- Fall 2022: MATH 330-01 - Number Systems and MATH 525 - Rings and Algebra I
- Spring 2022: MATH 603A - Introduction to commutative algebra and algebraic geometry
- Fall 2021: MATH 401-02 - Modern Algebra I and MATH 525 - Rings and Algebras I
- Spring 2021: MATH 402 - Modern Algebra II, MATH 480A-Algebra Seminar and MATH 503-Algebra I
- Fall 2020: MATH 401 - Modern Algebra I (Section 01)
- Spring 2020: MATH 402 - Modern Algebra II (Section 01) and MATH 480A - Algebra Seminar
- Fall 2019: MATH 304 - Linear Algebra (Section 01) and MATH 401 - Modern Algebra I (Section 01)
- Spring 2019: MATH 330 - Number Systems
(Section 02) and MATH 603A - Representations & Characters of groups
- Fall 2018: MATH 507 - Linear Algebra
& Matrix Theory
- Spring 2018: MATH 375 - Complex
Variables (Section 01) and MATH 330 - Number Systems (Section 06)
- Fall
2017: MATH 330 - Number Systems (Section 06).
teaching experience
- MATH-34001:
Fundamental concepts of Algebra (Kent State, Spring 2017)
- MATH-12003:
Analytic Geometry and Calculus II (Section 002) (Kent State, Fall 2016)
MATH-14001: Basic Mathematical Concepts I (Section 002) (Kent
State, Spring 2016)
- MATH-22005:
Analytic Geometry and Calculus III (Sections 002 and 004) (Kent State,
Fall 2015)
Linear Algebra (UP, 2015)
Discrete Mathematics with Applications (UKZN, 2013)
Real Analysis (UKZN)
Algebraic Structures (UKZN, 2012)
- Networks and Graph
theory (UKZN)