Math 330 - Number systems, Section 6 - Fall 2019 |
Course Material
Last update: September 24, 2019 - 12:45 PM
NOTE that
this document specifically pertains to section 6
of the course!
Visit this page frequently for important changes and additions!
You will learn in this course how to think like a mathematician.
Your goal will be to understand the nature of a rigorous mathematically proof
and how to write such proofs.
The subject matter used to teach you this will be
••primarily taken from the theory of number systems
and from real analysis.••
You will find more detail in the
Instructor: Dr. Michael Fochler Office: WH 222 Office hours: Mon 10:00 - 11:30, Tue 11:30 - 1:00 Email
Lecture: Mon Wed Fri 1:10 - 2:40 PM in FA 246
Add/Drop deadline: Wednesday, September 4 Withdraw/Change Grade Option deadline: Monday, October 28 Exams: There will be two midterms and one final exam. No notes, books, cell phones, or laptops are allowed for tests. Each midterm will last 60 minutes and is worth 100 points. Midterms: Exam 1: Wednesday, October 2 Exam 2: Wednesday, November 6 Make all arrangements necessary to take the tests at those dates. The times and dates are non-negotiable. The exception to this: If BU classes were cancelled after a midterm was already printed then it may be shifted to a later day to ensure that all topics on the exam have been taught before the exam date. Note that this does not apply to the final exam! Final exam: The final exam counts for 200 points and it will last two hours. Date and time for all finals are set by the registrar and there is no flexibility. Do not make travel arrangements that will have you leave campus prior to the exam. You can request a makeup final only if you have another final at the same time (direct conflict) or you have three final exams scheduled within 24 hours. If you want to request to take the alternate final then you must do so by Monday, December 2, by sending me an email. Date of the Final Exam: Monday, December 9, 2:50 PM -- 02:50 PM in CW 102 Final Exam makeup: Thursday, December 12, 8:00 AM - 10:00 AM in GW 69EX Here is the direct link to the official Final Exams Schedule. You can also find that link on the Courses tab of the Math departmental web page. You can earn a total of 1,000 points in this course:
TENTATIVE grading scale (unlikely to be adjusted):
More information: Be sure to click on all tabs in the navigation bar at the top of this web page. In particular, be sure to study the syllabus for this class. Best wishes for a successful semester! Michael Fochler |