




Recent Publications

  1. Weakly subnormal subgroups and variations of the Baer-Suzuki theorem (with R. M. Guralnick and G. Tracey), in preparation
  2. On the maximal overgroups of Sylow subgroups of finite groups (with B. Baumeister, T. C. Burness, R. M. Guralnick), submitted
  3. Group elements whose character values are root of unity (with M. L. Lewis and L. Morotti), Vietnam Journal of Mathematics (2023)
  1. Odd degree rational irreducible characters (with P. H. Tiep), Acta Mathmatica Vietnamica, 47 (2022), no. 1, 293 - 304.
  2. Finite groups whose real-valued irreducible characters have prime power degrees (with Z. Costanzo), 597 (2022), 190 - 204.
  1. Real Brauer characters, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 225 (2021), Issue 12, 106769.
  2. Upper and lower bounds of table sums (with X. Chen, M. L. Lewis), Algebra Colloquium, 28 (2021), No. 4, 555-560.
  3. Proportions of vanishing elements in finite groups (with L. Morotti), Israel Journal of Mathematics, 246 (2021), no. 1, 441 – 457.
  1. Orders of real elements in finite groups, Journal of Algebra, 561 (2020), 421-432.
  2. On the number of irreducible real-valued characters of a finite group (with N. N. Hung, A. Schaeffer Fry, R. Vinroot), Journal of Algebra, 555 (2020), 275-288.
  3. Some conjectures on Brauer character degrees, Journal of Algebra, 550 (2020), 210-218.
  4. Conjugacy classes of $p$-elements and normal $p$-complements, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 308 (2020), no. 1, 207-222.
  1. 2-Parts of real class sizes, Algebra Number Theory, 12 (2018), no. 10, 2499-2514.
  2. Brauer characters and normal Sylow p-subgroups, Journal of Algebra,  503 (2018), 265 - 276.
  3. Real class sizes, Israel J. Math., 228 (2018), no. 2, 753-769

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