5/12/2022 |
I have emailed to you the grades spreadsheet. The last column contains
your letter grade.
The "TotRound" column contains the points you actually earned,
the "GrandTotal" column, on which your letter grade is based,
has a 30 points bonus added to it.
Consider it my parting gift.
Not included are the grades of those who have taken will take on Monday
the final at UTC.
I'll email their grades on Monday evening.
You will be able to browse my course website for this Spring 2022 semester for quite
some time to come, but I will move the link of its home page to
It is time to say good bye. Grading of your homework aside, I have thoroughly enjoyed
teaching this semester's class.
It was my privilege to have been your instructor.
Good luck to all of you!
5/12/2022 |
I will bring SOOT forms to today's review session and to the final exam.
They will be collected during the final.
Location of the final exam is LN 1120:
The classroom is on the first floor and NOT on the 11th floor.
The exam will be graded before the weekend is over
and I'll then email for the last time your grades.
5/10/2022 |
Your grades to-date (not including homework submitted on 5/9) were
emailed to you yesterday, and the anonymous quiz 10 grades
are posted to the grades page.
HW 15 is due today. I'll be at my office until at least 5:00 to answer questions.
You can push your homework under the door if I am already gone.
Finals review session will be
Thursday, May 12, 10:00-12:30 at WH 329.
5/3/2022 |
Your grades to-date (not including homework submitted on 5/2) were
emailed to you yesterday, and the anonymous quiz 9 grades
are posted to the grades page.
HW 15 has been re-posted: written assignment #3b was replaced.
Version 2022-05-02 of the lecture notes has been published:
I released the solutions to several propositions in ch.12.
Finals review session will be
Thursday, May 12, 10:00-12:30 at WH 329.
4/27/2022 |
HW 15 and HW 16 have been posted.
There will be no further homework assignments
Dates for the remaining quizzes:
Quiz 9: Monday, May 2, 2022
Quiz 10: Monday, May 9, 2022
4/26/2022 |
Your grades to-date (not including homework submitted on 4/25)
have been emailed to you and the anonymous quiz 8 grades
are posted to the grades page.
The linear Algebra tutorial is today at WH 309 @3:00 PM.
4/21/2022 |
Quiz 8 will be given this coming Monday, April 25.
After finishing with ch.9 (tomorrow!) I will lecture about Zorn's Lemma
and use it to prove that if X and Y are arbitrary, nonempty sets then
you can inject X into Y or Y into X (ch.14.1, ch.14.3).
Be sure to review MF ch.11.1 and ch.11.2.1 over the weekend since I'll then
have to talk about vector spaces. Remember that the bottom of the course materials
page has a link to a linear algebra tutorial that I gave in a prior semester.
4/19/2022 |
Reminder: Due to inclement weather today's lecture will be held via Zoom.
I will switch to ch.10 when I am done with ch.9.7 and then continue with ch.9.8.
HW 13: Ch.12 reading refs have been replaced with ch.11 refs.
HW 14 has been published. Four pages! Take a quick look early!
4/18/2022 |
Reminder: There will be a lecture on Tuesday, April 19!
Misprint in the home page: The final exam will (hopefully) be given in the
classroom and NOT online!
4/16/2022 |
Your grades up-to-date have been emailed to you and
the anonymous midterm 2 grades can be found on the grades page.
Please double-check whether I have recorded the homework
you submitted before today, 4/14.
Next lecture is on TUESDAY, April 19!
You can catch me today until at least 5:00 if you want to pick up your homework
to get another submission in.
I will be at the (double door) main entrance on Saturday
at 11:00 to let you in to submit your homework,
and I'll be at my office on Monday after 11:00
Last submission date for HW13 is Fri April 29, NOT April 30!
4/14/2022 |
HW13 has been published. Due on Friday, April 30
MF doc ver 2022-04-12 has been published.
Small changes.
Reminder that the next lecture after today's midterm will be TUE 4/19!
4/12/2022 |
Tomorrow's midterm starts at 3:05 and lasts for 60 minutes.
Scope: the material I taught from ch.6.4 through ch.9.4.
There definitely will be something from ch.9.4 on the exam!
I may be as late as 2:55 because I have to answer questions at UTC.
To make things go fast: Please wait outside WH 100 B so I can quickly rearrange the
chairs and distribute the exams.
Linear Algebra tutorial on Tue 4/26 at WH 309 @3:00 PM.
4/8/2022 |
Your grades up-to-date have been emailed to you and
the anonymous quiz 7 grades can be found on the grades page.
Please double-check whether I have recorded the homework
you submitted before today, 4/8.
4/5/2022 |
HW12 has been published. Due on Friday, April 23
MF doc ver 2022-04-04 has been published.
Small changes, mostly to Chapter 9.4.
Scope of midterm #2: ch.6.4 - ch.9.5.
There will be a QUIZ this Friday!
It's purpose also is to get you to study early for next week's midterm!
3/29/2022 |
HW11 has been published. Due on Tuesday(!), April 19, after the Easter break.
MF doc ver 2022-03-31 has been published.
Added a remark to the end of (the optional) Chapter 9.9.
3/30/2022 |
Your grades up-to-date have been emailed to you earlier today and
the anonymous quiz 6 grades can be found on the grades page.
Please double-check whether I have recorded the homework
you submitted before today, 3/30.
3/29/2022 |
MF doc ver 2022-03-28 has been published.
Further changes to Chapter 10.
3/26/2022 |
MF doc ver 2022-03-26 has been published.
Thoroughly revised Chapter 10.
3/23/2022 |
HW10 has been published.
3/22/2022 |
Your grades up-to-date have been emailed to you yesterday and
the anonymous quiz 5 grades can be found on the grades page.
Please double-check whether I have recorded the homework
you submitted yesterday.
3/17/2022 |
HW9 has been published.
There definitely will be a quiz next week.
3/8/2022 |
Your grades up-to-date have been emailed to you and
the anonymous exam 1 grades can be found on the grades page.
Please double-check the exam total and whether I have recorded the homework
you submitted yesterday.
You can pick up your graded homework and exams today before 5:30
but I won't have time to talk to you.
3/7/2022 |
Today's midterm starts at 3:05 and lasts for 60 minutes.
Scope: the material I taught up to and including MF ch.6.3 plus Art of Proof ch.3
on logic.
I may be as late as 2:55 because I have to answer questions at UTC.
To make things go fast: Please wait outside WH 100 B so I can quickly rearrange the
chairs and distribute the exams.
3/3/2022 |
HW8 has been published.
Written assignments due on 3/25 but tough written assignments!
3/1/2022 |
The anonymous quiz 4 grades have been posted and the spreadsheet with your
up-to-date-grades have been emailed to you.
2/28/2022 |
MF doc ver 2022-02-28 has been published. Available on the course materials page.
There will definitely be a quiz this week (unannounced).
2/24/2022 |
HW7 has been published.
2/17/2022 |
HW5 and HW6 are now accessible. I forgot to update the homework page.
Quiz 3 anonymous grades are posted to the grades page.
Your individual records with the anon IDs were be emailed to you.
The dates for the final exam and its makeup exam have been set.
See the schedule page or the home page.
2/15/2022 |
HW5 and HW6 have been published.
It is graded only once and partial credit will be given.
Tougher than HW2!
Quiz 3 will be given either tomorrow (Wednesday) or Friday.
2/5/2022 |
Everyone should have received yesterday an email with the grades for quizzes #1 and #2
and for HW1 (as of Sun Feb 6). The anonymous quiz grades now are also posted to
the grades page.
REMINDER: HW2 is due tomorrow. Easy pickings and worth 10 HW points!
HW 4 has been published.
I'll finish 5 minutes or so early next Friday to give Evan Taber and Dillon Aldrich,
the UTS tutors for Math 330 (all sections), the opportunity to introduce themselves.
2/5/2022 |
The Zoom recording for yesterday's lecture can be accessed from the
course materials page.
If you cannot access it then find two more fellow students who have the same
problem. Otherwise the issue is almost certainly with your configuration
and you'll have to contact the ITS help desk for support.
2/4/2022 |
Today's quiz #2 has been deferred to Monday Feb 7.
Everyone of you has been emailed the Zoom link of today's remote lecture
and a personal ID for this course.
You will need that ID to find your quiz grades which I intend to email to you
on Monday evening AND FOR ALL FUTURE such emails.
Don't lose it!
HW 1 last submission date has been moved to Mon Feb 7.
2/2/2022 |
MF doc ver 2022-02-02 has been published. Available on the course materials page.
Scope of quiz 2 is Ch.3.1 PLUS the newly published
Ch.3.7: Addenda to Ch.3.
2/2/2022 |
I intend to give quiz 2 this Friday, Feb 4, unless lectures are taught remotely
due to inclement weather. In that case the quiz will be given on Monday.
You will hopefully have the results before the 11:59 add/drop deadline.
I plan NOT to announce quiz 3.
1/31/2022 |
The anonymous scores for quiz 1 are available on the grades page.
1/24/2022 |
MF doc ver 2022-01-29 has been published. Available on the course materials page.
The scope of Monday's quiz has been downsized: ch.2.1-2.3 (unaltered)
and ch.3.1 until before Proposition 3.2.
Note that ch.3.1 and the last part of ch.2.3 will be discussed in Monday's lecture.
1/24/2022 |
HW 3 has been published
As announced in today's lecture: Scope of Monday's quiz is ch.2.1-2.3
and ch.3.1.
1/24/2022 |
Schedule page: I had erroneously put the Spring break into week 4 (mid-February).
The Spring break is during week 8 (Mar 14 - Mar 18)!
1/21/2022 |
Schedule has been updated with add/drop and withdrawal deadlines
12/13/2021 |
Version 2021-12-11 of my lecture notes has been published.
See the course materials page.
The syllabus contains an addition concerning cancellation of classes due to
inclement weather. To summarize,
I will hold lecture via Zoom and publish the link for the meeting via email.
If a midterm or quiz is scheduled during such a date then it will be administered
during the next in-class lecture date.
12/1/2021 |
The first lecture will be on Wednesday, January 26.
Don't miss it!
I will hold my first office hours on Tuesday, January 25.
Homework about your math background
(see "Homework zero" on the Homework page!)
is due by email on Friday, January 28.
Homework 1 is due on Friday, February 4.
The first quiz will be administered as early as Monday, January 31. |