12/13/2018 |
I have uploaded your grades for the final and the letter grade you will see
on your transcripts to BB.
The total points you earned are displayed in the "TOTALadj" field.
I have curved the grades by adding 30 points to that field.
That's the "GrandTotAdj" field just to the left of the Hwk 1 field.
I have applied the grading scale from the bottom part of the syllabus
to that GrandTotAdj field, and that's how you got your letter grade.
For example, if your GrandTotAdj value is between 700 and 749 then
your letter grade is a B-.
The grades for the final are also listed on the grades page of the
course website.
I hope that at least most of you are happy with your grade,
and I wish you a joyful holiday break.
I always try to take care of my students as far as references are concerned,
so do not hesitate to contact me if you need my help in that respect.
It was my privilege to be your instructor. Good luck to you all!
-- Michael Fochler --
12/11/2018 |
Don't be late for the 8:00 final at FA 209!
That Fine Arts building is a maze, and I recommend that you walk there
today or tomorrow so you know where FA 209 is located: Take the entrance to
the right of the John Arthur Cafe. This entrance is very close to the
upper end of the stairs which you encounter when walking from WH to LH.
12/10/2018 |
No office hours on Monday, 12/10 due to medical appointment.
Instead you can see me on Tuesday and Wednesday during most of the day
12/8/2018 |
All homework grades now are on BB, and I also have populated several fields
that contain totals.
Here is some explanation of the non obvious fields.
hwkSum = sum of Hwk 1 - Hwk 18
hwkAdj = hwkSum * (400/63): This converts your homework points
to up to 400 grade points
TOTAL = your grade points earned so far:
the results of your final exam are yet to be added
TOTALadj = TOTAL rounded up to the next integer
in case that TOTAL is not an integer
IF I decide to curve the grades than this will be reflected here.
Your letter grade will be based on this entry.
12/1/2018 |
A written assignment for hwk 18 has been posted.
It is worth 5 points and it will be graded only once.
Partial credit will be given.
Quiz 10 will be given on Friday, December 7 (last day of lecture).
It should be graded in time for the 3:00 review session, but I may not
be able to grade all of your homework in time, and you
may have to pick it up during finals week.
I will hand out comment forms on Friday. Please fill them, but without
giving your name. I will ask one of you to bring them in a sealed envelope
to the Math office.
11/30/2018 |
Finals review session will be Friday, December 7, from 3:00 until 5:00
at WH 329.
11/29/2018 |
Hwk 18 has been published. The written assignments will come later.
It will be graded only once, and partial credit will be given.
11/28/2018 |
The grades for quiz 9 have been posted to BB and to the grades page.
Hwk 1 -- 15 are now also on BB.
11/23/2018 |
Hwk 17 has been published.
Version 2018-11-23 of the MF doc has been published.
Be sure to check the addenda for new material.
A few exercises on uniform convergence have been added to ch.20.
11/21/2018 |
I will give quiz #9 on Wednesday, November 28, and quiz #10 will be given
during the last week of lectures.
The scope of quiz #9 will be MF ch.13 through thm.13.14
(Neighborhood characterization of continuity) in ch.13.2.1.
It is possible that I will not get around to lecturing about all that
on the preceding Monday.
I have had the chance to look at a few turned in hwk 15 assignments
and I am not very pleased.
I have added some instructions below the written assignments and
republished hwk 15. Be sure to take a good look.
If you are one of those who have turned in hwk 15 and are waiting to
get it back on Monday then I urge you to look at my instructions
and redo your work before we meet on Monday.
I plan to hold a review session either on Thurday, 12/6, or on Friday,
12/7 (last day of classes), or on Monday, 12/10. We will settle on a date
and time when we meet this coming Monday.
Be sure to review your finals schedule beforehand as it is more likely
to find a time that suits everyone interested after regular classes are over.
11/14/2018 |
Homework 16 has been posted.
Due Fri 11/30.
11/14/2018 |
The grades for exam 2 have been posted to BB and to the grades page.
11/9/2018 |
The grades for quiz 8 have been posted to BB and to the grades page
11/7/2018 |
Homework 15 has been posted.
It is worth six points!
Due Mon 11/26 (after Thanksgiving).
11/7/2018 |
Scope for second midterm:
MF ch.7 through 11 and ch.12.2.2 Focus is on ch.10 and 11.
11/6/2018 |
A correction to problem #1 of homework 14 has been posted.
11/3/2018 |
A correction to problem #1 of homework 13 has been posted.
10/31/2018 |
Homework 14 has been posted.
10/29/2018 |
The grades for quiz 7 have been posted to BB and to the grades page
10/28/2018 |
The deadline for withdrawing from this course or changing the
grade option to a pass/fail is this Tuesday, October 30 @4:30 PM.
Do not miss it!
10/25/2018 |
Homework 13 has been posted.
MF doc ver 2018-10-25 has been published. The addenda to ch.10 (Real Numbers)
have been greatly expanded with material from B/G ch.11 and 12.
10/22/2018 |
Homework 12 has been reposted: an amended proof of prop.10.14
(useful for doing written assignment 2) has been added.
10/22/2018 |
MF doc ver. 2018-10-20 has been posted to the course materials page
of this website. Many corrections to ch.10.
10/10/2018 |
The grades for quiz 6 have been posted to BB and to the grades page
10/10/2018 |
Homework 12 has been reposted with written assignments.
10/10/2018 |
Homework 12 has been posted.
No written assignments yet (will come Fri or Sat)!
Homework 11 written assignment 1 has been republished!
I will leave campus on Wednesday directly after lecture and you won't be able to
see me until Friday's lecture! I may not be able to grade all of the homework
you submit to me on Wednesday in time for Friday's lecture, but I'll try.
10/10/2018 |
Homework 11 has been posted.
10/8/2018 |
Midterm 1 grades and hwk 1-8 grades have been uploaded to BB.
The midterm grades also appear anonymously on the grades page.
Be sure to check the homework grades and report any discrepancies!
10/5/2018 |
Quiz 5 grades have been uploaded to BB and the grades page.
Monday's midterm will start 10 minutes late at 9:50 AM
(except for JG who will start at UTC at 9:40) and last for 60 minutes!
10/4/2018 |
As announced in class, quiz #5 will be given tomorrow, Friday, October 5.
Homework 10 has been posted.
10/02/2018 |
MF doc ver. 2018-10-01 has been posted to the course materials page
of this website. Few changes, but hints for exercise 6.8
(hwk 8, written assignment #1) have been significantly expanded.
9/29/2018 |
Scope of exam 1: MF ch.1-3, ch.5-8, ch.9 through prop.9.1,
B/G ch.3 and items from ch.2-7 covered in lecture but not in the MF doc.
Final exam schedule:
Final exam:
Thursday, Dec. 13, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM in FA 209;
Friday, Dec. 14, 12:50 PM - 2:50 PM in WH 222
9/27/2018 |
Homework 9 has been posted. Due Monday, Oct. 15 (after the Fall Break)
MF doc ver. 2018-09-27 has been posted to the course materials page
of this website. New chapter 20 (Sample Problems for Exams) replaces
the link accessible from the Q&A section.
9/24/2018 |
Quiz 4 grades have been uploaded to BB and the grades page.
9/24/2018 |
MF doc ver. 2018-09-24 has been posted with an emergency fix to
prop.6.34: Euclid’s Lemma for Two Factors.
Version 2018-09-20 has been withdrawn!
8/21/2018 |
Homework 8 has been posted. Due Friday, Oct. 5.
MF doc ver. 2018-09-20 has been posted to the course materials page
of this website. Be sure to read the addenda to ch.6: The Integers.
9/18/2018 |
Last submission for homework 6 has been postponed to
Wednesday, September 26.
9/14/2018 |
The scores for quiz 3 have been uploaded to BB and, anonymously,
to the grades page of the course website.
9/12/2018 |
Homework 7 has been posted. Due September 28.
8/28/2018 |
The scores for quiz 2 were uploaded to BB and, anonymously,
to the grades page on Wednesday afternoon.
Homework 6 has been posted. Due Friday, Sept. 21.
There is a lot of overlap between the MF and the B/G material.
MF doc ver. 2018-09-05 has been posted to the course materials page
of this website. Substantial changes to ch.6: The Integers.
9/3/2018 |
This is a reminder that I will administer quiz 2 this Wednesday.
I intend to have the scores on BB in time for the 11:59 drop class
8/30/2018 |
Homework 4 and 5 have been published.
Both are due Friday, September 14.
8/28/2018 |
The scores for quiz 1 have been uploaded to BB and, anonymously,
to the grades page of the course website.
Late adds to the class should contact me immediately. Send me an email
about the special assignment (homework "zero")!
8/24/2018 |
Homework 1 has been republished:
Error in written assignment #5!
8/22/2018 |
Homework 3 has been published. Graded only once, worth TEN points,
Due Wed. 9/5, before hwk 2!
8/22/2018 |
Homework 2 has been published.
8/22/2018 |
Syllabus has been duplicated on Blackboard.
8/22/2018 |
Monday office hours have been moved from Mon, 1:15-3:00
to Mon, 11:15-1:00.
8/21/2018 |
MF doc ver. 2018-08-20 has been posted to the course materials page
of this website.
8/20/2018 |
The first "regular" homework for this
course has been posted to the homework page of this website.
The last submission for the written assignments is due
on Friday, August 31, but be sure to do the reading assignments
as indicated. |
8/4/2018 |
The first lecture will be on Wednesday, August 22.
Don't miss it!
Homework about your math background (email - see homework page!)
is due on Friday, August 24.
The first quiz will be administered as early as Friday, August 24. |