12/13/2024 |
I have emailed you the anon grades spreadsheet:
It contains your letter grades and you can explore the formulas I used to see how
they have been computed.
In case you forgot, the Qadj column contains the sum of your best 15-3 = 12 quizzes,
multiplied by 1.25 so that it properly scales to 300 points.
I have added a flat 35 points to everyone's score. Consider that your curved grade.
I have added an extra 5 points so that nobody will think they missed that next letter
grade by only one point.
You will lack at least SIX points!
Accordingly, don't try to bargain with me. You will not be successful!
The TotAdj column reflects that score.
It determines your letter grade (GradeAdj) column according to the grading scale
in the syllabus.
I will migrate my course site into my archive.
Thus, the links will change:
The new home page link will be
Math 447 Spring 2024 Home Page
It is time to say good bye.
I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching this semester's class.
It was my privilege to have been your instructor. Good luck to all of you!
12/13/2024 |
The final exam grades have been posted to BS and to the grades page.
Later today I will email you the updated spreadsheet with everyone's grades,
including your LETTER GRADE.
You will need again your Math447 ID to find your row of data.
12/9/2024 |
If you did not attend the Sun 12/8/24 review:
A large portion was spent on
MF ch.12.3: The Method of Transformations in Multiple Dimension: We did WMS Ch.06.6, Example 6.13
Midterm 3 - Ver A #6 (same as Ver B #8) on conditional PMFs and conditional expectations
Also, explicit mention that you must know all the non-optional PDFs, PMFs, MGFs
I published page 1 of the final exam (the instructions).
Review them NOW!
12/4/2024 |
Anonymous grades and solutions for quiz 15 have been posted.
12/3/2024 |
Fall 2024 Semester medical withdrawal option and deadline:
Students must initiate the medical withdrawal process
by communicating with the Dean of Student�s CARE Team
or by completing the University Electronic Withdrawal form
by no later than 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 5, 2024, the last day of classes.
Here is the
link with the complete info
12/3/2024 |
Makeup final: The deadline has passed.
Thus, essentially only sudden medical emergencies will be accepted as a reason.
Date: Fri Dec 13, 2024 - 12:50 PM to 02:50 PM - UTC.
This only if UTC will accept the request because it was made before their deadline:
Otherwise they may schedule you for a different time or deny the request.
A link for the final exam reference sheet can be found on the course materials page.
I will replace it with updated versions if the need arises.
11/26/2024 |
Anonymous grades and solutions for quiz 14 have been posted.
11/25/2024 |
Anonymous grades and solutions for quiz 13 have been posted.
Ver 2024-11-24 of the MF lecture notes has been published.
Mostly fixes to ch.12 and 13.
Some references may have changed.
Scope of quiz 14 is MF ch.12.3 - 13.2
11/18/2024 |
Today's class will be held in person and a quiz will be given!
11/20/2024 |
Dates for the remaining three quizzes:
Fri 11/15 (tomorrow!)
Tue 11/26
Wed 12/4 (last session)
Final exam review session:
Sun Dec 8 @1:00 - 3:00 PM in WH 100E
Makeup final: Not before the regular date (Thu Dec 12 @ 2:50 PM),
so the only choice is Fri 12/13.
Your deadline to request a makeup final is Monday, Nov 25.
HW 15 has been published.
11/18/2024 |
The solutions for quiz 12 have been republished: #3 had errors.
11/17/2024 |
Solutions for midterm 3 and quiz 12 have been posted to the course materials page.
11/8/2024 |
The quiz 12 grades have been published in BS (BrightSpace) and,
anonymously, on the grades page of the course site.
11/13/2024 |
The grades for the third midterm are available in BS and on the grades page.
Solutions will NOT be published before the weekend and the exams
will not be returned before Monday.
11/7/2024 |
Ver 2024-11-12 of the MF lecture notes has been published.
Unless some emergency fixes are necessary, this is the FINAL VERSION
of my lecture notes.
HW 14 has been published.
Midterm 3 on Wed 11/13 @11:45: Same procedure as for the two previous ones.
11/8/2024 |
The quiz 11 grades have been published in BS (BrightSpace) and,
anonymously, on the grades page of the course site.
Quiz 11 solutions have been added to the course materials page.
Written WMS assignments for HW 13 have been re-published (WMS ch.5 rather than ch.6).
11/7/2024 |
Ver 2024-11-07 of the MF lecture notes has been published.
Additions to multinomial distribution
Minor fixes.
11/5/2024 |
HW 13 has been published.
Clarification - Midterm 3 scope:
You may encounter some material that was introduced in ch.9.
In particular, expectations of discrete random variables
and functions of discrete random variables.
The latter includes their variances and MGFs.
Ver 2024-11-02 of the MF lecture notes has been published.
Minor fixes.
10/27/2024 |
The quiz 10 grades have been published in BS (BrightSpace) and,
anonymously, on the grades page of the course site.
Quiz 10 solutions have been added to the course materials page.
A revised formula sheet with additional entries has been published.
You will obtain a printed copy for midterm 3.
Quiz 11 will be given on Fri Nov 8.
10/30/2024 |
HW 12 has been published.
Ver 2024-10-30 of the MF lecture notes has been published.
Fixes various typos.
10/27/2024 |
Quiz 8 solutions have been added to the course materials page.
Reminder: The deadline to withdraw from this and any other class
is Mon 10/28, 11:59 PM
Midterm 3 scope (subject to revision):
MF ch.10 - 11.8.
10/25/2024 |
The quiz 9 grades have been published in BS (BrightSpace) and,
anonymously, on the grades page of the course site.
I'll try to make myself available for discussing a potential withdrawal
during the entire afternoon after lecture, until 6:00 PM
10/19/2024 |
The grades for the second midterm are available in BS and on the grades page.
Solutions have been published on the course materials page
HW 11 has been published.
10/18/2024 |
Today's midterm will last 60 minutes and starts at 11:45 AM,
same as midterm 1.
I'll have to place the exams before you can enter.
10/14/2024 |
The quiz 8 grades have been published in BS (BrightSpace) and,
anonymously, on the grades page of the course site.
Quiz 8 solutions have been added to the course materials page.
Revised scope for midterm 2 on Fri, Oct 18 (again):
MF ch.7 - 10.3 (explicitly removed the optional ch.6).
10/13/2024 |
The course materials page contains a new entry,
"Errors found in the non--MF course material".
10/12/2024 |
HW 10 has been published.
There will be a quiz on Mon Oct 14.
10/3/2024 |
A revised formula sheet with additional entries has been published.
You will obtain a printed copy for midterm 2.
10/3/2024 |
HW 9 has been published.
Quiz 7 solutions have been added.
Revised scope for midterm 2 on Fri, Oct 18:
MF ch.6 - 10.3.
Revised formula sheet should be published Thu Oct 10
9/29/2024 |
The quiz 7 grades have been published in BS (BrightSpace) and,
anonymously, on the grades page of the course site.
Selected quiz 7 solutions will be made available later.
10/3/2024 |
HW 8 has been published.
Quiz 6 solutions have been added.
9/29/2024 |
The quiz 6 grades have been published in BS (BrightSpace) and,
anonymously, on the grades page of the course site.
Selected quiz 6 solutions will be made available later.
9/27/2024 |
Ver 2024-09-27 of the MF lecture notes:
New ch.5.5 (Independence of Random Elements) and various fixes.
9/24/2024 |
Selected solutions to the exam have been published (Course Materials page).
HW 7 has been published. Includes reading assignments for the break.
9/22/2024 |
Ver 2024-09-21 of the MF lecture notes fixes some errors
and some parts of Ch.8.2 have been reworded.
Selected solutions to the exam will be made available on Monday or Tuesday.
9/21/2024 |
Unless you took midterm 1 at UTC, your exam has been graded
and the scores have been recorded.
Please double check your BS record with your exam score and make sure that
the points have been correctly added.
9/8/2024 |
Ver 2024-09-18 of the MF lecture notes fixes errors in Example 5.10 (preimages).
The quiz 5 grades have been published in BS (BrightSpace) and,
anonymously, on the grades page of the course site.
Selected quiz 5 solutions are available on the course materials page.
You can try to catch me on Thursday at my office to pick up your quiz,
but DO NOT EMAIL me!
Exam 1 starts at 11:45.
You must wait outside until I have distributed the quizzes
9/17/2024 |
HW6 has been published.
You can find the two handouts (excerpts of MF ch.4, ch.5)
near the bottom of the course materials page.
After quickly wrapping up MF ch.5.2, I will continue with combinatorics.
The date for the final exam has been set. See schedule page or home page.
9/14/2024 |
The quiz 4 grades have been published in BS (BrightSpace) and,
anonymously, on the grades page of the course site.
The formula sheet for the midterm has been published. (Course materials page)
The cover page for the midterm (instructions) has been published.
(Course materials page)
Selected quiz solutions have been published. (Course materials page)
Additional written assignments for HW 5.
9/12/2024 |
Quiz 4 will take place on Fri 9/13.
Scope: Ch.3 - Ch.5, before
Theorem 5.1 (Continuity property of probability measures).
Quiz 5 will take place on Wed 9/18.
Scope: Remainder of Ch.5.
9/9/2024 |
HW5 has been published and
HW4 has been re--published with written assignments.
Scope of midterm 1 on Fri, Sep 20::
MF ch.1 - 5.
That includes the (rather sparse) non optional material of ch.4.
A formula sheet for the midterm will be published later. Probably during the weekend.
Ver 2024-09-10 of the MF lecture notes has been published.
Very minor changes.
9/6/2024 |
The quiz 3 grades have been published in BS (BrightSpace) and,
anonymously, on the grades page of the course site.
9/6/2024 |
Ver 2024-09-05 of the MF lecture notes replaces ver 2024-09-03.
It fixes a mistake in Example 3.14.
9/4/2024 |
HW4 has been published. No written assignments yet.
9/3/2024 |
HW3 has been republished with written assignments.
Ver 2024-09-03 of the MF lecture notes has been published.
New section 3.4 with subsections 3.4.1 and 3.4.2 has been added.
(Might appear on quiz 3).
I still have not obtained HW0 from some of you.
Please submit TODAY!
8/30/2024 |
The quiz 2 grades have been published in BS (BrightSpace) and,
anonymously, on the grades page of the course site.
8/29/2024 |
Scope for Friday's quiz 2:
MF ch.1 and ch.2.
8/28/2024 |
HW2 has been republished with updated written assignments.
8/28/2024 |
HW3 has been published. No written assignments yet.
HW2 will be republished later today, with updated written assignments.
Some of the old ones will be removed, because they reference concepts (sigma--algebras)
that will not be taught for a while.
8/26/2024 |
The quiz 1 grades have been published in BS (BrightSpace) and,
anonymously, on the grades page of the course site.
8/24/2024 |
HW1 has been republished:
The "plants" in (d) were meant to be "roses".
8/23/2024 |
Scope for Monday's quiz 1:
MF ch.1 through Definition 1.1 (Probability measure - Preliminary Definition),
but replace additivity with sigma additivity!
MF ch.2.1 - 2.3
• MF ch.2.4 through Remark 2.11.
8/22/2024 |
HW2 has been posted.
Quiz 1 will be given Mon 8/26 and Quiz 2 will be given Fri 8/30 (CORRECTED DATES).
You will see the results before the Add/Drop deadline on Tue Sep 3.
Quiz 3 will not be announced.
UTS provides tutoring for Math 447. Please check their web page.
8/20/2024 |
HW1 has been posted.
Some reading shoud be done before Wednesday's lecture!
8/19/2024 |
I have changed my Monday office hours by 10 minutes:
Mon 9:40 - 11:10, Tue 10:00 - 11:30 (unchanged)
I will hold my first office hours on Tuesday, August 20.
Version 2024-08-18 of my lecture notes has been published.
See the course materials page.
Reminder: Homework zero (your math related background)
is due by email on Monday, August 26.
12/11/2023 |
The first lecture will be on Wednesday, August 21.
Don't miss it!
I will hold my first office hours on Tuesday, August 20.
Homework about your math background
(see "Homework zero" on the Homework page!)
is due by email on Monday, August 26.
The first quiz will be administered as early as Monday, August 26.
Email correspondence: