For extra help, besides my office, try:
80 pts. | (16%) | Test 1 | Wednesday, Sept. 17, in class. |
100 pts. | (20%) | Midterm | Tuesday evening, Oct. 21, 8:30-10:00 p.m. in LH 1. Be early; we don't give extra time to latecomers. |
80 pts. | (16%) | Test 3 | Friday, Dec. 5, in class. Note the change of date. |
11 pts. | (2%) | Testlet 3.1 | Wednesday, Dec. 10, in class. [Added to original schedule.] |
200 pts. | (40%) | Final Exam | Tuesday, Dec. 16, 7:00-9:00 p.m. in LH room to be announced. (Early finals are not possible.) |
29 pts. | (6%) | Attendance (9), quizzes (10), homework (10), class participation, etc. | [Originally 40 pts. = 10 + 15 + 15; modified due to Testlet 3.1.] |
You are responsible for everything covered in class and for all assigned readings and problems. For homework (but not tests) you will sometimes need a scientific calculator (one with trig and exponential functions).
There will be frequent quizzes, not always announced beforehand. They will be short. They will be credited in "quiz points", which are worth about 1/10 of a test point, i.e., not much.
Click here for general instructions for tests and quizzes.
The final exam is cumulative: it covers the whole course.
NO EARLY FINALS under any circumstances.
If you have a question about any grade, you must see me before the next test.
To interpret your test grades, see the tentative test guidelines.
Problems will be discussed in class (as time allows) and some homework will be collected (announced beforehand) and possibly graded.
The homework I collect is a minimum: it is a sample of the various types of problems. For the complete homework assignment see the homework and lecture schedule page. We can discuss any problems, assigned or not, if time allows.
Work on the "recommended problems" first. When you have trouble, ask me about them in class or office hours—or go to the Calculus Help Room opposite the Math Office in LT 2nd floor. These problems (mostly odd-numbered) are for you to find out where you need to learn more. I'll be glad to answer questions about them.
I will no longer discuss the hand-in problems before they're collected. You're expected to work on the recommended problems first and ask about those.
Besides asking questions in class and seeing me in my office, you can go to the Math Department's help room (LN 2216) at posted hours, or (I think) tutoring at the Center for Academic Excellence in CIW. Also, I strongly recommend that you form a study group and that you consult classmates when you get stuck.
There are very useful resources on the Web. In particular, you can self-study our course with the right sections from Visual Calculus (see the following list).
Go to my homework and lecture schedule page | homework collection schedule | test instructions | my announcements page.
Help and Info on the Web
Visual Calculus has guided tutorials on almost all the subjects we're doing. You see a question posted, and work on it. If you click on the link, it will do one step of the solution. If that helps you, fine. If not, click again and it will show the next step. Thus, if you get stuck, you can get one hint at a time. It won't give away the answer all at once, so you can practice each step for yourself. Try it!
Go to the main Calc II page | my home page.