12/10/2019 |
All your grades, including hwk 1-17 and the final, are now on BB.
The grades for the final exam also have been posted to the grades page.
VERY IMPORTANT: Check your records for any discrepancies! In particular
you should check all your homework assignments, starting at #1.
I plan to "roll" your grades on Thursday morning,
and I will not make any changes to your grades if I do not have your evidence
by Wednesday, 5:00 PM.
You will see a difference of 25 points between the TOTALadj column
(quizzes + exams + hwk) and the GrandTotAdj column: I gave everyone an additional
25 points to adjust the final score.
It was my privilege and pleasure to be your instructor.
I hope that what you have learned in this class will be of value if you
take any other math classes in the future.
12/7/2019 |
Remember that partial credit will be given for hwk 16 and 17, but the last
submission must be no later than at the start of the final exam.
I'll be at my office today (Sat) until 5:00 and tomorrow starting at 11:00
until at least 5:00.
I recommend you pick up/submit your homework BEFORE MONDAY so you can come
early (after 9:00 AM) on Monday morning for a last chance to improve your score.
Remember that the final starts on Monday at 12:50 and takes place at CW 102.
12/6/2019 |
ERROR in Scope of the final exam announcement
from Dec 3: I wrote:
Moreover ch.12.2.1 and 12.2.2 are NOT on the final.
I meant to write:
Moreover ch.12.2.2 ( Uniform Continuity)
and 12.2.3 (Continuity of Linear Functions) are NOT on the final.
In other words, the contents of
ch.12.2.1 (Definition and Characterizations of Continuous Functions)
12/4/2019 |
The grades for quiz 10 and hwk 1-15 have been posted.
I should be at my office all day between 9:15 and 5:00 tomorrow
(Thursday, Dec 50,
except between 1:00 and 2:30.
12/3/2019 |
Version 2019-12-03 of the MF doc has been posted.
No changes in material, only corrections.
I'll hold a finals review session on Friday, December 6,
from 9:00 until 12:00 in WH 100E.
Matt Pressimone from UTS will hold his finals review sessions
on Friday,
on Sunday, December 8, and on Tuesday, December 10. Both sessions
will be from 4:00 until 6:00 PM in Classroom Wing room 321.
Quiz 10 will be held tomorrow (Wednesday)
Scope of quiz 10 is limited to ch.12.1.10 (completeness)
and ch.12.2.1 (Definition and Characterizations of Continuous Functions).
I stopped after Proposition 12.38 of ch.12.2.1, but you may also be quizzed
about the remainder of that chapter (barely more than a page).
Scope of the final exam: Nothing beyond
ch.12.3.1 (Convergence of Function Sequences).
Moreover ch.12.2.1 and 12.2.2 are NOT on the final.
Deadline for both hwk 16 and 17 is now Monday, December 9,
BEFORE the start of the final exam.
I will give partial credits on those homework assignments,
and I will update those scores after each resubmission.
Note that the date for #17 has been SHORTENED from Wed 12/11
to Mon 12/9!
11/29/2019 |
New due date for hwk 15 is 12/4/2019.
Quiz 10 will be on that same date.
11/27/2019 |
Written assignment 1 has been added to hwk 17. Worth two points!
11/25/2019 |
The grades for quiz 9 have been posted.
I may not be at my office on Tuesday, Nov 26, much earlier than 11:30.
Just try your luck.
11/24/2019 |
Your grades for quiz 8 have been posted.
11/20/2019 |
Hints for homework 14, #2 were added.
Limited ability to see me on 11/21 (difficult between 10:00 and 2:30)
and 11/22 (only between ~~8:45 and 12:00). If you drop homework on Friday morning
then I may not get to it before lecture.
11/19/2019 |
Hints for homework 14, #1 and written assignments for homework 16 were added.
My finals review session will be Friday, December 6, from 9:00 until 12:00
in WH 100E.
11/14/2019 |
I have posted homework 16 and 17 even though I have not yet posted any
written assignments.
Those are the last two homework assignments.
You can see now all remaining reading assignments with their due dates
(which are AFTER the last Math 330 lecture!).
Time to think about a finals review session!
I suggest Friday morning, 9:00-12:00 since you have no more classes that day,
and you still can leave relatively early for the weekend if you will not
stay in the area.
11/14/2019 |
Homework 15 has been posted. Last submission is due Monday after Thanksgiving.
This assignment is worth 6 points!
11/13/2019 |
Your grades for quiz 7 and scores for hwk 1-13 have been posted.
11/12/2019 |
A correction to hwk 13 has been posted:
Assignment 2 should read:
You are not allowed to use anything after def.9.20
(rather than anything after def.9.19)
11/12/2019 |
Scope of quiz 7:
MF ch.9.7 and 9.8 (but not 9.9 and 9.10)
MF ch.11.1.3 (Length of n-Dimensional Vectors and the Euclidean Norm),
in particular def.11.3 (Euclidean norm)
and prop.11.1 (Properties of the Euclidean norm)
MF ch.11.2.2 Normed Vector Space
up to and including
def.11.14 (sup-norm of bounded real-valued functions)
MF ch.11.2.1 (Vector spaces: Definition and Examples)
is excluded.
11/11/2019 |
Schedule for the remaining quizzes:
Quiz 7: Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Quiz 8: Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Quiz 9: Monday, November 25, 2019
Quiz 10: Wednesday, December 4, 2019
(the date was moved from Monday, December 2, 2019).
None of the content of ch.11.1 and ch.11.2.1
will be on Wednesday's quiz unless it is referenced in ch.11.2.2.
Be sure to understand the material of ch.11.2.2 well:
It will be used over and over in ch.12 and ch.13 and definitely important
for the final!
11/7/2019 |
Hwk 14 has been posted.
Friday's lecture will start out with thm.10.1 and prop.10.1 from the
Cardinality II chapter before I rush through the remedial linear algebra
material of ch.11.
11/6/2019 |
The grades for the second midterm have been posted to BB
and the grades page.
Tutorial session for linear algebra this Friday at WH 329 @5:00 PM:
I had meant to start at 4:45 but I am attending a talk just prior,
so I will be delayed. I might arrive as early as 4:50 PM,
so come before 5:00 if you want.
Everyone is invited since it's a big room!
11/1/2019 |
Hwk 13 has been posted.
Scope for next week's midterm:
MF ch.6.13 (The Base beta Representation of the Integers)
through ch.9.6 (Decimal Expansions of Real and Rational Numbers)
Remember that this exam will last only 60 minutes, and it will
start at 1:20 PM.
10/30/2019 |
The quiz 6 scores have been posted to BB and to the grades page.
Further the scores for hwk 1 - 10 are now on BB.
Be sure to check for discrepancies!
In this Friday's lecture I'll ask for a vote when to hold a linear algebra
tutorial session. It will cover most or all of the material in
MF ch.11.1 and ch.11.2.1 See the course materials page for
suggested reading.
I would hold the review session after 3:00 on Friday, 11/1
or any time after 11:00 on Saturday or Sunday or after 4:00 on Monday.
Note though that I may not be able to get a room at the desired time on
Friday or Monday.
10/26/2019 |
Hwk 11: Additional hints have been posted
Deadline to withdraw from this and any of your other courses
is this Monday, October 28!
10/24/2019 |
Hwk 12 has been posted.
10/17/2019 |
Hwk 11 has been posted.
10/16/2019 |
The grades for quiz 5 have been posted to BB and also (anonymously)
to the grades page of this website.
10/10/2019 |
Hwk 10 has been posted.
10/4/2019 |
Hwk 1-7 grades were posted to BB yesterday (Saturday).
Be sure to check against your records!
Version 2019-10-06 of the MF doc has been posted.
10/4/2019 |
Exam 1 grades have been posted to BB and the grades page.
Hwk 1-7 grades will be on BB some time tomorrow (Saturday)
9/26/2019 |
Remember that tomorrow's exam will last only 60 minutes, and it will
start at 1:20 PM.
Hwk 9 has been posted.
9/26/2019 |
Refined scope for the first midterm:
MF ch.2, 3, 5, 6.1-6.12 (Prime Numbers)
and B/G ch.3 (logic)
Hwk 8 has been posted. You are asked to prove the division algorithm
theorem. This proof is by far more involved than anything you have done
so far. Be sure to get in your first draft early! Remember that there
will be no class on Wednesday, October 9. Chances are that I will be at
my office at least during part of that day.
9/25/2019 |
It's official: Midterm 1 has been moved from from Wed Oct 2 to Fri Oct 4.
John Hagan has a wedding scheduled on that Friday, so he will take that midterm
on Monday, October 7 at 11:00 AM either at the Testing Center or at my office.
That also will be the makeup date for others who will miss the midterm for a
legitimate reason.
Remember: If you are ill on that Friday then you must bring a Doctor's note
for that date.
9/24/2019 |
Several of you have approached me and asked whether it would be possible
to move the midterm from Wed Oct 2 to Fri Oct 4 since they would be
gone until Tuesday evening and they expect that they are not the only ones
in my class with this problem.
I am willing to do so but I am asking for more than a simple majority
when I put this to a vote tomorrow, Wed Sept.25:
Of those present there should be at least two more votes for Friday than
for Wednesday. If you are not in class on Wednesday or if you abstain
then your vote will not be counted.
9/24/2019 |
The grades for quiz 4 have been posted to BB and also (anonymously)
to the grades page of this website.
The dates and times for the final and the makeup final have been set.
See the home page and/or the schedule page of this website.
Next week's midterm (Wed, 9/2)
The exam will last only 60 minutes, and it will
start at 1:20 PM. This will give some additional time to those who
have to rush to class from a previous lecture.
Scope: MF ch.2, 3, 5, 6 (but not beyond what I will have done by Friday, 9/27)
and B/G ch.3 (logic)
9/20/2019 |
Posted version 2019-09-20 of the MF doc:
Ch.15 (Approximation Theorems) has been greatly expanded, but this
will not concern you since I do not plan to lecture on that topic.
Moreover various errors in ch.3, 5, 6 have been corrected.
9/18/2019 |
Homework 7 has been posted. Last submission is due on Friday, Oct 4.
9/11/2019 |
The grades for quiz 3 have been posted to BB and also (anonymously)
to the grades page of this website.
Hwk 5 and 6 have been posted. Hwk 6 is graded once only and partial
credit will be given.
9/3/2019 |
Homework 4 has been posted. Last submission is due on Friday, Sept 20.
9/3/2019 |
Homework 3 has been posted. It's a moneymaker: worth up to 10 points,
that should translate into more than 60 grade points, the equivalent of
three quizzes!
Graded only once for partial credit. Due on Sept 11, BEFORE hwk 2!
The deadline for dropping this and any other course is tomorrow, Wednesday,
September 4 at 11:59 PM!
8/30/2019 |
The grades for quiz 2 have been posted to BB and also (anonymously)
to the grades page of this website.
Quiz 2 will be given this Friday.
I expect to be on campus this Saturday (for sure) and very likely
also on Monday
8/28/2019 |
Reposted homework 1: additional reading assigned for Friday, August 30.
+ correction to hints for written assignments #3 and #4.
Posted version 2019-08-25 of the MF doc. Small additions only
(see addenda f. ch.3), and some corrections.
Posted homework 2: last submission Friday, September 13.
I will soon (probably tomorrow) post the graded only once
homework #3 which will be due Wednesday, September 10 (before #2!).
That one will allow for partial credit.
8/26/2019 |
The grades for quiz 1 have been posted to BB and also (anonymously)
to the grades page of this website.
Quiz 2 will be given this Friday.
8/23/2019 |
... will quiz 1 only be on what you taught us in class, or should I also
be memorizing the book definitions this weekend?
You've got to know the non-optional stuff I taught: ch.3.1 except subgroups,
ch.3.2 except for prop.3.10 since, yes, I did mention the equivalence
of no zero divisors and the validity of the cancellation rule.
8/23/2019 |
Added on p.2 of hwk 1 a hint on what items which I did not get to lecture
about on Friday, Aug 23 you should review before starting hwk 1.
8/21/2019 |
Homework 1 has been posted.
Last submission due Wednesday, Sep 4, the day of the add/drop
8/20/2019 |
Blackboard welcoming message:
Welcome to my Number Systems class (Math 330, section 6)!
I have posted an entire website for this course which you can access from my
departmental home page.
The direct link is
You will find there all the information you need about the course.
Be sure to navigate all tabs. Check for new announcements regularly!
Blackboard (myCourses) has not yet been made available to the students.
I use it very sparingly, only to make your grades accessible to you.
Everything else you can find on my course website.
This may be the only announcement you will ever find on Blackboard.
I do not use BB (Blackboard) to compute totals, and there are no reliable
totals in BB until the final exam has been graded.
In the meantime you will have to do your own adding up to get the totals.
I wish you all a successful semester.
-- Michael Fochler --
5/14/2019 |
Version 2019-08-13 of the MF doc
(Math 330 - Additional Material - lecture notes by Michael Fochler)
has been published. If you have downloaded the 2019-04-21 version
then you should discard it in favor of this one since all
references to definitions, theorems, etc., have changed.
5/14/2019 |
The first lecture will be on Wednesday, August 21.
Don't miss it!
Homework about your math background (email - see homework page!)
is due on Friday, August 23.
The first quiz will be administered as early as Friday, August 23. |