 pm and 5:25 pm - 6:25 pm;
Wednesdays 1:30 - 2:30 pm
Thursdays 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm, 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm, and 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
All tutoring is in the CIW Library.
Try your best to sign up on Starfish at least 24 hours before the session,
but if you are unable to do so or unsure if you can actually make the session
you can walk in to a session as well. Casey may not necessarily be there,
but if she is then you are welcome to join in.
If you have any questions about tutoring in general, contact UTS at or go to the
UTS webpage
2/2/2019 |
I promised in last Friday's lecture to publish a slide which summarizes
the behavior of a list of numeric data when a constant is added,
subtracted, multiplied, or used for dividing each item in that list.
Look for the new link
Formula sheet
for means and SDs, shifting and scaling, and basic regression"
in the course materials page.
1/31/2019 |
Homework 3 has been posted. Due next week in discussion.
If yesterday's session was canceled yesterday (A05 and A06)
then turn in your 2nd homework next week with this one!
1/29/2019 |
The Math 148
help room
is now operating.
Location: WH 234.
1/25/2019 |
Problems #44 amd #46 of Homework 2 are about Simpson's Paradox. If you cannot
figure out how to do those then wait until the beginning of
Monday's lecture when I finish up ch.2.
1/23/2019 |
Homework 2 has been posted. Due next week in discussion
1/23/2019 |
Section A01 only: Ignore yesterday's announcement:
The location for discussion section A01 has been reverted from
CW 115 to WH 100B!
1/22/2019 |
Section A01 only:
The location for discussion section A01 has been changed from
WH 100B to CW 115 (Classroom Wing, formerly called Student Wing)
1/4/2019 |
Be sure to look at all tabs of this website and to install the
material on the DVD that comes with the text!
Homework 1 has been posted. It will not be graded.
Syllabus and course material page now have information
about registering with the MyStatlab website (also called the
SDM website). Once you have access to MyStatlab you can
access homework "MATH-148-CH-01" (optional) on that site.
Blackboard ("MyCourses") has not yet been set up for Math 148.
We only use Blackboard to post the grades you get on your exams,
quizzes and homeworks and to provide a PDF version of the syllabus.
in addition to the HTML version found on this website.
If your discussion section is on Tuesdays then you will have
your first section on Jan. 22!